"Hum -"

the ancient and solemn gate of the city of fine sand opened slowly at the moment when Jilei's voice dropped, revealing the scene inside.

"On top." Ji Lei commands orderly. When hearing Ji Lei's words, their faces are all stiff, but they still hold up their spirits and step out of the city!

"Remember, as long as you listen to me, you will never die!" Ji Lei's voice sounded in their ears, and they all showed a trace of determination in their eyes. For today's plan, they had to believe Jilei's words and put them on their heads!

for a time, shields of different shapes were raised outside the city of Xisha, which were arranged orderly, almost blocking the gate of the city!

"Here comes the giant sand bug!" Jiley said in a loud voice.

"Raise the shield!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

One thick shield after another, held up in front of the city gate at this moment, united together, and then penetrated deeply into the ground. In front of the rolling giant sand worms, it stretches into a solid wall!


At the moment when the shield was raised, under the ground, all of a sudden, a white body was drilled out and solidly bumped into the shields!

"Bang "Hold on!" Ji Lei shouts, but the corner of his mouth has already raised a smile. As expected, the giant sand bug, as a pioneer, has no eyes, so he can only judge when to break the ground by feeling. At the moment of hitting the shield, the giant sand bug thinks it has entered the

Sand City, so it breaks through the ground and is caught by Jilei!

"Bang!" The giant sand insects hit the shield, then twist their huge and heavy body, and hit the shield hard. The sound of collision between gold and iron and flesh sounded. The shield that was firmly planted at the moment made a dull hum. But the people who stood behind the shield all took a step backward!

"Bang bang bang!"

The giant sand bug tirelessly hit the shield. Under this huge force, the city guards were forced to retreat. After a few minutes, they had already been knocked back to the gate of the city!

"I can't stand it!" Someone yelled at jiley.

"Now!" Ji Lei's eyes twinkled, suddenly stepped on the wall, and then stepped on the rock, jump, directly toward the huge sand insect swarm dancing!

"Hello! Danger The people standing on the wall saw Jilei and jumped down like this. They were in a hurry and wanted to catch Jilei, but it was too late. At the moment, Jilei was already in the air!

"Battle dragon strangle!" Just as everyone is sweating for Jilei, a golden whirlpool suddenly forms in the giant sand worm heap! Countless flesh and blood were crushed by the whirlpool of aura at this moment, and a golden dragon suddenly rose! One after another, giant sand worms fell into the whirlpool, and then

were ground and crushed into powder! Looking at the huge sand insects that had hit the shield wall like a madman, they all fell to the ground and had no life after Jilei Jiji fell down. Everyone's eyes widened. They couldn't believe that what happened in front of them was true! After exterminating the army of sand insects, Ji Lei once again raised a dragon pattern halberd,

one halberd rose to the sky, and the spirit overflowed everywhere!

"Zhenlong halberd!"

The supreme dragon power and golden aura condense into a giant square heaven painting halberd, and then a halberd is caught in the raging tide of animals, and it is snapped!

"Poo PA!"

In the group of monsters who rushed to the city, there was a straight line vacancy immediately. Under this halberd, countless monsters became bloody corpses.

"Cow force!" When people in the city saw this scene, their eyes were full of adoration and fanaticism for Jilei. The people behind the shield wall looked out and looked at the figure of Jilei facing the beast tide alone, and their eyes were filled with strong awe!

Unknowingly, the whole sand city previously filled with sadness atmosphere swept away, all people's faces, are full of rolling war!

"Shoot the arrow!" When Ji Lei lifted his arm, the people on the city wall quickly raised their bows and arrows. When the arrow rain fell, countless fire cloud black bats were shot through their bodies and fell to the ground. The falling arrow rain also penetrated the bodies of monsters running on the ground. In a flash, countless dead and injured bodies were found in the animal tide Lying on the ground, some monsters who had not been killed by an arrow were also dead under the feet of their companions in the chaos. Ji Lei's eyes are narrow. At this time, half of the monsters have been killed and wounded. However, these monsters have not even touched the gate of the city. All the people in the city are looking at it. If someone changes command, he will not come up with a way to win in danger. When the monster comes, only

will defend himself behind closed doors, and finally fall into the wave after wave of beast tide There is no lack of tragedy, but in the long history, there has never been such a person as Jilei!

He is unique!He is unique in the world!

At the moment, Ji Lei, in the eyes of all the people, suddenly looks high and great. In the eyes of some female disciples of the family, there are stars in her eyes. She has both skin and strength. Such a person is a perfect husband in the girl's heart.

However, Jilei will not guess what these people think. Now Jilei's expression is more and more dignified. The tide of animals is getting closer and closer. Ji Lei waves the dragon pattern halberd again and hits the ground with a halberd! At once, cracks burst out on the surface of the earth, and the cracks expanded rapidly, forming a half high but not deep chasm. Many of the wild beasts fell into the Chayuan, and then were crushed by the iron hoofs coming up from behind.

Under such influence, although the monsters have not been completely destroyed, they are still dead, and the moving monsters that can be seen are also shot one by one.

However, nearly half of the monsters killed by Jilei were actually trampled to death by their companions.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ji Lei suddenly had an impulse to get into the animal tide and pick up demon crystals. Even if all of them were first-class and second-class monsters, the combined demon crystals were enough to upgrade Jilei's realm.

So Jilei was itching to see it, but just as Jilei was about to come forward to retrieve the fruits of the battle, the ground suddenly shook again.

"What's going on?" Jilei looked up, but after seeing the seven twisted bodies, there was a black sea again!

"How else?" Jilei's eyes are full of surprise, but he hears someone from above shouting: "Jilei boss! All animal tides have heads! If you don't kill the head beast, you will attract monsters from all directions to attack again

Unconsciously, someone even called Jilei the eldest, but Jilei didn't care. Instead, he looked at the next herd.

Among the herds, each monster was close to each other, but in one place, there was a gap. In the gap, something like a sail was rowing on the ground, while the monsters around made way for it consciously!

"It must be a beast!"

Ji Lei's heart suddenly, then a frown, suddenly rushed forward!

"Big Geely! Danger

But Jilei didn't listen to this, and raised a halberd to stab the head beast which showed a sail! Its body must be hidden under the ground, under the sails! "Get out of here!" Ji Lei's Halberd twinkles and stabs the head beast!

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