"Ji Xing? Why are you here? " Ji Lei stares at Ji Xing's eyes. Ji Xing looks at Ji Lei dimly. He reaches out his short hand and rubs his eyes, "ah? I've been sleeping in your clothes for half a year, haven't you noticed that? "

Ji Xing's words made jilaton speechless. He thought Ji Xing was obediently staying at Xiao's house. Unexpectedly, he hid it in his clothes! And it's half a year!

"This is..." when Xiao Lingxue sees Ji Xing, the stars twinkle in her beautiful eyes. Women just like fluffy snow balls. Ji Xing has a lovely breath all over her body. However, when Ji Lei says Ji Xing's identity, everyone stays there. "What are you talking about? It... It's the sixth rank animal emperor? " Xiao Lingxue doesn't believe it. The snow-white Little Regiment in Jilei's arms is the majestic animal emperor at that time! But when she saw the awakening jade on Jixing's forehead, Xiao Lingxue had to believe it even if she didn't believe it, because in her memory, in addition to her snow like mane, the green jade rings on her forehead and limbs were the most conspicuous.

"What are you going to do? Can you help me find the medicine for huaxingdan Ji Xing's feet are kicking on Ji Lei's face. Ji Lei holds Ji Xing in his hand with a black face. "Now I'm going to compete in the wasteland. You know the way back, right?" "Sorry, I don't know." Before Ji Lei blows herself back to Xiao's house, Ji Xing jumps into Xiao Lingxue's palm and rubs Xiao Lingxue's hand, which makes Xiao Lingxue smile. Finally, Xiao Lingxue pleads with Ji Lei: "take this little guy with you. He stays alone in the Xiao family and is lonely."

Ji Lei frowned and wanted to refuse, but when her eyes met Xiao Lingxue's beautiful eyes, Jilei had no idea immediately and could only promise: "OK, a Xing can follow us, but I have one condition."

"What conditions do you say?" Ji Xing patted her chest and said, "I absolutely promise you!"

"When there is no special situation, don't appear in front of people, and don't become your original appearance!" Ji Lei's voice was filled with unquestionable dignity. Ji Xing listened and pretended to be contemplative. After thinking about it, she nodded and agreed: "yes! I promise you

"Come back." Ji Lei waved, and Ji Xing immediately hid in Jilei's sleeve. Later, Jilei explained to Xiao Lingxue, "a Xing usually sleeps in my sleeve. This is the way he practices." After hearing Ji Lei's words, Yi Qiuling's face changed, and then they laughed bitterly. They worked hard to improve their strength. People can practice as long as they sleep. There is such a good thing in the world... It seems that they must be a awakened beast in their next life... They are too comfortable...


"hum --"

just as Ji Lei and his colleagues are talking Suddenly, a door of Amethyst fell slowly over the wasteland. It was firmly fixed on a vacant land, and then opened slowly.

"Inside this door is the deserted city!" Yi Qiuling excitedly said to the crowd: "remember, the biggest rule in the deserted city is that there are no rules, and the only goal is to survive! Three months later, whoever can walk out of the wasteland alive is the winner

Jilei looked at the slowly opened Amethyst gate. Suddenly, the war spirit surged into her eyes. The moment she had been waiting for for a long time finally came!

Those family disciples who had been waiting for a long time rushed to the gate of the desolate city as if they were crazy. Ji Lei didn't rush to go directly. When the people were almost gone, Jilei took his group of people slowly into the deserted city.

And when Jilei entered the deserted city, a dark shadow, but also at this time, quietly followed in.

Behind the door of amethyst, there is a different world. The whole world seems extremely desolate. Jilei looks at the closed gate, on which is written a line of big characters - wasteland, a place of death and no life.

"Oh, that's not a small tone." Jilei looked at the rotten wooden plaque and gave a vague smile. "Be careful when you enter a deserted city." After Yi Qiuling only said this, there was no time to say anything, because the gate of the deserted city was slowly opened. After the gate, an inexplicable attraction absorbed all the people. When the light behind the gate of the wasteland city gradually shone,

, all the scenes around Jilei began to rotate.


Jilei's head was a little dizzy. When he got up, the scene in front of him surprised him. He is in a very desolate area. Jilei doesn't know whether he has entered the wasteland, but now he has to face a very serious fact, that is, he and Xiao Lingxue are completely separated. At the moment, there is nothing else around Jilei except the desert. "Why didn't Yi Qiuling tell me that it would turn around after I came in..." Ji Lei covered his head with a little melancholy on his face. At this time, Ji Lei's clothes suddenly made a rustle. Ji Xing poked out his head, looked east and West, and seemed to be full of everything around himI'm curious.

"I almost forgot you were there." Now Jilei is a little lucky that he will promise to come down and take Ji Xing with him. Otherwise, God knows if Jilei will suffocate in this desolate desert because no one speaks.

"Where is this?" Ji Xing asked Jilei.

"This should be the inner part of the desolate city..." Jilei looked around. It didn't look like a city at all. How could there be a city under this day that was covered with yellow sand without a single smoke?

"What shall we do now?" Ji Xing continued to ask.

"Who knows? Just look around. I'll be fine as long as I live here. " Jilei shrugged his shoulders carelessly, and then he took Ji Xing to walk: "if you want to see if there is a place to rest here, you can stay in it for three months." Jilei has a good plan. Anyway, in this deserted city, the only goal is to survive. Where to live is not to live? Instead of looking for someone to fight or wait for others to kill himself, it's better to find a place to hide and spend three months. In the end, Jilei doesn't ask for anything else. As far as Jilei knows, the ranking of the Xiao family in the first three hundred clan meetings is quite miserable, with heavy casualties. None of the people who have entered or come out alive. Only 10% of the hundreds of families can live What a cruel test to go out with? In such a declining Xiao family, none of the people who have entered the family have come out, and then the family has not become extinct. It has to be said that the Xiao family men are in good health.

When Jilei was sobbing, she suddenly felt that there was something strange under her feet.

Ji Lei felt that there were bursts of vibration under the ground. She frowned and raised her foot to the place where the vibration was. However, this step made the ground under her feet and made cracks!

"Boom The crack suddenly burst open, and under the ground, suddenly drilled out a huge, thick worm!

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