Looking at Ji Lei's confident look, Xiao Lingxue can't say anything more. Since Ji Lei insists, Xiao Lingxue will no longer protect Ji Lei. He releases Ji Lei's arm and says gently in Ji Lei's ear: "if I encounter danger, I'll shoot the hole down with the nine pole wind plume, and then I'll take

you to run."

After hearing this, Ji Lei couldn't help laughing. She touched Xiao Lingxue's hair with a smile and said in a soft voice, "don't worry. There's no such danger. I'll never let go of these people who have fallen into trouble."

With this, Ji Lei gently hugs Xiao Ling Xue, and then goes forward.

"Brother jiley, it's a lot of work for you, brother." Mu Feng suddenly clapped his hands when he saw Jilei finally stepped forward. Those who were waiting for a good play clapped together. The cave was filled with applause. Hearing the applause, Ji Lei looks a little ugly, but still doesn't say anything. Ji Lei quietly walks forward. Mu Feng is waiting to see the good play. But then, Xiao Lingxue's cold words come from his ear: "if anything happens to Jilei, everyone in the cave will stay and be buried with him!"

The voice came into Mu Feng's ears, which made Mu Feng's face a little embarrassed. His originally excited expression immediately converged. After a dry smile, he was silent.

He knows that Xiao Lingxue definitely has this strength. Here, if Ji Lei's strength is the first, Xiao Lingxue is definitely the second. If these two people join hands, maybe everyone else is not their opponent!

Ji Lei's figure slowly walks forward and takes out the Dragon grain halberd under the people's eyes.

"How about it? What do I need to do? " As soon as Ji Lei stepped forward, situ Xiao immediately stepped forward and asked Ji Lei.

Ji Lei hears the speech, but shakes the head way: "do not need, look good to go."

Ji Lei's extremely confident words made situ Xiao suspicious. Although he could see that Ji Lei's strength should be the strongest here, it would not be so easy for Ji Lei to clean up these three-level monsters?

However, before situ Xiao finished thinking about it, Ji Lei slowly breathed in a breath, and then he put the Dragon grain halberd across his chest. The majestic aura overflowed in an instant, and rushed to those three-level monsters!

"Battle dragon strangle!"

The spirit turns into a holy dragon and opens a big mouth to these monsters. When they see Ji Lei's active attack, they immediately show their fierce light in their eyes, open their bloody mouths and bite away at the holy dragon!

Ji Lei's mouth turns into a faint smile. "Jiley is going to attack these monsters? If they don't die, these monsters will go mad. " Seeing that Ji Lei's method is a force attack without skill, Mu Feng can't help but hiss, and even situ Xiao is worried. However, Xiao Lingxue is more worried. Xiao Lingxue is worried about Ji Lei's safety.

If the situation is not right, Xiao Ling Xue will surely rush forward without hesitation and rescue Ji Lei!

"Roar!" The roar of the monsters made the whole cave tremble. These three-level monsters inspired the most primitive bloody and bloodthirsty instincts in their bodies, and they ran straight at Jilei's battle dragon without any hesitation!

But these monsters all seem to be wearing thick leather armor. Although this holy dragon has a lot of momentum, it still seems a little insignificant in front of the monster!

"If we don't die, we'll be dead!" Mu Feng's face gushed out a trace of worry, and then he made up his mind that he could not die here if he wanted to die! Then he moved lightly, ready to sneak out of the flower hole.

"Don't move." Just as Mu Feng is about to leave, Xiao Lingxue suddenly shoots an arrow on the rock wall in front of Mu Feng and almost hits Mu Feng's face. Mu Feng is in a cold sweat and looks at Xiao Lingxue angrily.

"Go back." Xiao Lingxue spits out two words coldly.

"Go back? Why are you? " Mu Feng is ordered by a woman, and she can't help but get angry. But before Mu Feng says anything, Xiao Lingxue's next arrow has already hit Mu Feng's face! Mu Feng quickly dodges and dodges. His body flashes to one side, but it happens to hit Xiao Lingxue's blade.

"I said, if Jilei had an accident, all of you here would have to be buried with him!" Xiao Lingxue's pretty eyes have already shown cold killing intention. Mu Feng can't help shivering. After shrinking his neck, he did not speak, but stood back to his original place.

Mu Feng looks at Ji Lei's figure. His eyes are still full of worries, but he is worried about his own life. At the moment when Ji Lei's holy dragon collides with a monster, Mu Feng's heart suddenly goes up to his throat!


"Hiss!" A huge explosion was heard all over the monster's body. Its explosion range was so precise that it could not leave the monster's body half an inch! When a string of sound burst out, the cave immediately sounded the wind whistling sound. In the fierce aura hurricane, the monsters' bodies were suddenly torn into pieces! "What?" Mu Feng wiped his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief. He never thought that Jilei could kill the beast with one move, and even killed all the monsters with one move! The scope of Reiki control is very delicate, only around the monsterThe wall, is a stone, did not suffer any harm!

"This is too divine..." situ Xiaoxiao looked at the fallen monster, and his eyes widened. He looked at the monster lying on the ground and became pieces of meat. His astonishment and shock reached the extreme.

"What kind of power is this..." Ji Lei directly hanged the life of the demon beast with a halberd and a dragon, which was a great psychological shock to all people. After all, Ji Lei killed the monster, and the house had not collapsed. It was a great joy. Besides, more people were happy.

The monster that was thought to be very difficult to deal with was a heap of dead flesh in front of Jilei. Ji Lei slowly turns around and looks at Xiao Ling Xue with her mouth slightly open. She smiles faintly. She immediately waves to Xiao Lingxue. Xiao Lingxue runs to Jilei in a hurry.

Later, Ji Lei beckons to situ Xiao again. After all, among these strangers, Ji Lei is the one who is most pleasing to his eyes.

"Let's go."

Ji Lei said faintly, and then he wanted to go forward. Those who had been watching the play heard the words and hurried to follow them. But just as they were about to go deeper, they were stopped by Jilei!

All of them are stopped by Ji Lei.

Ji Lei's indifferent eyes stare at those people coldly, and her eyes specially stay on Mu Feng's body for a moment, which makes Mu Feng's body tremble. Later, Jilei said slowly, "I'm sorry, if you want to go further, you have to pay the toll."

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