"Full marks...?!" Red Ji's eyes suddenly filled with a touch of extreme horror, looking at Ji Lei's eyes, with a little doubt, then Ji Lei slowly took a long breath, and then said to Hongji: "Hongji elder, let's go."

Red Ji smell speech, Qiao eyes suddenly gush out a trace of anger, eyes suddenly open, a pair of beautiful eyes, suddenly burst into a torrent of anger!

However, this anger is extremely attractive, eyes almost like a sickle, it is almost the soul of the people are hooked in the past!

Jilei's legs suddenly began to tremble. Her eyes were attracted by Hongji's pretty eyes! In this pair of eyes, there seems to be something that Jilei can't resist. He is constantly calling for Jilei to hook up Jilei's mind, which is trying to escape!

It's a trick! Ji Lei has occasionally seen in some ancient books that the stream of enchanting art can make people more attractive and enchanting, and the God of martial arts is the only one who has the power of enchanting.

There are few people who specialize in the art of seduction. However, it has to be said that sometimes it appears to be a good way to take advantage of it. At least, Hongji is very effective in dealing with such bloody young boys as Xingyun Pavilion.

However, it is effective for other people, but it is not for Jilei...

the green light hidden in Jilei's arms is suddenly brightened at the moment when Hongji uses the enchanting technique! The green luster spreads all over the whole hall of thunder sound. Under the green light, Jilei's some confused pupils suddenly become sober and incomparable!

"What?" When seeing Jilei's pupils suddenly become as clear as the moon, Hongji's eyes suddenly appear a light of doubt which is not covered up, and then look at Jilei's eyes, also become more and more confused.

"How did this boy do it?" Hongji's eyes have been shrouded in mist. Naturally, she doesn't know that the green light is actually a wake-up jade. The determination shown by Ji Lei surprised Hongji.

The green light sprinkled all over the hall of thunder sound. When the green light poured down, the eyes of all the disciples became clear. The disciples who had not yet responded from the control of Mei Shu were all awake at this time. "What's going on here?" Even long Chen is a little surprised that Ji Lei still has such ability? But the most unexpected thing is Hongji. Even if Hongji doesn't understand, she can see a clue. The reason why Ji Lei can keep awake must be related to the green light in Ji Lei's arms.

However, unfortunately, the martial arts test has never explicitly stipulated that students can not pass the test with the help of external force, so even if Ji Lei uses other means, he still achieves the task of keeping awake before Mei Shu... And even can hit Hongji.

"May I call now?" Ji Lei's eyes are indifferent and he asks in a low voice. This frightens Hongji's whole body tense at once. With long Chen's lesson in front of her, Hongji will be on guard against anyone who comes down. After all, these people are all goddamn monsters!

"You... Fight." Hongji has been ready to defend. After confirming the strength of aura defense, she nods to Ji Lei after weighing again and again. After that, Ji Lei is facing Hongji's face, and her strength suddenly bursts out. She throws a fist at Hongji's face!


The aura suddenly burst and opened. In front of Hongji, the red aura that quickly emerged turned into pieces! Ji Lei didn't use any aura at all. It was such a straightforward blow that broke the defense of Hongji directly!

Red Ji's eyes suddenly flow out of the color of Zheng Chong, staring at Ji Lei's cheek, fist break through the aura defense, incomparably relaxed. Then, the fist, then toward the red Ji's face to attack!

However, when Ji Lei's fist is close to Hongji's face, it suddenly stops. Hongji's eyes are still dull, and Ji Lei's fist is already in front of her. Hongji subconsciously wants to resist, but Jilei's fist has not fallen.

"Scaring you." Jilei suddenly laughed and looked at the frightened cheekbones of Hongji, but she could not help laughing: "you see what you have become, and your face has gone."

Hongji's face was dull, and then Jilei corrected her expression and asked Hongji, "elder, what's my score?"

Red Ji did not answer him, Ji Lei see, had to ask again: "elder, how much is my achievement?"

"Ah After hearing Ji Lei's two inquiries, Hongji comes back to her and looks at Jilei. Then she says in a hurry: "full marks! Full marks

"Full marks?" Ji Lei is also a Zheng, he said to take full marks, Hongji really gave himself full marks! Are you scared by yourself?

Ji Lei, became the first disciple with full marks! Although those disciples were not happy, they did not accept it. After all, the magic effect of the green light was also seen by everyone, so the full score was really convinced!

I didn't expect to get a full score. Jilei couldn't help laughing, but Hongji got close to Jilei and asked mysteriously, "do you know why I want to give you full marks?""Eh? Why? " Ji Lei can't help but be stunned. Isn't it easy to win this full score because of Jilei's strength? Why else?

"I give you full marks because you finally gave up." "Hongji said seriously:" you still have a bit of demeanor, unlike some people, do not know how to be merciful Hongji's last voice has become a little complaining. Ji Lei laughs bitterly. Hongji obviously has a lot of complaints about longchen's actions, but longchen will not pay attention to this complaint. Hongji takes a serious look at Ji Lei, then waves her hand and says to Ji Lei, "go on."

"Yes." Ji Lei bowed slightly, and then walked off the platform. Next, Hongji reported Su Zhan's name.

Although Su Zhan didn't shine as well as Ji Lei, he didn't lose his temper and managed to get a 60. Because Su Zhan didn't go down in the end, Hongji understood, so she gave Su Zhan a pass.

After all the competition is over, Ji Lei stands where she is, waiting for Hongji's order. Then, Hongji announces to the people on the high platform: "the martial arts test is over, next, the cultural test begins..." "the cultural test!" When Ji Lei hears this, he is very anxious. He wants to see and see. How powerful is this so-called divination Text Test...

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