Jilei suddenly felt that the land under his feet was shaking slightly. As time went on, the earthquake became more and more intense. Then, in the eyes of all the people, countless monsters swarmed into the crowd, regardless of the low-level or high-level ones! "It's a wave of animals!" Some people immediately showed a look of panic. The animal tide in this desolate city is notorious. Many people have seen how terrible the animal tide is. When they see the continuous flow of monsters running towards here, those who are already pale are even more afraid to fight.

the tide of monsters is fierce, as if they want to swallow up all the people here.

Ji Lei slowly closes her eyes and clenches Xiao Ling Xue's slender hand in her palm. Xiao Ling Xue and Ji Lei embrace each other tightly, just like giving up resistance and waiting for death to come.

However, the tide did not engulf them, but stopped after jiley. Each monster was not as violent as it was, but stood there obediently, like a well-trained soldier.

Under the gaze of many eyes, a figure slowly came out of the crowd and stood on the opposite side of the Wu clan of the Tang family. However, his strong momentum was not weaker than that of the Tang family!

Another Wuzong!

"Is it you?" Jilei opened her eyes a little, and the stone Python's untidy face appeared in front of Jilei at this time.

The stone Python nodded slightly, and then looked flat at the strong man of Tang family.

"It's been a long time since the strong man of Wuzong has come to my wasteland. Today, I'm really brilliant here." Stone grain Python said without salt, but Ji Lei was able to hear a trace of cold from his tone.

"Who are you?" The attitude of Wu Zong of Tang family was a little more gentle. He did not face the kind of mean when he faced Ji Lei. He was also a strong man of Wuzong who was equal to his own strength. Basic respect was still necessary. "Who is this place I came to?" On hearing the speech, the stone pattern Python couldn't help sneering, but the Tang clan's face became stiff and bowed to the stone pattern python, and his tone became more polite: "Tang Jun, the master of the Tang family, has no intention of offending the Lord of the desolate city.

please forgive me." When Shi Wen Python said that, Tang Jun understood that the suddenly arrived strong man of Wuzong should be the strongest one here. Like himself, he was in the early stage of Wuzong. If he really fought, Tang Jun might not be his opponent. After all, Shi Wen Python was a monster. At the same level,

the fighting power of monsters was higher than that of ordinary warriors Therefore, it is Tang Jun who suffers from hard fighting. "It's very kind of you, the master of the Tang family, who came to my desolate city from frost island all the way, but he didn't want to disturb me. But little brother jiley is my benefactor. You can't move. " The stone pattern Python sneered. Although it was a monster, it was a model to hurt people. When Tang Jun heard this, his face was

puffed, but he didn't know how to respond, so he had to bow his hands again. Although Tang Jun is a little surprised, Ji Lei actually has grace in a Wu Zong? But the doubts still pressed down. Some of them were reluctant to look at Tang Hao, who had been separated from his body on the ground. A flash of anger flashed in his eyes, but he finally suppressed it. Then he picked up Tang Zhenyun, who had been beaten by Ji Lei, and said in a hoarse voice to the stone pattern Python: "city Lord, Tang someone's sudden visit today just wants to take me back, No If you have ever had hostility, please forgive me. "

If it was not for his weak health, Ji Lei would get up and give Tang Jun two slaps. If Tang Jun didn't have the heart to kill, no one would believe it. But if he didn't go down the stairs, I'm afraid it would not be over. Shi Wen Python also knows that Ji Lei doesn't want the Tang family to leave so easily, but even he doesn't want to start directly with Tang Jun. he has just stepped into Wuzong. Soon after he leaves the pass, he feels the storm and rushes here. Both he and Tang Jun are afraid of each other. If one of them can leave, it would be better.

The stone pattern Python did not speak, but waved his hand to see off the guest. Tang Jun's face was blue and white, and he said thanks to the python. He thought that his anger was still in his heart, but he held it back. It must be hard to bear it.

Tang Jun and a group of Shuangzhou people, who are like dogs who have lost their families, enter the black gate together. After that, the black cracks gradually heal, leaving only Jilei and them in the deserted city.

Looking at Ji Lei's dejected appearance, Shiwen Python purses his mouth, and his heart seems to have no taste. Ji Lei sits on the ground, and all kinds of emotions finally come to a sigh.

The stone pattern Python frowned, and a trace of fine light flashed in his eyes. Looking at the place where Jixing had burned to ashes, he suddenly raised his hand and made a move from afar. Suddenly, there was a green light shining in the ashes, and a streamer suddenly flew into the palm of the stone pattern Python.

"I think it's yours, isn't it?" The stone pattern Python spreads out the palm, Ji Lei opens the tear eye, but actually sees the stone pattern Python hand, quietly lies a piece of green awakening God jade.

Jilei reaches out his trembling hand and fingers, touching the jade with residual heat. The emotion in his eyes is as painful as a knife. This is like a nightmare. When Jilei really sees the jade, he wakes up. What's terrible is that everything in the dream is true."Take it." The stone boa as trassient as a fleeting cloud, Ji Lei took the awakening jade in his hand, and then clutched it. He used to laugh and laugh as if he had been in a fog, and it was like a bubble dream.

Ji Lei's tears whirled in her eyes. She grasped the jade and began to sob again. "I have heard that Xingshen jade has grades." The stone pattern Python is beside Ji Lei and suddenly says something like this. Ji Lei raises his hazy eyes and looks at the stone pattern Python like a helpless child. However, the stone pattern Python's face with vicissitudes and slovenly edges and corners seems to be a little steady now,

patted Jilei on the shoulder and said, "specifically, I'm not sure. I've never been out of a deserted city, but you can look for it everywhere, Maybe with luck, you can find some ways to revive your friend

"Resurrection?" Ji Lei's eyes suddenly glimmered a ray of hope, staring at the stone python, and then as if he couldn't believe it, he asked again: "you say, resurrection?"

"I'm not sure, but if you live, you have to have some sustenance, don't you?" The stone pattern Python smiles faintly, then pats Ji Lei on the shoulder, as if this is consolation. Ji Lei hears the words, pinches the awakening jade in his hand, and gradually makes a decision in his heart.

The stone pattern Python looks at Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue, and then looks at Liu Qingshuang, and says with a slight regret: "I thought I had done a good thing, but I didn't expect that it was me who was sentimental?" Ji Lei is at a loss when he hears the words of Shi Wen python. However, Liu Qingshuang on the side of the mountain is pretty stiff and looks unnatural. Fortunately, Shi Wen Python doesn't say any more. He just smiles at Ji Lei: "it's still some time before the city is opened. You can recuperate here. However, my tolerance for you human beings has reached the limit. I'm also suffering from this hundred nationality meeting Enough. From now on, the deserted city will not be opened again. "

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