Duan Bai Ling's thin and delicate body blocks Ji Lei's face. Her cold expression seems to freeze the air around her.

The two people in Yigong all fell to the ground. Yi Tianxing struggled on the ground and tried to get up. However, he was shocked to find that no matter how hard he tried, his body just did not listen to his command and stuck to the ground, so they fell on the ground and couldn't move.

"I say again, return the life spirit grass!" Duan bailing's beautiful eyes are filled with anger. The aura of Duan bailing's whole body explodes in an instant. Yi Tianxing shivers, but she still doesn't listen to Duan bailing. "You want me to give it to me? What are you! " As a disciple of Yigong, Yi Tianxing is naturally arrogant. Although Duan bailing is obedient to them now, she still doesn't give them too much deterrence. After all, Duan bailing seems to be just a weak woman,

so Yi Tianxing is still tough after her struggle.

Duan bailing sees Yi Tianxing's attitude of disdain. In her pretty eyes, she is filled with cold frost and does not talk nonsense with Yi Tianxing. As soon as the jade hand is lifted, Yi Tianxing and Yi Tianxing float directly from the ground and slowly move to the edge of the cliff.

The sudden height difference makes Yi Tianxing's eyes dizzy, but Duan bailing says to Yi Tianxing with banter: "if you don't want to give it, I'll let it go. When you die, the spirit grass will still have to return."

Ji Lei's eyes burst into surprise. Duan bailing's aura at the moment gives Ji Lei a great shock. Yi Tianxing's strength is stronger than Ji Lei's, but Duan bailing can easily suppress it, which makes Ji Lei's heart shudder.

"Asshole! Let go of me Yi Tianxing is hanging on the edge of the cliff. As long as Duan bailing reads down, Yi Tianxing will immediately fall off the cliff. However, roaring does not make Yi Tianxing safe. Duan bailing doesn't want to say anything to Yi Tianxing, but just looks at him coldly.

But Duan bailing is not as good as Duan bailing. Anyway, Yi Tianxing is controlled by herself. She is not afraid that Yi Tianxing is not convinced.

After a long period of stalemate, Yi Tianxing finally let go and said to Duan Bai Ling, "OK, I'll give you the life spirit grass." "Don't play tricks." Duan bailing's voice reminds Yi Tianxing not to sweat. Later, Duan bailing releases Yi Tianxing. After landing, Duan bailing doesn't give Yi Tianxing a chance to breathe. She goes directly to him, reaches out and says in a cold voice, "life spirit grass, give me.

”Yi Tianxing had no choice but to hand over the grass to Duan bailing's hand. As soon as Duan bailing reached out, Yi Tianxing suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange pattern hidden in Duan bailing's cuff. The pattern was printed on Duan bailing's wrist, but it was usually covered by the sleeve. Yi

Tianxing could find it, but it was very unintentional.

But when Yi Tianxing saw the pattern, his face turned pale. He fell back and sat on the ground, his eyes glowing with fear, and his cold sweat ran down on his forehead. He couldn't even speak clearly: "you... Are you from the nine jade palace?" "Jiuzunyuxuan palace?" Ji Lei faintly heard the name and immediately frowned. He did not hear the name, but Yi Tianxing seemed to be very familiar with the name. Moreover, under Duan bailing's cold eye, Yi Tianxing immediately made a secretive look. He changed his arrogant look before

and his face was full of courteous expression. He quickly stood up and said to Duan bailing, "I'm here If you don't know your eyes, you have offended the goddess of Yuxuan palace. I hope you can forgive me! "

Then, Yi Tianxing turned around timidly and made a gesture to the people on the side and said in a low voice, "Luo Zhen, go."

"But..." although Luo Zhen was unwilling, he seemed to have to give in to the so-called nine Zun Yuxuan palace. For this sect, the people in the wing palace seemed to have a deep shadow in their hearts.

Yi Tianxing and Luo Zhen leave with a pale face. The flying monster screams, and they flee and disappear immediately. Duan bailing takes the life spirit grass back and hands it to Ji Lei.

At this moment, Jilei feels that the distance between him and Duan bailing is not one point or two, but a day and a place. The name of Jiuzun Yuxuan palace lingers in Ji Lei's mind, but Ji Lei still doesn't ask questions. But unconsciously, Duan bailing's identity has to be extremely complicated in Ji Lei's eyes. In Ji Lei's words, Duan bailing's identity has to be extremely complicated. In Ji Lei's words, it's like the mist around the mountain peak, which is mysterious and far away.

Ji Lei is in a trance and smacks her lips. Somehow, she gives birth to a taste of inferiority in her heart...

"what are you doing? Take it. " Naturally, Duan bailing doesn't know what Ji Lei is thinking. She generously reaches out her hand and hands it to Ji Lei. Ji Lei hears the words and quickly takes the life spirit grass to him. Even then she gives Duan bailing a grateful smile: "thank you."

"This life spirit grass is so important to you, how can you let the wing palace take away so easily?" Duan Bai Ling smiles carelessly and says to Ji Lei: "it's getting late. It's better to find a peaceful place to settle down."

"Well." Jilei nods his head and goes down the hill.

The mountain stream was soon covered by moonlight, and the wild torrent, under the quiet moonlight, seemed to have become much more gentle. The waves and waves, at this moment, are like the sound of a clear spring.Ji Lei leans on a rock and looks at the moonlight in the sky. The moonlight is mottled, and the shadow of the flowers and trees under the cliff is very long. It is the season of blooming flowers and leaves. The atmosphere of yuntianjian is changing quietly. The shadow of flowers is whirling, and the cherry trees on the cliff are bright. Just become a little bit beautiful up.

"Are you thinking about Xiao Ling Xue?" Duan bailing comes to Jilei's side. The light of the bonfire reflects the white skirt and her charming face, which is extremely beautiful.

"No, just look at the moon. It's beautiful." Ji Lei bent her knees slightly and said with a smile, "is the moonlight missing your lover? There is no such affectation. "

Duan bailing doesn't refute. She sits quietly and looks at the sky with Jilei. The moonlight is clear and bright indeed. It is reasonable to say that simply looking at the beautiful scenery is reasonable.

After a moment's silence, Ji Lei suddenly said, "are you a member of jiuzunyuxuan palace?"

"Do you hear me Duan bailing's face did not change much, but there seemed to be some estrangement between her tones.

"I hear," Gilley nodded, "but I don't know what kind of door this is."

"You don't even know what the gate of the nine jade temple is?" Duan bailing glances at Ji Lei and is greatly surprised. Listening to Duan bailing's tone, she seems to have no idea that the jiuzunyuxuan palace is a very humiliating thing. "I've never heard of people from the east of the mainland." Ji Lei said calmly, and then looked at Duan bailing: "anyway, you have nothing to do. Why don't you tell me what the nine Yuxuan palace is?"

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