Ji Lei finally wants to take action. In fact, Xiao Ling Xue is also curious. What method does Jilei want to use to pass through the stone Phoenix? When Ji Lei walks in front of Shi Fenghuang, all eyes are on him. There are treasures in Tianzhao gate, Yigong is directly used for flying, and Xingyun Pavilion is even more powerful. It simply uses hard power to isolate the barrier. However, there is nothing special in front of this ordinary boy who has no family or school, except for his beautiful appearance. "Cher, come here." Ji Lei beckons to Xiao Lingxue, and Xiao Lingxue immediately goes to Ji Lei's side. Those people, especially men, look straight at Xiao Lingxue. They have thousands of beautiful women in the world, but it is rare that they can give people full surprise at a glance. Xiao's daughter has grown up. Now Xiao Lingxue is in the most budding age, with a graceful figure Li's delicate face, like a rose, is in full bloom without fear, all of which are full of enchanting charm.

As soon as Xiao Ling Xue appeared, Ji Lei could feel that the eyes around her were getting hotter. Now she had to smile bitterly. As expected, beautiful girls are the most attractive things in the world.

"What are we going to do?" Xiao Lingxue doesn't seem to notice that the eyes of the people around her are different. Ji Lei hears the words and reaches out her hand to hold Xiao Lingxue's slender jade hand. Ji Lei's actions immediately aroused the indignation of a group of male disciples in the rear. Everyone's eyes were full of envy and even extreme eyes, staring at Ji Lei's back. However, compared with Ji Lei, they were all ashamed of themselves. Both Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue were extremely compatible in appearance and demeanor. It seems that only pleasant eyes can describe them They're a lot worse than jiley.

However, although I also agree with the fact that Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue match each other in the bottom of my heart, I still hide in the crowd and make a little sour voice: "it's just a fancy show. Can't you get over the stone Phoenix if you look good?"

Gradually, this kind of hiss with a strong acid meaning became more and more. Jilei didn't care about it, but the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

Ji Lei takes Xiao Lingxue's hand, then lowers herself. In the public, she hugs Xiao Lingxue in her arms, which makes Xiao Lingxue slightly frightened. The onlookers are even more excited, and they all look at Ji Lei angrily.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Lingxue is angry with Ji Lei with a little red cheek. In front of everyone's eyes, Ji Lei holds herself up. Although Xiao Lingxue is a little shy, she is still secretly happy.

Ji Lei looks free and doesn't pay attention to the crowd behind. She is excited. She is holding Xiao Ling Xue and goes to the stone Phoenix step by step.

"What is he going to do? Do you want to go straight through the stone Phoenix? "

"That's too much. Does he want to be electrocuted?"

"It's a pity to pay for a beautiful woman..."

although Xiao Ling Xue doesn't understand why Ji Lei does this, she buries his head in Ji Lei's chest and waits quietly because of her instinct and trust.

Jilei steps closer to the stone Phoenix. At first, the angry people behind him all have a smile of schadenfreude. Some show pity. Others are eager to be jealous and crazy. They wish Jilei is electrocuted to death in the barrier.


As soon as Ji Lei stepped into the barrier, Shi Fenghuang's eyes lit up with a blue light. Then, a snake like arc came from the barrier and rushed to Ji Lei, who was holding Xiao Lingxue.

"This guy is finished..." someone sighed and closed his eyes. What happened next must be a miserable scene in the world... Unexpectedly, Jilei in the barrier did not show a trace of pain on his face. The electric current in the barrier always swam on the surface of Jilei's body, but could never enter Jilei and Xiao In Ling Xue's body, there seems to be an invisible barrier outside Jilei's skin, which cuts off the current.

Everyone looked at each other in awe. The situation they expected did not appear. Jilei's face was not only painless, but also a little more... Enjoyment. Ji Lei really enjoys the arc in the stone Phoenix, because the thunder and lightning spirit engulfed by the matchless spirit still exists in Ji Lei's body. Therefore, Ji Lei has always had a strong resistance to thunder and lightning. Although the thunder and lightning spirit is not of high grade, it is a real sky thunder. If we want to say this root, it is the same as the sky thunder that splits out the stone Phoenix, so this thunder comes from the same family Electricity is not only not offensive to Jilei, but also quite intimate. It is like an elf dancing beside Jilei. In the eyes of outsiders, this scene is that thunder and lightning can never penetrate Jilei's body, and they are attacking impatiently again and again.

Ji Lei takes a step and then walks out of the stone Phoenix barrier with Xiao Ling Xue intact!

Jilei turned around and gave a mocking smile to the suspicious teenagers behind him.

Brother has strength you do not, brother and daughter-in-law, you do not! You losers!

Looking at Ji Lei holding Xiao Lingxue and swaggering up the mountain, people look at me, I look at you, big eyes stare at small eyes, Leng is speechless."It seems that his martial spirit is also thunder and so on..." in a humble corner, the disciple of the local Xingzong turned his head and said to his close friend, "go on, Yang Xuan, we should also go up the mountain."

Jilei looked around. There was almost nothing else except the abrupt cliff. When walking, he had to be careful not to fall off the high plank road. "In fact, at sunset, the stone Phoenix barrier will automatically disappear." Xiao Lingxue says with a smile to Ji Lei. Ji Lei takes Xiao Lingxue's shoulder lightly and says, "we can't wait for a whole day. Then we can only pick up the leftovers from Wen Tiance. I don't want to be defeated in front of your childhood sweetheart. He also wants to give me a strong hand."

When Xiao Lingxue hears Ji Lei's words, she immediately blushes, and her double green is slightly restrained. Jiaobo rebukes Ji Lei with anger: "who says he is my childhood sweetheart? It's just a playmate when I was a kid. I haven't known him for a few years in total! "

Ji Lei looks at Xiao Lingxue and hums with a smile. He doesn't get entangled in this topic. He teases Xiao Lingxue. He is afraid that Ji Lei's greatest pleasure is in this boring journey.

"Through these three Heaven stacks, even if you are really on Nirvana mountain." Standing on a precipice, Xiao Lingxue looks at another Tianjian far away and says to Ji Lei. In front of Jilei, there are three extremely dangerous plank roads with different heights. Only when they are all crossed, can we really reach nirvana mountain. The wooden plank road hanging on two cliffs looks crumbling. The bottomless abyss is below. If it falls, there is only one dead end.

Such a dangerous plank road is an insurmountable natural moat for ordinary people, but for Jilei, it is not a problem. "What's the difficulty? Look at mine. " Ji Lei said, then again will Xiao Lingxue waist hold up.

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