Jilei's eyes were shining brightly, but he didn't open his mouth to express his real thoughts. He just asked, "do you know where there are life spirit grass, water chestnut bone and Xuan Yuan fruit in this Nirvana mountain?"

Hearing this, Yang Shu showed a thoughtful look. After thinking for a moment, he said to Ji Lei, "I don't know the latter two, but I seem to have seen the latter two when I first came to Nirvana mountain in the previous year."

"Have you seen it?" When jilaton's eyes were flooded, he said to Yang Shu, "can you take me to that place?"

"Well... It's not impossible, but you have to do something for me first." Yang Shu said to Ji Lei.

Jilei asked, "what's the matter?"

Yang Shu looked around and said to Ji Lei, "there is a clouded leopard near here. I need its demon crystal. If you can help me kill the clouded leopard and obtain the demon crystal, I will take you to the place where there is life spirit grass."

Jilei pondered for a moment. He did not refuse. He nodded and said, "one for one, no loss. As long as you take me to find the life spirit grass, I will promise you anything."

After hearing this, Yang Shu looks at Ji Lei in surprise, wondering why this guy is so interested in the life spirit grass? But it's not good to ask directly. He nodded and called Ji Lei: "come on, I'll take you to the place where clouded leopard is."

After hearing this, Ji Lei is not polite. He goes directly to the body of the bamboo tree, and then under the sound of Yang Shu, the bamboo tree begins to move slowly in the forest. With the rising of the sun, the fog around gradually thinned. However, with the three men of Ji Lei climbing up, Nirvana mountain is quite high. The place where Ji Lei is now is almost half way up the mountain. The surrounding clouds are still strong. Ji Lei reaches out his hand, and his hand is not in the mist for a moment, so he can't see his finger at all. This kind of environment greatly limits Jilei's vision. Fortunately, Jilei still has divine consciousness, which can perceive the surrounding environment. However, when Jilei opens his divine consciousness, he is surprised to find that these clouds seem to be able to shield his own divine consciousness. No matter how he strengthens his divine consciousness, he can't

explore the surrounding environment.

"It's really strange here..." Ji Lei murmured, and then Yang Shu's voice came from the front: "the fog around here can weaken the power of divine consciousness, so even if your Divine sense is strong, you can't find out the enemy situation around you, but the fog can't isolate the sound."

Ji Lei looks at Yang Shu in surprise, and immediately understands what he means. Yang Shu's ears are quite different from ordinary people's hearing. In such an environment as the night when one can't see his fingers, he has reliable hearing, which is many times better than divine sense.

Yang Shu, with his back to Ji Lei, looks at the front indifferently, and then raises an imperceptible smile.

After walking for a long time, Ji Lei suddenly feels that zhujuan has stopped. Later, Ji Lei sees that Yang Shu jumps off the bamboo beetle. He is puzzled. But then, Yang Shu moves a few steps forward and reaches out his hand as if he is touching something...

"what's the matter?" Jiley asked curiously.

"The front is blocked." From the front comes Yang Shu's unhappy voice. Ji Lei hears the words and quickly goes down to Yang Shu. When he comes to Yang Shu, Ji Lei sees that the road ahead is blocked by a huge stone!

"It must be man-made, in order not to let the later comers go up the mountain and compete with them for treasures." Yang Shu said to Ji Lei calmly. Listening to his tone, he seemed to have encountered such a thing for a long time.

"It seems that the boulder can only be removed." Ji Lei says helplessly, and then she wants to move the stone away. But as soon as she does, she is stopped by Yang Shu.

"What's the matter?" Ji Lei asked, but looking over her head, she saw Yang Shu's dignified face.

Ji Lei stopped talking at once. He knew that Yang Shu's ears were extremely sensitive. He might have heard something strange...

"I heard the sound of footsteps." Yang Shu said calmly.

"Footsteps?" Ji Lei is stunned, "is there someone here?"

"No, it's not a human step. It has four legs, and the soles of each foot have meat pads, so it's very light... But it's not far from us." Yang Shu's face became more and more heavy, and then he didn't know what he was murmuring. Ji Lei couldn't really listen.

However, Ji Lei feels that the back of his neck is chilly... "It's getting closer, four legs... Meat pads... Light feet... But strong body... No sound of claws grinding the ground, so he is in the state of hunting and is a natural Hunter..." Yang Shu's mind turns over thousands of faces, but when the picture is fixed in a certain face in his mind, Yang Shu's His face turned pale.

"Won't it..." Yang shuzhan turned his head cautiously. In the clouds, a vague but robust figure suddenly rushed towards them!

"Clouded leopard! Four step clouded leopard Yang Shu screamed, but it didn't help. When the figure was clear for a moment, Jilei could see that it was a cat like beast covered with light brown hair and irregular black stripes on its fur!Four level peak monster, clouded leopard!

The front road is blocked, and clouded leopard attacks the back road. Ji Lei and they can't retreat!

"What are you waiting for? Fight Without saying a word, Ji Lei pulls out the dragon pattern halberd, yells at Yang Shu and Yang Xuan, and then rushes forward to stab the clouded leopard with a halberd!

Yang Shu and Yang Xuan looked at each other with a deep hesitation.

"Ding!" The edge of the Dragon grain halberd collides with clouded leopard's sharp teeth. Ji Lei swings his arm and exerts a thousand jin force to throw the clouded leopard directly to one side of the cliff. Ji Lei's position is a precipice. If one is careless, he will fall into the cliff on the left side, and there is no skeleton left. So Ji Lei didn't dare to be careless. He leaned back as far as possible. The clouded leopard was hit by Ji Lei's halberd. His teeth were shocked by the dragon's halberd, and his jaw was a little crooked. But after all, he was a monster, and his anti attack ability was much higher than that of human beings. After being hit by Ji Lei's halberd, Yun

leopard only took a moment to fall to the ground and stand up again.

"Roar Clouded leopard seems to be very angry. Ji Lei is so disrespectful to him. In the middle of Nirvana mountain, it is the king and the master here! No creature dares to defy it!

"Roar!" Clouded leopard opened its mouth. There were four sharpest fangs on the bloody gums. The strong heel of the clouded leopard rushed towards Jilei!

"Greedy wolf halberd!" In such a narrow place, Ji Lei does not dare to use large-scale martial arts skills. If he does not perform well, it is estimated that the whole cliff will collapse, regardless of the rock layer by layer here. However, in fact, anyone here can crush a stone easily after weighing it up!

The triple greedy wolf halberd unifies, aims at the clouded leopard, then suddenly rushes, the clouded leopard pounces towards Ji Lei! There is no intention of avoiding it at all! "Bang!" The sound of the sound, resounding through the sky, on the cliffs, scattered gravel.

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