In the hall of the Yuwen family in danwu City, the atmosphere is very low at this time. Yuwen Qiankun and Yuwen Zhencheng are sitting on high positions, frowning. "The cloud God kingdom is just a trial, but now they have come to the conclusion that the effect of awakening God jade can completely break through the mirage array. After retreating this time, I don't know when the next time it will return..." Yuwen Qiankun's brow was locked and his face was quite dignified, while the faces of the martial arts teachers of the following Dan

were also depressed. "If we can get the restraint means of awakening God jade, we will not be afraid of those miscellaneous soldiers in Yun Shenguo!" Yuwen Zhencheng said slowly that although the city of danwu is just a city, its soldiers and horses are fierce. Although it has damaged a total of 1500 troops, it is not difficult to train a new group of soldiers. Moreover, there are powerful emperor of Wu such as Yuwen Qiankun in danwu City, and the strong one of King Wu can also guard it. If they fight hard power, they may not be afraid of the army of yunshenguo.

However, the most troublesome thing is that the city of danwu still does not know what kind of treacherous means there are in addition to the awakening jade. If there is no awakening jade, the mirage array alone will kill at least 80% of the enemy troops attacked by Yun Shenguo!

However, with Xingshen jade, the mirage array will lose its effectiveness, so they need to find another way, otherwise they can only wait for the army of cloud kingdom to come to crush the city of danwu.

"I wonder if we can ask for reinforcements?" Mo Lao suddenly pondered: "we can lure each other with benefits, and invite the army of Chu Jiang state to volunteer..."

"you really have no brain. Do you know what it is to lead a wolf into a house?"

Just as the sound of Mo Lao's words fell, Ji Lei's figure suddenly appeared in the main hall. When Mo Lao saw Ji Lei, he was not angry. He stood up and angrily yelled at Ji Lei: "this is the conference hall. Can people like you break into it? Get out of here

Ji Lei sneered at this: "I am a guest of honor in danwu City, the position is higher than you, you can be here, why can't I?"

Ji Lei's sharp words make Mo Lao eat a little shriveled. At present, he can only sit down and look at Jilei with hatred on his face.

Ji Lei simply ignored Mo Lao and turned to Yu Wen Qiankun and said, "if the old general wants to retreat, I have a plan."

Ji Lei's words made all the people present feel refreshed, especially knowing how meticulous Yuwen Qiankun was in Ji Lei's mind. His eyes glowed with brilliance. He said to Ji Lei, "what's the way for Ji Lei's little brother? Come on!"

"If you want to stop the invasion of Yunshen Kingdom, it's very simple. You just need to destroy the awakening jade of Yunshen kingdom."

Ji Lei's words immediately attracted a lot of ridicule, especially Mo Lao, who looked at Ji Lei with a look of a fool in his eyes. All of his tone mocked: "if this can be done, you can say it?"

"You haven't tried. How do you know you can't?" Ji Lei, with frost on his face, was deeply disdained by Mo Lao's evasive remarks. Then he said to Yuwen Qiankun: "send some people to sneak into the cloud Kingdom, find the awakening jade, and then destroy them all."

"You said to go to Shenqiao? If you can't come back, it's a failure? Who dares to take such a big risk? Once it fails, the whole city of danwu will be implicated! " Mo Lao's sharp voice interrupted Jilei again.

"Yes." Yuwen Qiankun also nodded his head and said: "Mo Lao is right. The risk is really too big." "It is true that this calculation is not brilliant, but for today's plan, it is the only way to do it." Ji Lei also admits that such a move is very risky, but it is also a last resort. In the end, without the mirage array, the city of danwu can only be bullied by others. Therefore, whether or not to have Xingshen jade has become the key to the victory and defeat of the war.

"But... Who will go?" Yuwen Qiankun was in a bit of a dilemma at the moment. Mo Laoyan turned around and then said to Yuwen Qiankun: "since this Ji Lei Shangbin has put forward this plan, it must be that when you arrive at the cloud God Kingdom, you should let him go!" This act of pushing Jilei to jump into the fire pit makes Jilei feel angry. Who knows that it is extremely dangerous to go to the cloud kingdom? Mo Lao put it clearly that he didn't want Jilei to feel better, but Jilei didn't mean to refuse, because he wanted to volunteer to go to Yunshen!

At this time, Yuzuo let me stand out

"You?" Yuwen Qiankun frowned, and then shook his head and said, "the young man of high blood is not suitable to do this kind of thing."

"No, it's not suitable." "So, let me go." In fact, if you really want to go deep into the enemy's belly, Ji Lei is indeed the best choice in Yuwen Qiankun's heart. This is not to say that Yuwen Qiankun protects his short comings and favoritism. From the nature of his heart, Ji Lei is more profound than his own grandson. Yuwen Qiankun knows his grandson too well. Although he can

delegate heavy responsibilities, such a special task is not suitable for him.

After a long silence, Yuwen Qiankun nods and agrees to Jilei's request."Then let Gilley go!" In this way, Ji Lei became the key figure carrying the heavy responsibility of the safety of danwu city. Although Mo didn't know why Ji Lei volunteered to go to the cloud Kingdom, the ending was just in his heart. When he thought that Ji Lei was about to face the danger of death, he felt happy. He didn't care about the impact of the safety of danwu city on himself. Anyway, he was a Dan master. For whom did he make alchemy, not alchemy? At that time, when the army of yunshenguo comes, he will surrender directly. For the sake of his alchemy, Yun Shenguo will certainly put it into important use. When it comes, there will be no danger to his life, and he will be rich all his life. It is better than watching Yuwen and his son in this danwu city.

Mo Lao's small abacus playing ping-pong ring, Jilei at the moment also fell into meditation.

The purpose of Ji Lei's going to Yun Shenguo is very simple, that is, he needs to find out the secret of the arrow. If Xiao is the Xiao that he guessed in his heart... Jilei still wants to find out what secrets they have...

when Ji Lei looks up, he sees that Mo Lao is making a provocative act of wiping his neck against himself, just like he is in the middle of the world It is said that jiley will never come back. "By the way, I almost forgot, there is still one thing left to do..." Jilei lowered his head, the corners of his mouth gradually raised, the radian was particularly cold. , the fastest update of the webnovel!