"Kick! Kick! Kick Xiao Ji and Ling Ling rush to run away from Xiao Ji and Ling Ling. When Ji Lei was running for his life, he also looked back and found that all of them were hunched and ran on all fours. This made Ji Lei suspicious. However, the result of such a run was that Jilei's speed was far less than those of them. Soon, Ji Lei and Xiao Ling were caught up by these beasts! "Battle dragon strangle!" Without hesitation, Ji Lei directly pulls out the Dragon grain halberd, and flies directly to a group of black shadows behind him. The aura released by the Dragon grain halberd makes all these people prostrate on the ground. However, this extremely strong martial art can not hurt them at all, but can only slow down their speed!

Ji Lei's face became very ugly and said to Xiao Ling Xue, "you run first, I'll catch up with you later!" Xiao Lingxue hesitated for a moment, but the situation was urgent and there was no time to think about it. Xiao Lingxue had to listen to Ji Lei's advice and run out alone. At this time, the forest exit close to her was as far away as a natural moat. Ji Lei kept releasing aura behind Xiao Lingxue, keeping all of them out, but with little effect. For a long time Ji Lei's aura was almost exhausted, but not a single person was killed.

"Roar!" When Ji Lei is panting, a fierce figure suddenly appears in front of him. He opens his mouth and bites off Jilei's head. The two sharp tiger teeth twinkle in Jilei's eyes.

Jiley was stunned for a moment.

"Nine pole wind feather!"

The rain of nine arrows shot from the tree directly nailed the man to the tree trunk behind him. The man struggled madly, but he could not move.

"Run! We can't kill them! " Xiao Lingxue's anxious urge came from behind. The nine wind arrows nailed the man to the tree. Nine wind arrows nailed the man out of nine blood holes. The blood gurgled out, but he could not be killed in any case.

Ji Lei is lucky to be saved by Xiao Lingxue, but she is still in a cold sweat. Then she quickly follows Xiao Lingxue and runs all the way out of the forest.

Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue run for their lives, but after a long time, they find that they are still in the same place. The exit of the woods in front of him is far away from him.

"What's going on?" Ji Lei is the first to react, because before he entered the city of danwu, he was once lost in the mirage array. This time, it seems that the situation is the same as before. "What? They are going to catch up with us Xiao Lingxue says to Ji Lei eagerly. Ji Lei is also anxious when he hears the words. But now the aura in Ji Lei's body is not enough for Ji Lei to release any martial arts skills again. However, the people behind him are getting closer and closer to Ji Lei and Xiao Lingxue. They can only run and run. Ji Lei suddenly steps out of his feet, while Xiao Ling Xue beside him has sunk into the ground Go in.

When the group catches up with them, Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue disappear in the same place. The scarlet in their eyes gradually fades into white. Finally, the ferocity on their faces also disappears. They walk back to the original place, still repeating the original weird action.

"Where is this?" In the dark, Xiao Lingxue's voice comes to Ji Lei's ears. Ji Lei reaches out and touches a touch of softness. She immediately grabs Xiao Lingxue's hand in the palm of her hand. It seems that she also feels Jilei's presence. Xiao Lingxue gradually moves towards the direction of Jilei she wants.

"It's dark here." Jilei murmured. As soon as Jilei's voice rang out, he suddenly lit a bright candle! Ji Lei and Xiao Lingxue are all photographed thoroughly. At this time, Ji Lei finds that he is not holding Xiao Lingxue's hand, but...

Ji Lei looks down and finds that there is another softness in his palm. When Jilei looks closer, he suddenly screams!

The man seems to be scared and screams. Ji Lei is afraid that the voice will lead the group of people, and quickly reaches out to cover the man's mouth!

"Open your eyes and see who I am! You don't recognize me after a few days? " Ji Lei lowered his voice and said to the man. With a pair of smart eyes, she looked behind her. When she saw Ji Lei's face, Duan bailing was relieved. Then she said to him, "how could it be you?"

Ji Lei just caught it. It was Duan Bai Ling's hand!

Jiley was also puzzled and asked, "I still want to ask you, why are you here?"

"I'm looking for my senior brother!" Duan bailing opens her eyes wide and says to Ji Lei. Ji Lei hears the words and hisses: "don't talk about it. Do you come to this tunnel to find your elder martial brother? To whom? "

"I really came to see my senior brother!" Duan bailing said to Jilei angrily. Then she pointed to the passage behind her and said to Jilei, "if you don't believe it, go there and have a look! The way there

Ji Lei looks at the place where Duan bailing points to. The dark road is lit up by the candle. Ji Lei looks at Xiao Ling Xue suspiciously, and they can see a trace of hesitation in each other's eyes."Oh, what am I doing to deceive you? Come with me Seeing Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue hesitated, Duan bailing Ling was not happy. Then she took the lead to walk towards the dark passage.

"Keep up." Ji Leisheng was afraid of Duan bailing's danger. Seeing Duan bailing's advance, he took Xiao Lingxue's hand and drove on.

"You see, here it is." Duan bailing points to a stone in front of her. When she knocks the stone open, it is a bright entrance.

"Here is..." Ji Lei's eyes shine with amazement. Looking at the brightness ahead, she is happy with Xiao Ling Xue. Duan bailing gives Jilei a look, and then goes forward and walks into the light.

Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue walk into the light at the same time. When Jilei goes in, he finds that there is almost all white light around him, and some of them come to Jilei's eyes. When the sudden white light disappears, what brings in his eyes is a circle of green!

This green, around Jilei and Xiao Lingxue, and in front of Jilei, there is a towering ancient tree!

The ancient trees look very old. In the whole green space, there are only a bunch of green trees.

Green ancient trees, brown branches, and a root of strong vines, rattan, actually is bound with a closed eyes!

"Who is this?" Jiley looked at the figure bound by the tree. He seemed to fall into a deep sleep, his eyes closed tightly, and his face was pale and bloodless.

"He is my senior brother, Wei Changqing..." Duan Bai Ling's dark voice suddenly rings from behind Ji Lei.

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