The aura circulates in Ji Lei's body for several weeks. Then, under the shining of a golden aura, Ji Lei's Qi carries the elixir field, and suddenly an internal force spurts out of the martial spirit. Then, a flash of light flashes around Jilei's body. Under this light, the formless barrier in the realm seems to be broken by Jilei. "Five levels of forging spirit realm!" Jilei's divine sense wandered in his body, and then nodded his head with satisfaction. It had to be said that the third-order demon crystal was really extraordinary. Jilei just closed up for three days, relying on this third-order demon crystal to rush to a higher level again. There are not many good things like this. Jilei should grasp any chance to be promoted.

"It seems that it's time to go out..." Jilei murmured, but Jixing in her clothes suddenly jumped out at this time and said to Jilei like a warning: "I suggest you don't go out."

"Well? Why? " Jilei asked.

Ji Xing's face was filled with a strange, and then said to Jilei, "it seems that there are guests in this fine sand city."

"Guest?" Jilei immediately understood, and then said with a casual smile, "I'm not afraid of the third level monster, but I'm afraid of uninvited guests?" "I wish..." Jixing murmured, and then he got into Jilei's clothes again. Jilei pushed the door out. As soon as he pushed the door, a hanging head full of blood swung in front of Jilei. He gave a cold sweat to Jilei. Looking at the face that was not in peace, Jilei's face was gloomy to the extreme. "Who dares to make trouble on my territory!" Jilei kicked out the door, but when Jilei walked out of the door, he was shocked by the scene outside. The blood on the ground had already dried up and was firmly adhered to the ground. On the blood, there were corpses, even a few female corpses which were stripped of their clothes. There were still scratches on the gray skin. Obviously, they had been suffered before they died Inhuman insults. "Who is it..." Jilei's eyes are covered with bloodstains, and his eyes are like eating people. Although Jilei and these people are almost strangers, these guys call themselves boss. What's more, Xisha city is already Jilei's territory. Anyone who makes trouble on his own territory has to bear the heavy anger of Jilei! "Well, there are still people here." All of a sudden, a frivolous voice sounded. Ji Lei suddenly turned around and found several figures standing behind him. There were three figures standing in front of him. Ji Lei had never seen them before. However, all the figures standing behind them were the people who had been killed by Ji Lei in the animal tide. But at the moment, they were all tied with hemp rope, some of them Without their hands, some people broke their legs, and others had no good meat all over their bodies, and they were still hanging with one breath. On the gate of the city of Xisha, Ji Leiqing saw several upside down bodies. It seems that all of them have been cut off, and they are extremely humiliated! "Big Geely! Run! Leave us alone Some of the men who were still able to speak behind the three figures roared at Jilei with great strength. One of the three men standing in front of him, a man in purple, slowly turned around after hearing this, and the dagger in his hand shook it. In front of Jilei, he opened the mouth of the man, and then, in the face of many frightened eyes, put his tongue Cut it off!

"Pay attention to your words in the future. You can't say anything casually." Looking at the pain man who had no tongue and was full of blood, the face of the man in purple robe was filled with abnormal pleasure. It was incomparably comfortable to see other people suffering so much!

Jiley was crazy to see this! Although he sometimes kills people with extremely cruel means, he is absolutely unable to do such abnormal things!

"Who are you! Why come to my city of sand Jilei's teeth are clenched, but the aura is already running quietly. From his divine consciousness, he can feel that the strength of these three people is not ordinary. Compared with these tortured people, their strength is much stronger!

"We?" The frivolous man slowly stepped forward, pointed to himself, pointed to the purple robed man, and finally pointed to the man with a scar on his face: "Luocheng, the Third Prince of Luo family in the kingdom of cloud God!" "The Third Prince of the Luo family?" Ji Lei frowned. I don't know when she heard Xiao Lingxue mention that there are three demons in the Luocheng of yunshenguo. They enjoy killing, torturing and insulting others. Their behavior is extremely cruel. Because of them, the whole Luocheng city has become a bloody city and a city of dead bodies. Because of them, no one in the whole kingdom of cloud wants to go to Luocheng.

These three people are called the three princesses of Luo family. The eldest is Luo Rushan, the second is Luo Rujiang, and the youngest is Luo Rudao! Every one of them is a killer without blinking an eye!

Hearing these five words, Ji Lei's heart quietly raised a guard, this is not a training house son, is completely a murderer! Even if Ji Lei, facing them, is not sure to win. Moreover, these three people seem to be aiming at the whole fine sand city!

"Third, how many cities have we bloodwashed along the way?" The light faced Luo Rushan showed an expression of thinking. Even when he spoke, he was full of blood.

"Three cities, this is the fourth!" Luo Rudao has a twisted smile on his face, and the scar on his face is like a bug shaking with his smile, which looks extremely penetrating.Jilei suddenly understood that these three men were the desolate city that had just come to kill people. However, all the way from other places, they killed where they went. After washing the three cities, their next target was Jilei's sand city!

As the city Lord, Jilei must be their ultimate goal!

"I heard him call your boss just now," Luo Rushan said with a gloomy smile to Jilei. "I give you two choices. One is to break my arm and become my slave. When I'm tired of playing, maybe I can let you go. Second...... "

Ruo Shan's smile is more brutal:" that is, I cut you up *, then you become my plaything. Which one do you choose? "

Ji Lei takes a breath. The smell of blood in the air is so strong that Ji Lei's head is dizzy. However, Ji Lei's eyes are full of wild animals.

"I choose..."

Ji Lei says, suddenly Yang halberd toward Luo Rushan!

"Kill you!" In the dragon pattern halberd, the aura suddenly gushes out. The majestic aura rushes to the Third Prince of Luo family like a knife. The fierce strong wind roars and hisses all over Jilei! , the fastest update of the webnovel!