Xiao Yao's face is a little strange. He looks at Ji Lei closely. At last, he seems to admit defeat. He waves his hand and says to Ji Lei, "well, you are different. Go ahead, what do you want to ask?"

Ji Lei smiles and says to Xiao Yao, "the first thing I want to know is when will you attack danwu city?"

Xiao Yao's face changed: "how can I tell you that?"

"You'll tell me." Ji Lei's eyes twinkled with burning eyes: "because you also want to see the failure of the cloud Kingdom, and the end of the failure of the cloud kingdom is the collapse of the Gongsun family!"

Xiao Yao can't help but be stunned. Then, he looks at Ji Lei more seriously. Ji Lei looks at him. At last, Xiao Yao can only sigh and wave his hand and say, "that's all. I've lost to you. How can I guess everything..."

Xiao Yao coughed and then said to Ji Lei, "you can rest assured. Recently, Yunshen China will never do anything to the city of danwu. "

Hearing this, Ji Lei frowned: "how long has it been recently? I need accurate answers. "

Xiao Yao thought about it for a while, and then said to Jilei, "within about a year."

"A year?" Ji Lei is stunned. Although she feels very happy, she still can't help asking, "why? After yunshenguo gets Xingshen jade, it should soon attack the city of danwu! "

"Oh, it's not because of the Xiao family..." "grandfather." Before Xiao Yao finished speaking, Xiao Lingxue interrupted him. Seeing Xiao Lingxue's serious look, Xiao Yao realized that he had made some mistakes, so he quickly said to Ji Lei: "well, don't ask. In short, danwu city has a lot of time to prepare for the attack of the cloud God kingdom. This is the answer to you. You should go back to danwu city and come back to the fog city It's too dangerous Ji Lei frowns. He knows that Xiao Yao is perfunctory, but he doesn't catch up with him any more. After a glance, he can see that there is no smile on Xiao Ling's beautiful face. Even if Ji Lei doesn't understand, he can understand the reason for this matter. It should not be mentioned by Xiao family. So Jilei finally accepted such an answer. After all, one year's time is indeed a great buffer for the city of danwu. At least, the city of danwu has enough time to prepare for defense, which enables Ji Lei to trace the trend of Xingshen jade without taking risks, and then the destruction center

only needs to find a way to restrain it within a year. Therefore, there will be a lot more choices for Ji Lei in the cloud kingdom.

However, Ji Lei still doesn't mean to go back. She looks at Xiao Yao closely and says, "the second question..."

Xiao Yao looks up and waits for Jilei's question.

Ji Lei took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "I heard Xiao Jingyun say that you Xiao family members are subject to some restrictions in doing things, and even can't make decisions on their own even in matters of life..."

Xiao Lingxue suddenly raised her heart and glanced nervously at Ji Lei.

"What do you want to say?" Xiao Yao's tone suddenly became tense.

"What I want to ask is, who will your granddaughter marry in the future?"

Ji Lei's words make Xiao Yao and Xiao Ling Xue freeze there, and the air around them can be obviously suppressed. Xiao Yao's look at Ji Lei gradually becomes less kind, instead of being hard to hide.

"It's my Xiao's family business. You don't have to worry about it." Xiao Yao's tone is so strong that even Xiao Ling Xue knows that this is definitely not a question that can be mentioned by Ji Lei. So he takes Jilei's hand and whispers to Ji Lei, "don't ask, let's go."

However, Ji Lei is not moved at all. Let Xiao Lingxue pull it. Jilei just doesn't move her feet. Instead, she looks directly at Xiao Yao, waiting for his answer.

"You go, the Xiao family doesn't welcome you!" Xiao Yao sees Ji Lei still standing there. A trace of anger comes out of his voice. His kind eyebrows become ferocious. He waves his hand to drive Ji Lei away.

"If you don't answer me, I won't go back." Ji Lei's reply is very firm, but Xiao Yao is furious when he hears Ji Lei's reply. He immediately stands up from his seat, points to Jilei and says, "if you don't leave, I'll start to drive you away!"

Xiao Lingxue is in a hurry when she hears the words, and says to Ji Lei, "Ji Lei, don't ask me. My grandfather has the strength of King Wu. If he starts a fire, you will never have good fruit to eat!"

But Ji Lei seems to have not heard Xiao Lingxue's words. Instead, he takes out his own dragon halberd.


The rod of the dragon pattern halberd touches the ground and makes a clear and firm sound.

"You When Xiao Yao sees Ji Lei take out the Dragon grain halberd, he can't help being there.

"If I can beat the owner, can he tell me the answer?" Ji Lei said faintly.

"What? Jiley, are you crazy Xiao Lingxue hears Ji Lei dare to fight with Xiao Yao. She grabs Ji Lei's Dragon halberd and points to the outside. Her tone is full of words: "get out! You don't have to care about my affairs! "Xiao Lingxue thought that she could get angry with Ji Lei, but Ji Lei took the Dragon grain halberd back to her hand without any fluctuation. Then she said lightly, "you are not qualified not to let me care about your affairs, because that is my freedom."

Ji Lei's words make Xiao Ling feel choked and can't speak. She can only look at Ji Lei angrily.

"Ha ha... You are very brave, but don't be brave in front of me. Your strength is not worthy of asking me!"

"Oh? Is it? " Ji Lei can't see joy and anger on his face. Looking at Xiao Yao, he suddenly twists his hand and steps up. He rushes to Xiao Yao with a dragon grain halberd! "Hum!" Xiao Yao sneers, his eyes are full of disdain. He looks at Ji Lei's Halberd and moves his steps in no hurry. With a wave of his big hand, a strong wind blows around him. The strength of the strong wind makes Ji Lei's body shake at once. However, Ji Lei still tries to control the halberd. At this moment, the matchless spirit suddenly appears and turns into a holy dragon and rushes to Xiao Yao!

"Battle dragon strangle!"

"Well, it's a small skill!" Xiao Yao sneers. Then he pinches his arm. Under Ji Lei's feet, he rushes out a lot of vines and binds him to death!

"No!" Ji Lei is bound up and can't get rid of it in any case. After all, Xiao Yao's strength is just like a natural moat, and the gap between him and Ji Lei is just like a natural moat, which can not be made up by the martial arts spirit.

Xiao Yao sees that Jilei is under control, and then rushes to Jilei!

"Let you talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth today!"

Xiao Yao is going to rush up, but before Xiao Ling Xue stops her, a voice rings out outside the door: "Damn it! Old man, if you dare to move a hair of Jilei, I will take the strong men of the whole danwu city to step down on your Xiao family

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