"Why is there no one here again?" Ji Lei comes to an empty village. The last time Lei yunzong taught him that there is a hidden ambush in any place. Because there are no real dead people, the people here are particularly cruel.

"I don't know, but just be careful." Su Zhan said faintly, walking with Ji Lei, it seemed a little aimless.

"Instead of that, why don't we go and kill them?" Ji Lei suddenly turns his head and looks at Su Zhan. Su Zhan hears that the whole person suddenly feels like an electric shock. He shakes up and looks at Ji Lei. However, he finds that Ji Lei's eyes have no meaning of joking. He is totally serious.

"Are you serious?" Su Zhan couldn't help asking.

"Can there be a fake?" Ji Lei began to explain to Su Zhan: "anyway, the last ten people still need to fight for victory. If we don't have enough winning points, what can we do even if we live to the end? Are you going to enter the south palace gate? "

"It's reasonable for you to say so..." Su Zhan pondered, nodded gently, and then asked again, "but where should we go to find someone to kill?"

He just asked how to find people, but he didn't ask whether he could defeat the enemy and gain their victory point, because Su Zhan felt that there was no need. For a monster whose upper limit was like a bottomless black hole, he only had to defeat miserably without losing his soul.

"There seems to be a place to go around here." Jilei opened the map, then pointed to a seemingly huge area and said to Su Zhan, "here, the white bird city!"

"The place is not small." Su Zhan nods, which is to agree with Ji Lei's choice of place. Then he looks at the sky and says to Ji Lei, "let's go. It's dark. It's going to collapse here."



The map of the floating island has shrunk a whole circle again on Jilei's map. Looking at the smaller and smaller map, Jilei's eyes twinkled with a tiny awn, and then stepped into the gate. "This is the white bird city... I don't know if there is anyone else." Jilei chews the food in his hand. His mouth is rough and his mouth is a little loud. However, he has no other choice. At present, he has to swallow all the things that are hard to swallow. It has to be said that if there is no restriction on hunger,

Jilei's combat effectiveness can be improved several times.

However, Su Zhan doesn't think so...

"it should be here." Su Zhan and Ji Lei step into the white bird city one after another. At this time, it is at night. Jilei puts away his map, so as not to let others see the glittering "six" on it.

If you are killed, you will be taken away by others as well as your own points of victory. In this way, Jilei failed.

Now Jilei is as careful as possible. There is a aura between her fingers. She is swimming slowly. She is ready to deal with the enemy who jumps out. She is ready to fight a fierce battle!

Su Zhan is also extremely careful. He looks at Ji Lei with a glance, and all of them see a touch of warning from each other's eyes.

However, in such a big white bird City, there is no wind and grass, which makes Ji Lei's heart suspicious. Although there is no human figure, Ji Lei's guard is quietly reaching the peak!

"It shouldn't be so quiet here." Su Zhan looks at the quiet street. According to his idea, even if it is not a box full of ground, there should be a sound, but here is like a dead city, without any shadow.

Ji Lei suddenly stops and looks at the front. Su Zhan can't help being a little strange and asks, "what are you looking at?"

"Look over there..." Jilei suddenly pointed to the front not far away, Su Zhan looked, there, in the big black curtain, flashing several red light spots.

"This is..." Su Zhan couldn't help narrowing his eyes. At the moment, behind Ji Lei and Su Zhan, a voice suddenly rang out: "this is the Fire Dragon Armor of tianlongzong! Outsiders


Jilei suddenly turns around and finds that there are several red light spots shining in the air behind him. At the moment, the dark white bird city suddenly lights up, and the whole sky is shining. Jilei can see clearly that there are people standing in front of and behind him.

"One... Two... Three... Four..." after seeing the situation clearly, Su Zhan began to count the numbers. A moment later, Su Zhan said to Ji Lei, "there are almost ten people, and their strength is not weak."

"Ten people..." Ji Lei's mood is a little more dignified, these people are tianlongzong, which is also the biggest defect of the three door qualifying rules, that is, unfair. A large number of teams and a small number of teams live on this floating island at the same time. For those with a small number of people, it is a natural nightmare for those with small numbers. After all, no matter how strong a person is, it is difficult to beat four hands with two fists. In this tianlongzong, there are ten people, apparently heading for the Dongfang gate. Here, Jilei, only himself and Su Zhan, have formed a huge gap in number.

The people of tianlongzong are all wearing silver and white hard armour. There is a dragon head on the hard armor. A pair of eyes on the dragon head float a fire red flame. The red light is the color of these flames."It's a pity that there are only two..." one of the disciples of tianlongzong stood up, his eyes full of contempt, and then curled his mouth and said, "forget it, two are two, it's better than nothing."

"Are you going to quit on your own or do you want me to do it?" The man continued to smile: "if you want me to start with Longxuan, I don't mind wasting some muscles and bones."

Ji Lei and Su Zhan don't speak. Their eyes are full of hostility. They look at Longxuan. Almost at the same time, Ji Lei and Su Zhan all murmur: "run!" After that, Ji Lei and Su Zhan turn into two streamers and run outside the white bird city. However, Longxuan can't let Ji Lei and Su Zhan go away so easily. Their bodies flash and a giant dragon membrane wings suddenly unfold behind them! Fly directly to Jilei and Su Zhan! It was almost a flash in front of them.

"How fast can you beat my dragon wings?" Long Xuan narrowed his eyes. His long and narrow eyes were full of disdain. Ji Lei looked at the pair of huge wings which looked very powerful. This should also be a kind of body skill, but it was too special.

With a powerful wave of dragon wings, the hurricane rushed to Jilei at the moment, which directly pushed Jilei's body back several steps. After stabilizing her figure, several figures behind her had rushed up, blocking the back roads of Jilei and suzhan. A wall of figures forms a human wall, which blocks Ji Lei's retreat. Long Xuan, however, has already shaken her giant wings slightly, landing on her feet. Her eyes are full of banter and looks at Ji Lei and Su Zhan: "run, go on, I'd like to see you... Be able to run there...

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