"What?! Qianrou is gone! "

The first thing Ji Lei did when he entered cangyun Zong was to find Luo qianrou. However, when he stepped into the familiar house again, there was no shadow of Luo qianrou. The whole house is tidy and bright, and a warm feeling comes to my face, but the thin ash on the windowsill tells jiley that no one has lived here for a long time.

Cangmu and Cangshan stand behind Ji Lei, looking at Ji Lei's expression of great surprise. They can only tell Ji Lei all the situation: "about half a year ago, a group of people who claim to be from frost island came to cangyun clan, and brought Luo qianrou back, saying that it was a way to solve the cold in Luo qianrou's body." Cangmu said slowly: "originally we did not agree, but in the end Luo qianrou asked to go back with that group of people. I think it should be frost island." "Before going back, qianrou didn't say anything?" Jilei still doesn't give up. She has to ask why, but cangmu shakes her head. "Luo qianrou didn't say anything before she went back. I think it's her family who brought her back. I think there's no problem, so I promise to


"Family man..." Ji Lei suddenly sneers. He knows what kind of face the so-called family man is. Isn't Luo qianrou just because of the so-called family that he escaped to the outside? I didn't expect to be found by them... This so-called family, Luo qianrou may have to go back.

What measures will Tianxiao de Luo qianrou's family use to solve the cold in Luo qianrou's body after Luo qianrou's return. If Ji Lei was present at that time, even if he had fought for his life, those people would not have taken Luo qianrou away. The thought that Luo qianrou had been treated coldly since he was a child made Jilei's heart ache faintly.

"You have to give an account to the elder when you come back this time. If you haven't come back for such a long time, the elder thought you were dead." Cangmu doesn't know Ji Lei's worry. He patted Jilei on the shoulder and said with a smile. It seems that he knew about Ji Lei's coming to the danwu meeting for a long time.

After hearing this, Ji Lei wakes up and says goodbye to Cang Mu and Cang Shan, leaving them to run to the Presbyterian.

"Do you know to come back?" The elder looked at Jilei who pushed the door in. He couldn't help laughing and scolding. Then he asked Jilei to sit down and said to him, "how about it? Can we finish the danwu conference

Hearing this, Ji Lei tells the elder all about what happened after cangyun Zong. Hearing that, the elder is also stunned. Looking at Ji Lei's thin but mature face, Ji Lei sighs: "I didn't expect you could meet so many things."

Jilei can only smile bitterly. Some things are not what he wants to meet, but bump into Jilei's face. What can Jilei do?

"But it seems that you have something to do with the Tang family in frost island?" The elder is very interested in Ji Lei's story. He asks with interest. Ji Lei also nods: "it's a bridge. If it's not for the protection of the Lord of the deserted city, I'm afraid we can't get out of the deserted city."

"That's interesting." The elder suddenly narrowed his eyes and gave out a mysterious smile, which made Ji Lei's heart bristle. Then, the elder said to Ji Lei, "you should know that we cangyunzong has a power called xingxingge in frost island."

"Of course, I remember that Tang Hao was from Xingyun Pavilion." Jiley nodded.

"But you know what? In the Xingyun Pavilion, more than half of the people are related to the Tang family. If you kill Tang Hao, do you think the Tang family is the only one who makes enemies? " The elder looked at Ji Lei with a smile. Ji Lei is stunned. He feels that it is difficult to breathe. He knows that the Tang family will not let himself go easily. Tang Jun is not a fool. He leaves the wasteland. Jilei is a rabbit on the grass. When he meets a falcon in the sky, he can only save his life if he runs away or digs three feet to hide himself. If he kills Wen Tingting, the problem may not be so big, but Jilei will kill him first Tang Hao, seriously injured Tang Zhenyun again. How can Tang Jun swallow this breath? Therefore, once he learned that Ji Lei was out of the wasteland, Tang Zhenyun would surely search all over the eastern mainland, and he was bound to find out Ji Lei, saying that he could not seek revenge outside the venue. However, from Tang Hao's Ji Lei, it can be seen that the Tang family has a fine tradition of breaking and flouting the rules. "So... The elder means that xingxingge will also trouble me?" Ji Lei stammered and stammered. When the elder heard the speech, the smile on his face was more brilliant and full of schadenfreude: "you guessed it! And guess what? In the list of the disciples who have entered the Xingyun Pavilion this time, your name is at the top of the list. " "Shit!" Hearing this, Jilei had the impulse to crash and die on the wall. She knew she would not come back! As soon as he came back, Luo qianrou was not only lost, but also he had to suffer repeated attacks from the great elder. Ji Lei of Xingyun Pavilion must want to go. After all, it is the strongest force of cangyun sect. But

is it... When you go to Xingyun Pavilion, does it mean that Ji Lei is seeking his own death? This is good. The Tang family tried their best not to find Jilei. As a result, Jilei threw herself into the ground. Isn't it stupid?

"I'm not going!" In front of the big event, Jilei has a strong determination. After all, xingxingge is a guillotine for herself! When I go there, it's not all Tanggu's eyeliner."You don't have to go so early," the elder said after laughing. "And I believe you will go to the Xingyun Pavilion."

"Why are you so sure? You are not me

"I'm not you, but I'm so sure."

Ji Lei has the final say, but it's hard to talk to the old man. Let's just say what he likes. He's not long enough to go on his legs.

"You don't have to worry too much about the threat of the Tang family. Recently, the Tang family is so busy that they don't have time to catch you." The elder's face suddenly raised some schadenfreude smile, but this can make Ji Lei say muddled, looking at the elder blankly for a long time, said: "what do you mean?"

"You may not know, I'm also from frost island." The elder said to Ji Lei with a smile. This surprised Ji Lei. After a long time, he said, "what? Are you from frost island

"But don't get me wrong. Although I'm from Shuangzhou, I'm not interested in catching you. I just got an invitation recently...

" invitation? " Jiley frowned. "What does it have to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter. You can see for yourself." The big elder takes out a red Fangzheng post from his arms and puts it in front of Ji Lei. Ji Lei starts the invitation card suspiciously and reads it word by word.

"Tang Jun of Tang family specially invited elder cangyun Zong, Dongfang Tianjing, to attend the wedding banquet of Luotang two families one and a half years later..."

the elder beamed with genial smile and said slowly to Ji Lei: "how about it? Did you find anything? "

Looking at the elder for a long time, Ji Lei hesitated and said, "your name is Dongfang Tianjing? Such a rustic name? "

"Damn it! Where is the name of Laozi! Don't you know what your name is? " When the elder heard the words, he suddenly jumped up and started to talk nonsense. He didn't have the demeanor of the elder.

"Can you blame me? How did my father name me Jilei refused to accept the argument.

"Who's talking to you about this?" The elder realized that the conversation seemed to be out of the topic. He turned his words and forced him to return to the topic: "you can see for yourself which two people are going to marry!"

Ji Lei hears the words and looks at the bottom of the line. It says.

Groom: Tang Zhenyun, the eldest son of the Tang family.

Bride: Luo family... Luo qianrou.

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