The fire was burning all over the sky. Mars first rose from the sky, and then it fell down like rain. Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue were protected by the king antelope clock. All the sparks splashed on the king antelope clock, and they did not hurt them at all. However, Fumei was not so lucky. The flame was the thing it was afraid of most. When the flame touched the body of Yumei, he quickly sat down In an instant, his body was all stained with bright yellow flame, and his body was burned. A series of low growls came out from the green leaves. Listening to the voice of

of Yumei, it seemed very painful.

"Is this thing afraid of fire? That's good. " Ji Lei sees that Jimei is entangled by the fire, and the Dragon halberd that is about to attack is also immediately suppressed by Ji Lei. Ji Lei holds her arms and looks at the demon who is entangled in the fire with joy.

Ji Lei stops the attack. Although Xiao Lingxue doesn't agree with her very much, she also thinks that she has no strength to counterattack and doesn't care too much.


The ghost in the fire suddenly burst out a huge roar. Ji Lei planned to watch a good play and wait for him to be burned to death by the fire. But just as Jilei's nerves relaxed, he suddenly jumped up. The flame on his body disappeared at this time!

"I make you proud!" Under the dense leaves, flying needles hit like raindrops. Xiao Lingxue quickly summoned the antelope King clock to resist. However, when these flying needles touched the antelope King bell, they suddenly exploded one after another. Although the explosion of one flying needle was extremely small, the explosion effect of so many flying needles combined was quite amazing.


Xiao Lingxue's mouth suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood. Ji Lei is busy looking at Xiao Ling Xue. Her eyes are full of anxiety.

"I'm ok," Xiao Lingxue wiped the blood off her mouth and said to Ji Lei, "the king antelope clock and I have some feelings. The flying hurt the antelope clock a little bit. I....

" I know, take back the antelope King bell, "Ji Lei did not wait for Xiao Lingxue to finish, then took Xiao Lingxue's jade hand and said in a warm voice:" even if there is no protection, we can still eliminate it Kill it

Xiao Lingxue is worried when she hears Ji Lei's words, but Ji Lei insists on asking Xiao Lingxue to take back the Lingwang bell. Xiao Lingxue finally has to compromise.

The king of antelope bell finally disappeared. Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue show up from the antelope King bell. They are enchanted and excited by the tone!

"This turtle shell is not going to protect you? Without the protection of this broken shell, I'd like to see how many moves you can withstand me! "

Then she laughed angrily, and her flying needle shot at Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue again!

"Death Lianhua!"

The speed and sharpness of the flying needle were more fierce than before. Ji Lei looked at the flying needle which was like a locust. His face was frozen, and the aura on the Dragon halberd suddenly turned up!

"No protection, because we will never lose to you even if it is hard to do so!" With a sneer, Ji Lei immediately holds the dragon pattern halberd in her hand and dances fiercely. With the movement of the dragon pattern halberd, Ji Lei gradually draws a circle of light, which rushes towards the flying needles. When they touch the flying needles, they immediately put them on their bodies, and then tie them up like a rope! "What?" Jimei can't believe that Jilei's control of aura can be so delicate! Xiao Lingxue can't believe it. Ji Lei never shows herself how to control aura, and Xiao Lingxue has never asked about it. But now Ji

Lei can be so exquisite and exquisite that she is really surprised.

Aura tied up the flying needles in bundles. All the flying needles fell to the ground. Looking at those flying needles, Jilei's expression was even colder: "what else do you have to do? Why don't you make it all? "

The leaves on Yumei's body began to shake. It had been irritated by Jilei. Under the leaves, there was full of anger and killing intention: "boy, don't be proud too soon! Since we have planned to keep you here forever, it is natural that we have a perfect plan! " Jimei, as one of the five mountains, must have the ability to be far stronger than other monsters. Jimei is quite cunning. If it wasn't for Xiao Ling Xue Xin, Ji Lei would have been foolishly told by Duan bailing Cheated, if "Wei Changqing" is really saved, there is no doubt that the tiger returns to the mountain forest, and the enchantment can kill and devour the power without fear! Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue are the first sacrifice after she gets rid of her shackles! Thinking of this, Ji Lei looks back at Xiao Lingxue, but Xiao Lingxue's eyes are not on Ji Lei's body at all. He follows Xiao Lingxue's eyes. The enchantment in the air, the flying leaves beside him are dancing fiercely, and the green breath becomes more and more intense with the dancing of enchantment. Under the flying leaves all over the sky, Ji Lei suddenly feels that he is The soles of the feet, it seems that there are bursts of vibration."What's going on?" Ji Lei is surprised. Then she looks down at the ground. Under her feet, an old stone statue suddenly breaks through the ground!

"Danger!" Ji Lei exclaimed, and then she hugged Xiao Lingxue, stepped on her feet, and jumped away from her original place. Ji Lei opened her front feet, and on the land behind her feet, all the stone statues were unearthed!

It was a very fierce monster, and when it showed up, the evil spirit footstep lightly fell on the demon beast's body.

The whole body of the monster statue suddenly released a very powerful force, which penetrated the whole space and wrapped everything here!

"Welcome to no one's land!" In her tone, she was full of evil spirits.

"No man's land..." Ji Lei's eyes are full of solemnity. All around the monster statue are blocked by an invisible breath. Ji Lei can't break through. Now, Jilei and Xiao Lingxue are trapped in this space.

"In no man's land, I am the master!" Jimei's voice was much higher, and it sounded very powerful. Then Jilei saw that there was something like a giant sword in his hand. The huge sword was pulled directly from the body of the demon beast!

That's the spine of the monster!

The spine is still jumping! Ji Lei's eyes are constricted, and she looks at the monster statue with some disbelief: "this monster animal is alive!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!