Xiao's family, in a stone cave, Ji Lei stands in front of a stone gate. He never expected that there would be such a paradise in Xiao's house. The stone gate opened and peach groves filled with fresh grass and colorful flowers.

Jilei's eyes suddenly reflected a little surprised light, behind the stone gate, it was such a beautiful scene!

"Although almost everyone in the misty city knows the existence of Xiaochi, since ancient times, no one has ever gone in. Although I am the owner of the house, I can't open it privately. Thanks to you, I have seen what the legendary Xiaochi looks like in my life." Later, Xiao Yao's tone filled with deep nostalgia, as if to himself: "think of the Xiao family in the martial god heaven was also a giant block of existence, then the ancestors, who could have thought that today's Xiao family is in a corner, the status is difficult to protect, if the ancestors knew, they would certainly scold me under the nine springs..."

Ji Lei didn't know before He declined to comment on just how powerful the Xiao family is. Xiao Yuan sees Ji Lei's silence, and then reveals a little smile. He says to Ji Lei, "I can't help feeling sorry when I think of the old things. If you are ready, you can go in." Ji Lei nods and is about to go in, but Xiao Yao stops him. Ji Lei raises his head and looks puzzled. But at this time, Xiao Yao's old face is full of seriousness and says to Ji Lei in a deep voice: "although I have never been in Xiaochi, I know that the inheritance of the antelope King God is absolutely different. If there is any danger, I can't do anything about it."

But Ji Lei shrugged his shoulders and said, "do I still have a choice now?"

Later, Jilei did not speak and stepped directly into the stone gate.

When Xiao Yao sees Ji Lei step into the stone gate, the stone gate closes slowly. Xiao Yao looks at the heavy stone gate. For a long time, the stone gate will not be opened again...

"people have already entered. What else do you hide?" Xiao Yao suddenly said this for no reason. The voice echoed in the cave. Xiao Ling Xue slowly walked out from behind a rock and looked at the closed stone door with some worries.

"Grandfather, I want to stay here." Xiao Lingxue suddenly asked.

Xiao Yao heard the speech and shook his head, "even if you stay here, what can you do? You can't see Gilley, and jiley can't see you either. "

"I understand," said Xiao Ling Xue lightly. "But I still want to stay here."

Xiao Yao took a serious look at Xiao Ling Xue, and finally had to give up. "Forget it, you can do it, but then you can't miss the time when the hundred people's Congress begins." After that, Xiao Yao leaves, leaving Xiao Lingxue alone in the cave. Standing in front of the stone gate, Xiao Lingxue wants to reach out and touch the stone door, but she does not know when a ban has been added to the door. When Xiao Lingxue's hand is pricked, she can only retract her hand and look at the stone gate. The worry in her beautiful eyes can only be suppressed.

Choosing a place not far from the stone gate, Xiao Ling Xue sat down and began to practice closed eyes.

When Jilei enters the stone gate, he suddenly hears the fragrance of flowers. He is relaxed and happy. He stands on a road with peach trees on both sides. There is only one road ahead. So Jilei goes straight ahead.

After walking for a long time, Ji Lei can see from a distance that there seems to be blue spots in a place surrounded by clouds. Ji Lei runs to that point of blue. Before that, he sees an extremely wide pool! Ji Lei can't see the edge of the lake at a glance, but it's actually as big as the sea. Ji Lei really doesn't understand whether Xiao's people have a concept of size. Such a large area of water can be described as a "pool". However, on second thought, Ji Lei is the first person in the Xiao family to enter Xiaochi for thousands of years. They have never seen how big Xiao Chi is. They can remember how old Xiao Chi is. It's normal that they have no idea about Xiao Chi. After the stone gate, it is like another world. To Jilei's surprise, there is no sun here, but there is still shimmering above the Xiaochi lake. This has to make Jilei sigh, who can create such a magnificent world? It seems that Xiao Yao's previous remarks about the greatness of the Xiao family are also justified. His eyes are focused on the blue Xiaochi. Jilei suddenly has an impulse to take off his clothes and want to go into the water. Just as Jilei is going to undress, huge bubbles suddenly appear under the water! Seeing this, Ji Lei takes a few steps back. When Ji Lei steps back, the water column suddenly rises under Xiao Chi!

A huge head suddenly came out from under the water. Ji Lei quickly summoned a dragon grain halberd to protect himself. When it exposed his body, Jilei was stunned. The monster suddenly emerged from the water, with the head of an antelope, but it had the body of a snake. The fine scales were still shining in the shimmering light. What made Jilei more confused was that the head of the antelope gradually opened its mouth, and its tongue was still a snake Xinzi!

"Damn it!" Jilei couldn't help scolding. The sudden monster really scared Jilei: "what is this thing?"However, before Jilei was able to recover from the huge visual impact, the half antelope and half snake monster suddenly had a big mouth on Jilei. It's hard to imagine that there are still two sharp fangs in the head of an antelope! Big mouth pounced on jiley's face!

Ji Lei quickly dodges, and the Dragon grain halberd is lifted up. The two poisonous teeth just reach the halberd pole of the Dragon grain halberd. The huge strength makes Ji Lei suddenly retreat. The whole person falls out and staggers to his feet. When he comes up, he looks at the half antelope and half snake monster.

"Wu Lingjing?" Jilei looks at the monster. It doesn't seem to belong to the monster. The monster can't use aura to attack, but Jilei can feel the real aura surging from the monster's body!

Moreover, the strength of this aura is not low, at least it has the level of martial spirit realm!

"Crash!" The half antelope and half snake monster suddenly began to stir the Xiao pool with its own snake tail. The water in the Xiaochi suddenly turned up thousands of waves and kept rolling.

Jilei suddenly put down the Dragon halberd in her hand and looked at the monster's movement with wide eyes. Its tail stirred constantly in the water, and finally formed a huge whirlpool. In the whirlpool, a phantom figure slowly emerged. "I didn't expect to see you again in Xiaochi, my Xiao family."

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