"Hoo..." Jilei pulled out the haystack in front of her and climbed a hillside in front of her. Then she put her palm on her eyebrow and looked out into the distance.

"There don't seem to be many people around here." However, he has been sitting on the sunken island for three days, but he has not found a place to rest in Lei Ji for three days.

The smaller floating island undoubtedly wants to speed up the pace of ranking, gather people together, and then the battle will break out. However, after searching for a long time, Ji Lei and Su Zhan have not found even half a human figure. What's more, they have not eaten for three days.

Ji Lei is so hungry that he has to find something to eat. However, there is only a simple village nearby. At this time, Jilei and Su Zhan have no choice.

"Go north." Ji Lei looks at the map and says to Su Zhan. When Su Zhan hears the words, he follows Ji Lei and goes north together.

Jilei has climbed two whole barren mountains. The place where Jilei landed is a desolate and uninhabited place, so if you want to find people, you need to go more.

However, Jilei did not expect that when he crossed the mountains and came to the nearest village nearby, what he left for Jilei was a deserted village with no food and grass left and a dry well. "It's clear that there are people here who have opened the door first." Su Zhan stands beside Ji Lei and says to him with some sadness. At the moment, Ji Lei is hungry and tired, and his eyes begin to glow with faint green light. Instead, he does not hear Su Zhan's words at all. Instead, he rushes towards the open door and rolls over the whole village with the momentum of a dragon rolling plain, and then his hands are empty.

"Nothing." Ji Lei is almost starving. Su Zhan frowns at Jilei, which can be said to be pale and thin. Then he turns his eyes and looks around him.

"What's the matter?" Ji Lei looks at Su Zhan in a puzzled way, but Su Zhan doesn't say a word. He arched his nose. After a while, he says to Jilei, "I smell the food."

"You can go blind. There is nothing in the whole village. You can go there and look for food." Ji Lei gives Su Zhan a white eye and curls her mouth. However, Su Zhan ignores what Ji Lei says. He bows down a little, then looks around and searches carefully step by step. "Here." Su Zhan beckons to Ji Lei, and then walks in a direction. Ji Lei is puzzled. But he follows Su Zhan there. When they come to an insignificant corner, Ji Lei suddenly sees an old wooden table full of food and water!

"Sleeping trough! Dog nose Jiley's eyes suddenly shine! Without saying a word, he pounced on the food and water at the table!

"Ah Originally, Su Zhan wanted to be on guard, but when Jilei saw the food, he couldn't listen to people. Su Zhan had no choice but to follow Jilei.

Jilei rushed to the wooden table and looked at the food and water all over the table. Su Zhan is a little reserved and swallows a mouthful of saliva, while Jilei has already dripped all her saliva on the ground. "What are you waiting for?" Standing in front of the full table of food, Jilei finally can't help it. He grabs the food on the table and pours it into his mouth without scruple. Su Zhan looks at the frightening scene and hesitates for a moment. But seeing how delicious Jilei is eating, he finally grabs the food on the table and swallows it whole.

For a moment, the ground is full of debris. Ji Lei and Su Zhan, who usually don't need to eat at all, are showing a common human attitude at this moment. Without the packaging of martial arts, no one can resist the invasion of hunger.

The martial arts are always superior to others, but in fact they are still so fragile.

Jilei didn't know how exaggerated or even terrible his look was now. He didn't care about it at the moment. He only had food and water to feed him.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Suddenly, a clap of applause rings behind Ji Lei and Su Zhan. After swallowing the last mouthful, Jilei turns to look. At the moment, there are four people standing behind him.

"I said that if we use this method to wait for a rabbit, someone will get hooked!" One of them suddenly said with a smile. Ji Lei looks at the four men. Their clothes are all in uniform dark blue. At this time, Su Zhan also turns around and stands side by side with Ji Lei.

"Who are you?" Gilley regained some composure and asked coldly.

"How ignorant you are if you don't know us?" Among the four dark blue figures, one of the tallest figures sniffed and sneered. Then he solemnly introduced himself: "we are thunder and lightning of Lei yunzong, thunderstorm, thunder, thunder!"

"These are some broken names..." Ji Lei hears the speech and murmurs in a low voice. Su Zhan's voice suddenly spreads to Jilei's ears: "be careful, these four people's strength is not weak."

"It's a pity that there are only two people," he said, adding a little pity on the highest lightning expression. Then, as if he were comforting himself, he said, "well, no matter how small a fly's leg is, it's also meat. I'll take your winning points!"After thunder and lightning finished, he suddenly raised a big knife in his hand, and directly chopped at Ji Lei and Su Zhan!

"Big thunder force!"

The fierce thunder and lightning darted out of the big sword and slashed at Ji Lei and Su Zhan. However, before the thunder fell, Ji Lei's Dragon grain halberd went straight up. The golden aura overflowed in an instant, "battle dragon strangulation!" Shenglong rushes out of the dragon's Halberd and directly bites at the blue thunder. The two auras collide with each other. Ji Lei is not good at all. The thunder is violent. After being used by thunder and lightning, there is an unstoppable trend. However, Ji Lei is not an ordinary person. Shenglong thunders with thunder in the air in the half, and finally dissipates. It is a draw ! "What?" Thunder and lightning looks at Ji Lei in surprise. Obviously, he doesn't think that Ji Lei can stop his attack. However, he doesn't hesitate. When he sees a move that Ji Lei resists, he uses his martial arts again. Lei Qi shoots at Ji Lei and slashes him with a knife. Ji Lei resists his attack. In this way, he fights back and forth with swords and halberds, Swords and swords are interlaced, and Ji Lei and thunder and lightning are in the same posture!

"Hoo... Hoo..." thunder and lightning breathed heavily, and Ji Lei also showed some fatigue. Thunder and lightning's eyes inspected Ji Lei and Su Zhan, and finally suddenly raised a cold smile.

"No matter how strong your personal strength is, you will always be inferior in number of people!" After a pause, thunder and lightning suddenly roared: "don't keep your hands! Together! Get rid of them

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