All the black people were rushing towards the white bird city. Jilei stood in front of the wall, motionless.

"Gilley!" Longchen looks at Ji Lei anxiously. Ji Lei's coming out is undoubtedly a surprise to all the people of tianlongzong. No one expected that Ji Lei would dare to jump directly from the wall!

Ji Lei looks at the people who rush to the sky indifferently. When his eyes are cold, the Dragon grain halberd rises in the sky. The aura turns into a holy dragon and rushes to the sky, and then roars to the ground!

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Three consecutive sonic booms seem to have drawn an insurmountable natural moat between the crowd and the white bird city. No one would want to enter the aura with the power of extinction. The holy dragon landed, and those people all stopped.

When all the figures stopped and looked at the lonely Jilei before the white bird City, they all showed a puzzled look.

"Who is this?" Some people don't know how to ask, but no one can answer. Everyone looks at each other. They are stunned by Ji Lei's momentum. They all stand in place and forget to move.

"Boom, boom!"

All of a sudden, the ground began to collapse again, and those who stood behind were swallowed up by the collapsed land. As soon as their feet were suspended, the whole body disappeared in front of them.

Seeing that the ground began to collapse again, those people couldn't calm down and almost all fell into a state of madness. No matter Jilei, who was guarding the city gate, rushed forward!

"Who dares to step further! Die Ji Lei's face has no emotion. The aura is constantly spreading from the dragon's halberd. As long as those people dare to step forward, Jilei will not hesitate to pierce their hearts!

But Jilei's words are nothing in their eyes. After a moment's hesitation, all of them rush forward to ignore Jilei!

"Get out of here!" Those who rush in front of them have summoned the spirit of martial arts. They actually want to break the gate of white bird city!

"There are still many people in the world who don't see coffins or shed tears." Ji Lei's lip corner strokes, the body suddenly jumps high, the aura suddenly fills this small world, the double dragons appear, the Dragon Power surging out!

"Double dragon sunset halberd!"

Ji Lei's Halberd cuts through the sky, and the sound of the dragon is long. At the moment, Shuanglong pounces on the man who will come!


The ground was splashed with dust and covered all people's eyes. The sky outside the white bird city suddenly became dark, and the muddy air could not reach out. "Ah! What's the matter? " The people in front of them only saw a piece of sand and fog in front of them, and then they could see nothing. But just as they wiped their eyes and explored the scene in front of them, Shuanglong immediately surrounded all the people and then circled them like a rope. The aura blocked their mouths and noses, and then exploded!

"Boom, boom!"

A piece of blood, floating in the dust, bloody but gorgeous!

All the figures were swallowed up and disappeared in the aura storm. Then, the victory points on Jilei's map were frantically refreshed, and those stars rushed into Jilei's map like stars.

But now jiley has no time to take care of these things. All the people in front of her are forced to a desperate situation. In this case, anyone is extremely vicious.

The first wave of people, in the case of unprepared, was killed directly by Jilei, and all returned to Xingyun pavilion with hatred. However, after that, it was difficult for Jilei to play such an excellent effect. "Together, kill him! Then attack the city I don't know who yelled in the crowd, and they immediately rushed to Jilei, who was guarding the gate of the city. However, even when the sea of people attacked, Jilei still stood outside the white bird city like a hard rock,

never retreat!


All kinds of auras come out at the moment. In a moment, auras gather together. Although some of them contradict each other, most of them rush to Jilei.

Dozens of auras appeared together, which suddenly turned the whole world into color. The aura gathered together suppressed Jilei's aura!

But just as Jilei's aura was declining, another aura came from around him! Seven auras of different colors suddenly appear and gather together with Jilei's aura. All of these auras are extremely pure, which proves the strong strength of its master!

"Gilley! Let's help you! " Long Chen's voice suddenly rings in Ji Lei's ear. Ji Lei's eyes show a surprised light. All the strong generals of tianlongzong stand beside Ji Lei, and the aura that gushes out instantly brings the situation back!

Among those who attacked the city, two figures appeared to be particularly special. Their graceful posture would have attracted boundless hot eyes if they were not at such a special moment.

"Miss, you see, it's longchen!" A blue figure suddenly whispered to the woman beside her. At the moment of all their efforts, the two men seemed particularly leisurely, because they did not have any strength with the original, so they mingled in the crowd.Beside Qingse Qianying, there is a face that covers half of her face. However, although half of her face is covered, her beautiful eyebrows and noble temperament still make her look very different.

She did not speak, but quietly looked at Ji Lei and tianlongzong in the distance.

Why did he mix with them...

but Ji Lei and the strong generals of tianlongzong, at this moment, became united and delivered the aura without reservation. The aura instantly turned into a huge palm, holding the floating aura in the sky like a colorful satin, and then immediately tore it! The aura disappeared in an instant, and the faces of those who attacked the city all showed indignation. So many people, however, were unable to turn over by the eight person system. It was a joke! As a result, all of them had bright weapons in their hands, and each of them was shining with silver light. All of them were angry and impatient, and almost lost their senses. They all rushed forward! "Good coming!" When long Chen sees those people who want to go forward, he is not only not afraid, but also excited. His figure suddenly comes forward and walks through the crowd. Jilei only sees a small black figure shuttling through the crowd, waving two short daggers into flowers. The cold light always cuts the throat of the enemy accurately. When he comes to a person, he rolls up when he leaves It was bloody.

"Good body method!" When I saw longchen's body method, which was as illusory and as swift as thunder and lightning, I couldn't help but praise it!

"Brush!" After just a few breaths, longchen's figure returned to Jilei's side again, and his knife edge was covered with blood, and countless people fell on the ground.

"Who else is going to attack the city?" Long Chen killed the whole man and looked at those who were arrogant and tight before, but these people, taking a look at the corpses all over the ground, all looked at each other. · , the fastest update of the webnovel!