"Matchless dragon stranding!" The dragon pattern halberd in Ji Lei's hand suddenly releases a dazzling golden light. The dragon pattern on the dragon pattern halberd suddenly floats in front of Ji Lei. With a little tip of Ji Lei halberd, a golden holy dragon comes out of the middle of the dragon pattern halberd. Then, it opens its mouth and roars at Gongsun Shifang, then rushes away!

Gongsun Shifang suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind him. He turned around and saw that he was facing the holy dragon. His eyes shrank suddenly. He wanted to escape, but it was too late! "Boom When the Golden Dragon approached Gongsun Shifang, it suddenly whirled, and the surrounding air began to howl and roar. It rolled Gongsun Shifang into it. The blade like wind curl cut the skin of Gongsun Shifang and drew blood marks. Ji Lei looked at Gongsun Shifang with cold eyes

until the wind and dust settled down and the whirlwind was filled with blood and wounds Ten sides of Gongsun.

Gongsun Shifang was strangled to the ground and could hardly see his face clearly. On his shadowy face, his facial features were almost all glued together. His blood was connected into beads and adhered to his hair. His hair looked like a savage! The whole person looks terrible. However, sun Gongfu's strength is not as good as sun Gongfu's.

"Ha ha... Ha ha ha!" Gongsun Shifang's hair is scattered. Ji Lei can't see his face clearly, but he suddenly gives out a burst of laughter. Listening to his voice, he seems to be laughing at Ji Lei. His dishevelled appearance also embellishes his madness.

"I didn't expect it. I didn't expect that your Jilei's promotion in this period of time was only such a little bit!" Gongsun Shifang suddenly raises his head, and Ji Leimeng finds that the scars on his face have healed up without knowing when!

Gongsun Shifang's eyes were suddenly covered with gray air, and his eyes were wrapped in the gray breath. Then, there seemed to be a slight change in the broken arm...

Ji Lei was nervous for no reason. His intuition told him that Gongsun Shifang was not so simple. When Ji Lei raised his eyes again, Gongsun Shifang's arm had already been changed again The earth grows out!

However, this arm is covered with decaying scars, but Jilei can feel a terrible force from it, which makes Jilei more alert. "Originally, I didn't want to use this power, after all, this thing can also reduce life... But now I have figured it out, anyway, my purpose is to kill you. As long as I can kill you, it's nothing to damage your Yang life..." Gongsun's ten aspects were so crazy that he suddenly cracked a hole in his arm. Ji Lei

after a closer look, it was actually a piece full of fine teeth Big mouth!

"Now, you can die!" Gongsun Shifang pinches his fist, and then he rushes to Jilei with the air flowing through his fingers!

Ji Lei's face congealed, but he didn't think about it. He immediately raised the Dragon grain halberd in his hand, and the horizontal halberd resisted in front of him. Gongsun Shifang punched the Longwen halberd, and the Longwen halberd shook violently. The shock was that Ji Lei's mouth was numb.

This fist is no less powerful than a six level monster! The power of the fist is enough to explode a person's head!

Ji Lei clenches her teeth and tries to control her hand. But before he can slow down, Gongsun Shifang's next punch is coming!

Ji Lei suddenly raises his head and is facing Gongsun's fist, which is as big as Gongsun Shifang's casserole. The fierce palm wind has already rushed to his face. The next moment he can smash Jilei's head!

"Boom Ji Lei is already a little desperate, but just as Gongsun Shifang's fist is about to hit Ji Lei, a figure suddenly appears in front of Ji Lei, who will turn his back to resist Gongsun's fist to Shengsheng!

"Qin Chen?" Ji Lei looks at Qin Chen, who has blocked a fist for himself. Gongsun Shifang is also very surprised. Even Ji Lei never thought that Qin Chen would help him block the blow! "If you die, who's going to pick up my arm?" Qin Chen bit his teeth in pain, and then his whole body collapsed on the ground. His spine was completely twisted and fractured. Qin Chen's whole body was crooked, and a piece of meat was missing from his back. It was torn off by the mouth on Gongsun Shifang's arm.

it looked startling.

Gongsun Shifang chewed his mouth on his arm. Then he stretched out his tongue like a wild animal and licked his arm. Finally, he spit out this bloody meat from his mouth!

"Pooh! This meat is too bad to eat Gongsun Shifang opened his mouth. The teeth in his mouth grew side by side like a knife, which seemed quite penetrating.

Gongsun Shifang slowly approached Ji Lei and looked at Qin Chen who could not stand up. He sneered contemptuously: "it's stupid to be a hero even if you don't have the ability."

Ji Lei raised his head fiercely, and his anger was already burning. He picked up his halberd and chopped Gongsun Shi! Gongsun Shifang sees that Ji Lei takes the initiative and doesn't panic at all. He waves his giant arm and throws it at Jilei!"Boom The collision of one halberd and one arm produced a violent reaction, and the air around was shaking, like a mole ant crawling at the foot of a strong man. Ji Lei and Gongsun Shifang intersected each other in two moves. Gongsun Shifang's strange gray air suddenly climbed up Ji Lei's body along the dragon pattern halberd, and bound Ji Lei tightly! "You die for me Gongsun Shifang suddenly burst out a piercing laugh, and then he punched Ji Lei's body. Ji Lei was already on the top, and then he was bearing Gongsun Shifang's fist. Gongsun Shifang punched Ji Lei's skeleton to an inch and burst!

From the beginning to the end, Gongsun Shifang didn't use any aura. He just used his strength to destroy Jilei.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

Ji Lei's body has been hit one blood hole after another. The smile on Gongsun's face is more fierce, but also more happy! In terms of strength, Ji Lei has no way to compete with Gongsun Shifang!

"You die for me Gongsun Shifang raised his fist, and on his fist, a mass of black gas broke out, as if he had the ability to swallow everything and smashed away at Jilei's head!

When Ji Lei's head explodes, the moment of blood bursting out is the most happy moment when Gongsun Shifang gets revenge!

Jilei was covered in blood, gasping for breath, and had no resistance at all. And the fist, at this time, has been smashed in front of Jilei!

"Boom All the trees around were shattered to pieces by this force!

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