"The establishment of danwu city is not as simple as you think." Yuwen Mingzuo's voice reverberates in Ji Lei's ear: "to survive in the crevice between the two giants of yunshenguo and Chujiang state must be ostracized." "Ten years ago, my grandfather built the city of danwu on the eastern continent in an unstoppable manner, but the toxicity of the cold poison of the heartless demon was too strong. I thought it could be cured by asking a few Dan masters. But I didn't know that the poison had made my grandfather suffer for ten years. It was very poisonous, and it would not be fatal in a short time, but it would be slowly frozen in a long time The power of the poisoner, the last to die. What's more, the poisoned people only have to watch the work in a hurry, and there is no way to do it. In the past ten years, grandfather's strength has gradually been sealed by cold poison. If we don't

treat it again, it's hard to say whether he will survive this year. "

"So you've frozen him up?" Yuwen Mingzuo nodded and said, "a Dan master who traveled through the martial god heaven once saw that the cold poison of the heartless demon on his grandfather had gone deep into the bone marrow and was difficult to cure. He told my father that this method was needed to slow down the spread of the cold poison of the heartless demon. However, it was just a plan to slow down the spread of the cold poison of the heartless demon. However, it was only a plan to slow down the spread of the cold poison. If there were no three Dan clouds refined in three years Fire beast pill, that grandfather's deadline is coming, and it's hard to return to heaven... "" but it's not very difficult for you to refine the fire beast pill with three Dan clouds, isn't it? " Ji Lei is a little strange. Although Ji Lei can't refine it, it doesn't mean that others can't make it. You know, this is the city of danwu, and the most important thing is Danshi. With the status of Yuwen family in the city of danwu, you can't know how many high-level Dan masters will volunteer to refine pills. The third grade level is in danwu The city is only at the middle level.

"It's not so easy..." Yu wenmingzuo sighed, disconsolate: "the refining of fire beast pill has a high demand for Yang Qi. Over the years, I have tested more than 1000 Dan masters, but only two of them are qualified

With that, Yuwen Mingzuo suddenly takes out a bright red ruby, and then puts it on Jilei's hand. As soon as the fire red gem touches Jilei's skin, it immediately glows with dazzling luster!

"This is...

" it means that you have enough Yang Gang Qi in your body, and the quality is also very high. That's why I found you. " Ji Lei doesn't know when Yuwen Mingzuo tested his body's Yang Qi, maybe when he was in a coma, but this is not important. Since he knew the reason why Yuwen Mingzuo refined the fire beast pill and agreed to it, naturally Jilei would not be stingy with his strength. After all,

is related to a life, and this life may even involve the fate of the whole danwu city. Yuwen Qiankun, the pillar of danwu City, is much more important than ordinary people.

"Who, by the way, is the one who inflicts such vicious poison?" Jilei thought of watching his own strength slowly sealed, but helpless, the feeling of powerlessness and fear made him shudder.

Speaking of this, Yu Wen Mingzuo's eyes suddenly became angry and cold. He slowly spat out four words: "Gongsun chasing the dragon."


Ji Lei followed Yuwen Mingzuo all the way to a grand hall. As soon as he entered the hall, Ji Lei saw a huge and incomparable medicine Ding Town in the center of the hall, just like a hill, emitting an incomparable sense of massiness.

Ji Lei's eyes are shining, and his eyes are fixed on the medicine tripod, which is hard to move away. This medicine tripod must be quite high-level, at least much higher than his own dark cold tripod.

"This is a tripod, a grand tripod." Yuwen Mingzuo sees Ji Lei staring at the medicine tripod and introduces him.

According to the classification of medicine tripod, Ji Lei's dark cold Ding has only two levels at most. There is a big gap with this giant tripod. Juzunding, like its name, is not only huge but also noble.

"This is..." Yuwen Mingzuo brings Jilei to the hall, which attracts the attention of the people in the hall. A middle-aged man sitting in the first seat suddenly stands up and looks at Ji Lei with doubt.

"Father, this is the Dan teacher that the child found to meet the requirements." Yuwen Mingzuo said respectfully to the middle-aged man, and then introduced to Ji Lei softly: "this is my father, Yuwen Zhencheng. The Lord of danwu city. "

Ji Lei hears the speech, without slightest slightness, and gives Yuwen Zhencheng an arch: "Jilei has seen the Lord of the city."

Yuwen Zhencheng looked at Ji Lei in surprise, and then Yuwen mingzora passed by and said quietly, "what did you do?"

"What and how?" Yuwen Mingzuo was in a daze. Yuwen Zhencheng was in a hurry. He said to Yuwen Mingzuo, "how can such a young Dan master meet the requirements?" Ji Lei quietly straightens his ears. The voice of father and son's discussion reaches Ji Lei's ear. Ji Lei looks around him. As expected, all the old people standing around are gray bearded old people. It seems that they are all Dan masters, but which two are what Yuwen Mingzuo said earlierFor the Dan master, Ji Lei has no idea. After seeing Ji Lei, those Dan masters all look at Ji Lei in surprise. It seems that they are very surprised why such a young Dan Shi Ji Lei appears here. Before long, sharp eyes are looking back and forth on Ji Lei. Ji Lei clearly glimpses that among these people, there are many people who have become disdainful and contemptuous.

Jilei didn't feel angry at the contempt of the older generation. She stood there calmly, waiting for the discussion between Yuwen and his son. "Is that true? Is he really all right? " After hearing Yuwen Mingzuo's repeated assurance, Yuwen Zhencheng still doesn't believe it. After all, Ji Lei is too young. What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what matters is that Yuwen Zhencheng doesn't need to pay more attention to it.

Yuwen Mingzuo had to promise once again: "father, you can put a hundred hearts on it. Jilei absolutely meets the requirements!"

Smell speech, Yu Wen Zhen City then no longer more words, waved, then sat back on the first seat.

Yuwen Mingzuo then came to the old people and said with a smile to one of the old men in black and white robes: "Mo Lao, Bai Lao, we are all together. Shall we start?"

Hearing the speech, Mo Lao in the black robe glanced at Jilei's body and immediately took it back contemptuously. Then he asked in a loud voice: "are we all together? Why didn't I see it? " Mo Lao's voice fell, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly fell silent. Yu Wen Mingzuo clearly saw that Ji Lei's face was gradually dark at this time.

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