On hearing this, Feng was surprised to see Ji Lei. She sighed and shook her head: "unfortunately, it can't work."

"Why?" Jilei Leng there, for a time some did not react to come over, since Feng all told himself, then why can't Ji Lei go down this Nirvana spring?

Looking at Ji Lei's puzzled appearance, he said with a bitter smile: "do you think that the extremely cold air in the nirvana spring can be borne by the strength of your spirit forging state? Now you dive into the nirvana spring, and you will be frozen into a popsicle when you come up! "

When Jilei heard this, he felt a little discontented. He approached the edge of Nirvana spring and drew his hand close. The cold air in the spring immediately ran up to Jilei's arm. When Jilei took the arm out, a thin layer of frost had formed on his palm.

"It's really cold!" Ji Lei's heart is like this, spin even if obediently returned to Feng's front, some helplessly said: "that you say how to do."

"It's not impossible to enter Nirvana spring, but you have to pass my test first. If you can, you can barely enter Nirvana spring. Then I will give you something to help you stay in nirvana for a long time."

Hearing this, Ji Lei nodded and said to Feng, "then don't waste time!"

"You are a real prick." Feng smiles. Then she puts on her xiayuguan, pulls out a feather and hands it to Jilei.

"Take it." Feng smiles at Ji Lei. Ji Lei takes over the feather in Feng's hand and holds it in her hand. Then she looks at Feng suspiciously. Feng's eyes flow brilliantly, and then her fingers gently touch the feather in Jilei's hand. Then, in Ji Lei's amazing eyes, the feathers suddenly whirled, and gradually derived one feather after another. In the milky white halo, gradually woven into a pure white

color feather coat. "It's a Xiayi. As long as you can wear it, you are qualified to go to Nirvana spring." Feng says to Ji Lei lightly. Ji Lei can't help laughing. Isn't he wearing a dress? Can such a thing be a test? So he didn't care too much. Since Feng asked for this, Jilei did it. After taking over Xia Yi, Ji Lei locked her eyes on Xia Yi, and then unfolded Xia Yi to cover her shoulders. However, to Jilei's surprise, there seems to be something magical about this Xiayi. When Jilei wants to wear it on her body, it always weighs a thousand catties in Jilei's hands. It's so heavy that it's hard for Jilei to mention it. However, when Jilei can't help but put away the Xiayi, the feather made Xiayi immediately becomes senseless and weightless Jiley is puzzled. "What is this?" Ji Lei is stunned at the same place. Looking at this Xia Yi, she is at a loss. It seems that not only does Xia Yi resist Jilei's body, but Jilei's body also seems to repel Xia Yi! When Xia Yi approaches Ji Lei, the matchless spirit in Ji Lei's body seems to be out of his mind. Ji Lei is in great pain.

"Matchless martial spirit seems to repel Xia Yi." Feng looks at Ji Lei's painful look, and immediately chuckles. Ji Lei hears Feng's laughter, and is stunned and looks at him. "In my relationship with Wushuang Wushen, isn't it normal that they are mutually exclusive?" Feng shrugs her shoulders and says to Ji Lei carelessly. Ji Lei suddenly hears this, and the relationship between them has developed to this extent? Not only two people, but also the objects on them,

repel each other like magnets of the same pole, and all this is because of the woman watching from afar.

"If all the beautiful women are beauties and misfortunes..." Ji Lei gave a bitter smile. Although the beautiful women are precious, they are also disturbing at some times...

Jilei tried to put on Xia clothes repeatedly, but the results always made him disappointed. Looking at the Xiayi lying quietly in her hand, giraton can't help it. The matchless martial spirit in her body is still roaring and trying to scare the Xiayi away. However, Jilei's heart suddenly moves and says to the matchless Wu Hun: "if you give up resistance... You can advance to the level of

and you can weigh the interests of each one by yourself...

I don't know whether it's right or not It's Ji Lei's words that play a role. When Ji Lei finishes reciting this sentence in his heart, the matchless warrior soul immediately gives up his resistance after a while. Ji Lei laughs bitterly at the situation. It seems that the rival in love or something is not worth mentioning in front of his strength. In an instant, the active matchless spirit in Ji Lei's body seems to disappear, and the breath disappears in an instant. Ji Lei sees this and rushes to join Xia What makes Ji Lei very happy is that without the breath of matchless martial spirit, Xia Yi no longer conflicts with Ji Lei's body. This time, Ji Lei easily put on Xia Yi. "Well?" Feng is a little surprised. Ji Lei can easily wear Xia Yi on her. But on second thought, Ji Lei, as the master of matchless martial spirit, naturally has the right to command matchless Wu Hun to make concessions. As long as Wushuang Wushen hides, Xia Yi will not resist Jilei."A clever boy." Feng reluctantly smiles, and immediately projects her eyes on the Xiayi, which fits Jilei very well.

"Well, yes, it should be warm enough now." Feng shows a smile, matchless martial spirit and Xia Yi. For Ji Lei, entering the nirvana spring should not be a problem.

"Pretty clothes." Ji Lei lifted her arm and looked around. She even looked at Feng and said, "then I can go down?" "Yes, but you have to be careful. The cold in the spring is far more serious than you think. If you can't bear it, crush this and I'll save you." After that, Feng gives Ji Lei a jade scroll. Ji Lei takes the scroll, nods, and goes straight to the edge of Nirvana spring. After taking a deep breath, he jumps directly into the spring!

"Poop With a splash of water, Ji Lei disappears in the imperial mausoleum. Feng looks at the nirvana spring, then turns her eyes to Huang, squeezing out a smile.

"Is he really OK?" Huang is still a little worried, but Feng is not concerned about a smile, said: "don't worry about it, the unparalleled spirit of martial arts is what kind of existence, you and I do not know?" Ji Lei leaps into the nirvana spring. Just after entering the spring, Jilei suddenly feels the cold air around him and rushes towards him!

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