"If brother Jilei is willing to join us, I'd like to welcome you." At first, situ Xiao was stunned, but when he saw that Ji Lei wanted to join him, he was very happy. Then he gave a kind smile to Ji Lei, and Ji Lei said goodbye for a while. He walked up to Xiao Lingxue and joined the camp with Xiao Lingxue.

Situ Xiao was very happy to see Ji Lei join him. After all, he could see that among these people, Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue were absolutely top-notch. Therefore, Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue naturally added a lot of confidence to them. Seeing that the number of people was almost the same, situ Xiao took the stack of Wanxiang plates into Najie, and then he said to the crowd, "gentlemen, I have already told you that there are various treasures hidden in the Huajian cave. As for what we can find, we can't get through it, so we have to rely on it Everybody, make concerted efforts to search all the treasures in the flower hole! What have you found! I will never touch you

It seemed that situ Xiao had the ability to be a lecturer. His words immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the people around him, and they all rubbed their hands when they heard the speech. However, when everyone was eager to try and the fighting spirit was high, a discordant voice suddenly sounded in the crowd.

"With so many people, I don't think that even if we search all the things in the Huajian hole, we don't have much. If we reduce the number of people, we will not get more things for each person?"

As soon as the sharp voice came out, it immediately attracted many people's eyes. Some people were angry about it. This arrogant speech was too self-centered.

Situ Xiao also looked at the source of the sound. A tall man in a white robe came out of the crowd, wearing a half mask and a clean face. With his long eyes and half mask, he added a touch of enchantment.

"Mu Feng?" When situ Xiao recognized the man, he looked embarrassed for a moment. Many people who knew him also turned their angry eyes to Mu Feng. Ji Lei turned his head and asked Xiao Ling Xue in a low voice: "do you know who this man is?"

"I know." Xiao Ling Xue lightly touches her head and says to Ji Lei, "the Mu family in the cloud Kingdom has a very thick foundation. Although it is not the four big families, it is not weaker than the Xiao family at least." "So..." Ji Lei nods and spins. Even if Mu Feng wants to kick some people off, Ji Lei won't object to it. After all, it seems that there are a lot of people. Ji Lei's strength is enough to protect Xiao Lingxue and protect herself. Therefore, it is a good thing for Ji Lei.

Ji Lei has a faint smile on her face. After her eyes float over Mu Feng, she never goes to see him again. If he wants to kick, let him kick.

But situ Xiao did not seem particularly willing to offend Mu Feng. As soon as Mu Feng's rude request was put forward, situ Xiao did not directly refuse. Instead, he looked at Mu Feng with a strange look and said, "what does brother Mu Feng think we should do?"

"It's very simple," Mu Feng held out. "I don't aim at anyone. I think the number of these people is too much. It should be acceptable to kick off two people."

Then, Mu Feng turned his eyes to Jilei and Xiao Lingxue, pointed out and said to situ Xiao, "my Mufeng always has a principle in doing things. The rules of first come first, then come are very clear. In this case, let the last two people leave." As soon as Mu Feng's words were uttered, they immediately attracted everyone's eyes. Their eyes were all toward Jilei and Xiao Lingxue. All those people's faces were filled with schadenfreude smiles and the joy of escaping from the robbery. After all, Mu Feng could do whatever he wanted with the help of the powerful Mu family. He just asked Mu Feng not to point his spearhead at himself, and who was the chance to group into the hole They didn't want to miss it, so when they saw that Mu Feng was pointing at Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue, they were all relieved.

"This... I'm afraid it's not good..." seeing Mu Feng pointing his spear at Ji Lei and Xiao Lingxue, situ Xiao also said with some embarrassment: "I promised brother Ji Lei to let him join us just now...

" who in here joined us after you agreed with brother situ? Why do you have to be special? " Mu Feng looked indifferent. Then he directly passed situ Xiao, waved to Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue, and said, "OK, there's no business for you two here. Let's go!"

Mu Feng, this can be regarded as an act of usurpation! It's a taboo to be a martial god! What's more, they despise Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue!

Sure enough, when Mu Feng's voice fell, Ji Lei's face suddenly became gloomy. Situ Xiao looked at Ji Lei and Xiao Ling Xue in great embarrassment. But he did not dare to provoke Mu Feng, and he could only plead: "can you take them with you? After all, there were only two more people... "

at this time, situ Xiao still wanted to be a good man, but mu Feng looked a little changed when he heard the words. He took a step closer to situ Xiao and immediately asked," brother situ... Do you think I did something wrong? "Without waiting for situ Xiao's reply, Mu Feng waves directly. A strong wind blows between his sleeves and rushes to Jilei and Xiao Lingxue!

"Forging spirit realm seven! What a strong strength Jilei looked at the strong wind, and her face suddenly solidified, but without hesitation, she directly resisted the strong wind of Mu Feng with aura.


With the sound of silence, Mu Feng's move was resisted by Ji Lei, but after that, Ji Lei's face was completely black... "Suddenly, it seems that it's not something!" Others are afraid of Mufeng, but Jilei is not afraid of it. The world is so big that the Mu family can cover the sky with one hand! Ji Lei naturally wants to be sarcastic. Xiao Ling Xue's pretty face is as cold as ice behind her. Her hands are full of aura!

Hearing Ji Lei's words, the other people's faces turned pale. Even situ Xiao's face also showed a little pity. He immediately grabbed Jilei's sleeve and motioned Jilei not to say more.

However, Jilei is not afraid of this mu Feng at all. She looks at him with her eyes, and her momentum is not weak at all.

"What do you say?" After hearing Ji Lei's words, Mu Feng's face suddenly gushed a little displeasure, took out his ears, and seemed to have not heard Ji Lei's words clearly. The warning meaning in his words was obvious.

But Jilei naturally will not be afraid of him, looking at Mu Feng with a sneer, and then said in a cold voice, "I said you are not a thing."

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