On the east side of the misty City, the dim lights pass through the dark streets, through the alleys, and finally open a door, go straight in, and disappear in the dark.

"How is chadi?" Under the lamplight, a tall figure was reading a scroll of ancient scrolls. Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared outside the window, so he asked without raising his head.

The shadow respectfully came to him, then nodded and said, "my subordinates have found out the movements of the two men."

"Then tell me."

The tall voice in the light raised his face, and in the dim candlelight, a little showed the blue armor in his clothes.

When the shadow heard the speech, he rushed to report: "it was two people who reported that the third young master was injured in the tavern. These two people should be from outside the city."

"Outside the city?" The man, known as the eldest young master, showed a little surprised expression, and then said to the shadow, "I remember that the second one is not working at the gate of the city recently? Does he have any impression of them? "

The shadow heard the speech and said to the young master, "I'm going to invite the second young master to come here!"


in the west of the misty City, the atmosphere of Xiao's family is low to freezing point. Ji Lei is leaning against the edge of the window. Xiao Lingxue is a little coy. Her delicate hands are on her back, and Yucong can't help rubbing her cuffs.

"Since you won't let your grandfather tell me, it's up to you to tell me." Ji Lei looks out of the window, deliberately does not have eye contact with Xiao Lingxue. Xiao Lingxue looks a little flustered, and her pretty face is full of reluctance. She doesn't seem to want to tell Ji Lei the exact reason. However, after Xiao Ling Xue's silence for a long time, Ji Lei can't restrain her impatience. She turns her head and asks Xiao Lingxue, "are you so unwilling to tell me about these things? Are you willing to be traded by the Xiao family? "

"It's not a deal!" Xiao Lingxue tried her best to refute, but in the end, even her own strength had become soft.

Ji Lei snorted coldly, but didn't do much entanglement again. She just told Xiao Ling Xue, "you just need to tell me who you are going to marry, and tell me the cause and effect of the matter. After I know it, I will go immediately." Xiao Ling Xue lowered her head. It seemed that she was struggling with whether to tell Ji Lei the reason. After a long conflict of ideas, she finally raised her head. After taking a deep breath, she gently opened her red lips and said to Ji Lei, "the four big families in the misty city originally grew up with Xiao's family.

however, due to the fewer and fewer powerful members of the Xiao family in recent years, Ji Lei listens silently and waits for Xiao Lingxue to go on.

Xiao Lingxue takes a look at Ji Lei, and then says, "every four years, there is a national 100 ethnic Assembly held in the city of misty fog. Even if it is not the family of the imperial capital, you can come to attend it. If the younger generation of the family can defeat the people of the four big families, they can take their place."

"And the rule?" Jilei frowned, then thought of something, said: "by the way, the Wen family of the four families, is it Wen Tingting's family?"

Xiao Lingxue nodded and said, "the Wen family was originally a subordinate family of the Xiao family, so their martial spirit is similar to that of the Xiao family. The Xiao character on the arrow is proof."

Jiley thought about it and then said, "isn't that close to you? But when I was in cangyunzong, I saw that the people who heard the family seemed to hate you very much. "

Xiao Ling Xue nodded her head and said, "yes, it's true that the Xiao family has always suppressed the affiliated families, so it's not surprising that there are affiliated families who hate the Xiao family."

Jiley nodded, and then went on to ask, "what does it have to do with your marriage?"

Xiao Lingxue's pretty cheek suddenly filled with sadness, "the four families will be expelled after four defeats, while the Xiaos have been defeated three times in a row. If they lose again this time, they will have to leave the misty city."

"But..." I know what you want to ask, "Xiao Lingxue said." you must want to say that it has nothing to do with my marriage, right? However, according to the regulations of the hundred nationalities Congress, two families can be merged into one family by marriage. In this way, the quota of the two families can be reserved, but they can fight for each other on behalf of each other. Do you understand me

Xiao Lingxue's voice has always been bleak. As a member of the family, even as the granddaughter of the master of the family, she can not escape the fate of being used as a marriage tool. This is perhaps the biggest sorrow of the family.

"So... To whom did your grandfather betroth you?" Ji Lei repressed her inexplicable anger and tried to soften her voice.

Xiao Lingxue's tone has a strong nasal tone: "Gongsun's eldest son, Gongsun impermanence."


Ji Lei's suppressed anger reverberates in her chest, and she can't help but surge up. The aura in her body is out of control. If she fails, all the tables and chairs around her are blown to pieces!

"Gongsun family!" Ji Lei's eyes were filled with uncontrollable anger, "it's Gongsun's again!"

"There is no way to do it. Now the Gongsun family is like the sun in the sky. Almost half of the misty city is under the control of the Gongsun family." One of the biggest characteristics of yunshenguo is that there is no royal family. The helmsman of the four families in the misty city is responsible for such matters. In such a pattern, there is a hidden rule, that is, who has the greatest power, the helmsman of which family speaks moreHeavy.

However, the strong Gongsun family gradually led to the situation that the other three families gradually declined, while the Gongsun family dominated. "In order to be able to ascend the position of the four big families, Wen Tingting was specially betrothed to Tang Hao of Tang family in Shuangzhou. Although the Tang family is in Shuangzhou, its strength is still better than Gongsun's family. Because of the high altitude and long road, the Tang family did not put her hand into the misty city. Wen Tingting stayed in the Tang family since childhood and practiced with Tang Hao... In order to fight against the Xiao family, she also It's a real cost. " Xiao Lingxue said with some self mockery. "These are all made by the Xiaos themselves." Ji Lei frowns, but she still doesn't choose to comfort Xiao Lingxue. Now Ji Lei can see the situation of the Xiao family better. The Wen family is pressing forward and wants to squeeze the Xiao family out of the ranks of the four major families. However, there is no qualified strong person in the Xiao family who can carry the screening of the 100 clan meeting. In order to keep the position of the four families, the Xiao family can only hope for marriage, and the right marriage is right Sun Wu is the most powerful family in the city. "Gongsun Wuchang pursued me since childhood. If it had not been for avoiding him, I would not have gone to cangyunzong."

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