In a small secret room, the light goes through a silver needle, and Jilei's slender fingers flutter on the needle. Soon, she picks a piece of meat from the black ash plaque on Qin Chen's arm.

Qin Chen frowned and looked at the meat that Jilei had picked from his arm, but he didn't say anything. There was some pain on his arm, but he could not help it.

"It's poison." Ji Lei looked at the needle tip which gradually turned black in his hand, and then asked Qin Chen, "who has chopped you?"

"Yes?" Frowning, he immediately asked, "what's the point?"

Jilei's eyes were firmly fixed on the silver needle, and then said, "the meat on your arm is a little loose, and there is a knife mark on your arm. Although I'm not good at acupuncture, I've learned more about internal and external injuries

"I'm afraid it's not because of alchemy that you can understand this." Qin Chen said definitely.

Ji Lei see hide, can only hit a ha ha, admitted: "a long illness into a good doctor, hurt more, to these also understand."

Qin Chen sees that Ji Lei admits, and then says to him, "I have been stabbed, but it has been some days. During the period when you left, I went out of the city alone and met a person."

"Who is he?" Ji Lei hears the speech and asks quickly.

But Qin Chen shook his head and said slowly, "I didn't see his appearance clearly, because he was covered by a black cloak and his face."

"There are still such people in this deserted city?" Ji Lei is puzzled. Qin Chen can only shrug his shoulders when he sees this. "I met him. He wants to kill me. I can't resist him, so I can only escape. But before leaving, he still gets a knife from him. It's so simple."

Ji Lei didn't ask why the man killed Qin Chen. There was no need for any reason to do anything in this deserted city, just as Qin Chen did not allow Ji Lei to stay in the deserted city. "Can my wound be cured?" Qin Chen is still a little concerned about his injury, but after hearing this, Ji Lei shakes his head heavily: "that man's blade must have been stained with poison, but I don't know what kind of poison it is. It can make your arm corrupt... I have never seen such a strange poison


"So you don't know how to cure it?" Qin Chen looks slightly cold.

"It's not. I just don't know what to do with it." Jiley said frankly.

"Well?" Hearing this, Qin Chen's face turned a little better, but still some did not understand what Ji Lei was, so he asked, "what do you mean?"

Ji Lei sighs. Before waiting for Qin Chen to react, he suddenly pricks a needle into the black spot on Qin Chen's arm. The sudden injection makes Qin Chen a little surprised, so he gives a cry of pain, and then looks at Ji Lei angrily.

But Ji Lei looks as usual. Before Qin Chen can speak, he twists a needle again and stabs it on Qin Chen's arm. Then he draws the two needles down. Qin Chen's arm is suddenly cut with a bloody cut!

"What are you going to do?" There is a little chill in Qin Chen's eyes. Ji Lei's actions don't seem to be helping him cure his illness. Instead, he's a little bit of a deliberate effort to clean up Qin Chen's taste.

"Why are you in a hurry? See for yourself. " Ji Lei pricks the two needles into Qin Chen's arm, and then slowly pulls them out.

Qin Chen endured the sharp pain on his arm and looked down. He was scared to death. Under his skin, under the black and gray plaque, there was a touch of black breath, which was slowly penetrating into his arm. His skin was constantly turning black and decaying!

"What the hell is this?" Qin Chen some can not hold on, the tone of panic in the meaning. "I don't know, but it should be very difficult." Ji Lei looks at the black air in Qin Chen's arm, and then says to Qin Chen, "I have two plans. First, I'll unload your arm now, because it seems that the poison will spread deeper into your body.

if you don't stop it in time, I'm afraid you will lose your life! Although this method is cruel, it is simple and efficient, and it is the only way I can quickly solve the problem Ji Lei's tone is quite serious. Naturally, Qin Chen won't listen to him as a fake. But when he hears that he wants to take off his arm, Qin Chen is quite tangled. Naturally, the former is more important between Xiao Ming and his arm. However, when he thinks that he will spend the rest of his life with one arm, Qin Chen has an impulse to crash his head against the strong.

"What about the second one?" Qin Chen asked. "The second one is that I can try to force the poison out of your body, but I'm afraid it will not take a short time, and I'm not sure. But you have to remember that during this period, I can't guarantee that the poison will not continue to spread. If I push the poison at a slower speed than the poison, it will not help."

Ji Lei gives these two methods, let Qin Chen's face again nobody color, two roads, all don't let Qin Chen feel good! One is to lose an arm, the other is to lose one's life...

"choose for yourself." Ji Lei hands a stall, said to Qin Chen, Qin Chen standing at this fork in the road, a time is really difficult to make a choice.The thought that once the poison in his arm was not removed, he would get into his skin bag, spinal cord and viscera like gangrene attached to bones. Qin Chen was restless for a moment.

"Good! I choose the first one! " Qin Chen bites his teeth and says to Ji Lei.

"So cruel?" Ji Lei is a little surprised. He thought Qin Chen would choose the second one. In this way, it seems that Ji Lei underestimates Qin Chen.

"Well, you stand up and we'll start." Ji Lei raised his hand. Qin Chen looked at Jilei with some consternation: "you... Are you going to do it here?"

"Kara." Jilei twisted her wrist and made a crisp sound in her bones. She said casually, "do you have to choose a lucky day, fast for three days, and then bathe your head and give you treatment? Don't worry. I'm familiar with things like unloading people's arms. "

With that, Ji Lei directly took out his own dragon grain halberd. The edge of the Dragon grain halberd can ensure that Qin Chen's arm will be cut off directly with one strike, so that he can avoid more severe pain.

"Lift it up." Ji Lei raises Qin Chen's poisoned left arm. There is no fluctuation in his eyes. Then, a cold light cuts across!

In the silent smoke City, a loud and clear howl cuts through the sky! Light up a hundred lights, competing to go out to find out.

"It's just a broken arm. What a big deal, as for it." Ji Lei pastes a plaster on Qin Chen's broken arm, and then wraps it with strips of cloth.

Qin Chen is pale and can't see a trace of blood. The whole person can't speak with pain, and has no time to fight with Ji Lei. After Ji Lei finishes applying medicine for Qin Chen, he picks up Qin Chen's broken arm and wants to put it into the Najie.

"What are you doing?" When Qin Chen sees Ji Lei's behavior, he is puzzled. He frowns and asks.

"Put it away first. If you find a way to remove the toxin, I'll connect your arm." Ji Lei said faintly.

Qin Chen's eyes flashed with light as soon as he heard it. He asked Ji Lei, "this... Can I connect my broken arm?" Ji Lei nodded carelessly, and then put Qin Chen's broken arm into the Najie. But just as Jilei was about to take back the broken arm, the toxin in the broken arm suddenly began to shake violently and hide in Qin Chen's arm. However, Ji Lei's body suddenly felt a sense of familiarity. The rotten smell is still hard to get from Jilei In the memory of.

At the same time, the matchless spirit of martial arts was suddenly agitated!

Ji Lei's whole person stands there all of a sudden, Qin Chen sees this, can't help good strange way: "what's wrong with you?" Ji Lei hesitated, but all of a sudden, he grabbed Qin Chen's right arm and asked in a sharp voice, "tell me, where did the man who wanted to kill you meet you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!