"This life spirit grass should be in the western direction of Nirvana mountain..." Ji Lei looked down at the map in her hand, and then raised her head to Duan bailing, who had already ridden her neck.

Duan Bai Ling nodded absentmindedly, "it's you who look for the life spirit grass, but I'm not looking for it. Hurry up, it's gloomy here."

Duan bailing reaches out and tugs at Jilei's ear. When Jilei hears the words, she can only take the little witch to the west again.

Jilei also felt that the surrounding environment was really quite cold. The sun could not find the back slope in the West. His vision was blocked by the surrounding trees. Although the fog had dissipated a little, the gloomy environment still did not give Jilei much visible range.

"I always feel that something is wrong..." Duan Bai Ling, who is riding on Jilei's neck, suddenly lowers her head and says to him. Ji Lei hears this and looks at Duan Bai Ling in surprise. "What's wrong?"

"I can't say, but my soul told me that we were being followed."

"Followed?" Ji Lei is stunned and stops. Duan bailing jumps down from Jilei. Then she stands beside Jilei and stares at the surroundings.

"What do you feel?" Ji Lei was also a little nervous when Duan bailing said this, and subconsciously took out the Dragon halberd. The golden light lit up the surrounding environment a little.


Duan bailing doesn't respond to Ji Lei, but a white candle suddenly appears in her palm. On the candle, there is a spark, which gradually drives out the darkness around her.

But jiley noticed that the light on the candle was always facing the East, that is, behind her.

"There is something there," Duan bailing said decisively. "My Mermaid candle can judge the invisible things. There is definitely something behind us! And always follow us

Duan bailing's words make Ji Lei's back cold. Duan bailing says that the dark surroundings are more somber. The ghost wind blows over Jilei's neck. Ji Lei subconsciously shrinks his neck, and then his eyes are firmly fixed on the flame of the mermaid candle.

The flame did not move, but kept changing its direction. The thinnest head, after a short period of time, changed its direction once.

"This kind of place should be the habitat of dark demons. We should be stepping into the territory of a certain monster or a group of monsters."

An hour ago, Duan bailing was still chatting and laughing with Jilei, but now she is cold and full of vigilance.

Under Jilei's astonished eyes, the slender body of the mermaid candle gradually shows the carving like a fish scale...

"getting closer and closer!" Duan bailing murmurs at Ji Lei. Ji Lei hears the words and immediately carries the Dragon grain halberd on his back. He is ready to fight at any time!

Fish scale lines, more obvious, more profound!

"Three feet... Two feet... One foot... Jilei hands on it!"


"Battle dragon strangle!"

In the shadow, a slightly illusory figure, and Ji Lei's Dragon twist at the same time, a black gas and Jilei's golden aura suddenly collide! The holy dragon transformed by golden aura immediately surrounded the black gas and crushed it violently!

"It's done!" Ji Lei said to Duan Bai Ling.

Duan Bai Ling's face was not relaxed, because the mermaid candle was still flashing and jumping. When the black air disappeared, another gray gas rushed out of the darkness!

"And more!" Duan Bai Ling chided her way.

Ji Lei's hand is unambiguous. As soon as Duan bailing's voice falls, Ji Lei's Zhan long strangler shoots again to attack the gray breath. The gray breath turns into oblivion and dissipates at the moment of contact with Zhanlong strangle!

"It should be the ghost beast!" Duan bailing turns to Jilei and says, "although it's a first-class monster, it's a huge number. There should be hundreds of them in this forest. We shouldn't stay here for a long time! Let's go

Hearing Duan bailing's words, Jilei directly carries her on her shoulder. Duan bailing is shocked for a while. However, in an emergency, she does not care about her bad manners, so she is carried by Jilei and runs away.


Seeing Jilei and Duan bailing running away, a flood and tsunami like gray gas suddenly rushes towards Jilei and Duan bailing!

"I'll tell you that there are many netherworld beasts?" Duan bailing is shouldered on her shoulder by Jilei, and a piece of spring under her skirt leaks out. Unfortunately, Ji Lei faces forward and can't afford to enjoy the beautiful scenery. She only knows how to run. Duan bailing also covers her delicate buttocks with her hand, making her skirt blow up in the wind.

"Can't run away from these monsters!" Ji Lei turns around and glances at her back. The black area is getting closer and closer to her. Jilei simply stops and stands in the same place, waiting for death!

"What are you doing?" Seeing Ji Lei stop at such a juncture, Duan bailing is in a hurry. She grabs Jilei's neck and shakes it vigorously. Ji Lei is dazzled and her hand is released. Duan bailing is directly thrown into the ground by Jilei."Ouch Duan bailing falls into the mud and her pretty face is covered with black mud. She gets up and punches Jilei mercilessly on her arm. But now Jilei has no time to take care of Duan bailing.

"What the hell are you doing?" Duan Bai Ling is not moved by Ji Lei, so she gets angry.

Ji Lei takes a deep breath, then slowly releases the aura in her body, and then converges on the Dragon halberd.

"You don't want to..." Duan Bai Ling seemed to understand what Ji Lei was going to do, and immediately turned pale, "are you crazy? There are hundreds and thousands of them. When can you kill them one by one? "

Ji Lei horizontal segment white Ling one eye, thin lip actually put on a trace of mockery smile: "who wants to kill one by one."

"Then you...

" watch it! " Ji Lei raised the Dragon grain halberd, and two swimming dragons, one gold and one blue, suddenly merged into one. In the roaring aura, Ji Lei dashed to the dark beast!

"Double dragon sunset halberd!" Ji Lei's roar is mixed in the wind, and the wind bursts. Shuanglong aims at the attacking nether beasts and rushes away!


The crackling sound explodes in the arc, and the black air of groups and groups returns to the ground in the raging aura. Jilei stands upright before the storm and stares at the ghost beast crushed, bombed and split into pieces in the wind.

"Hoo -" Ji Lei breathed out a breath. Frightened by Duan bailing, Ji Lei almost forgot. What they were facing was just a group of low-level monsters, which could be crushed into pieces by any martial arts skills.

Duan bailing stares at the powerful aura storm, and some of her frozen eyes glance at Ji Lei's back...

"this guy..." in Duan Bai Ling's beautiful eyes, a trace of astonishment gradually emerges, and then it becomes a strong tremor.

Although facing only a group of first-class monsters, it is quite shocking that Jilei can release such powerful martial arts skills.

The visual impact of Shuanglong is incomparable, not to mention how great the impact on people's mind is when it is added with its brutal power...

"pa la." One by one monster fell to the ground, and Jilei then turned her eyes to the demon crystal all over the ground.

"Although it is only some first-order demon crystal, it is better than none."

With a move of Jilei's hand, the aura that comes out of the fury will instantly smash the demon crystal all over the ground. The aura inside immediately gushes out from the demon crystal. With Jilei's mouth open, the aura comes to Jilei's body. When absorbing low-level monster crystal, because the demon crystal is fragile, Jilei can break it with aura, so it doesn't need to swallow hard, so it can directly absorb the aura inside. However, these auras are just a tiny amount for Jilei, and it is almost the same as not absorbing.

"Let's go." Ji Lei says to Duan bailing, and then she continues to climb the mountain, but Duan bailing stands still.

"What's the matter with you?" Ji Lei frowned and looked at Duan Bai Ling with some puzzlement.

"You... Look..." Duan Bai Ling reached out and pointed not far away, where there was a green light shining, very conspicuous. "What is this?" Ji Lei is stunned, and then he will go forward. When he approaches the light source, Ji Lei is stunned there.

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