Reggie Su Zhan's figure comes from behind. Ji Lei turns around and sees two pieces of white paper in his hand, and is running towards him happily.

"What is this?" Ji Lei's eyes are fixed on two pieces of white paper in Su Zhan's hand, and he can't help asking.

"This is the report card!" Su Zhan directly throws the white paper with Ji Lei's name on it. After Ji Lei catches it, he can't help but take a look at it and murmurs: "is it a school or a school to do exam oriented education?"

"my score is 160 points!" Su Zhan is very excited and raises his head to Jilei.

Su Zhanwu's score is 60, while Wen's is 100. In other words, Su Zhan's Wen test is full!

The total score is 200, and Su Zhan's 160 is excellent. After all, all the other students' martial arts examination scores are zero. Su Zhan's 160 points are enough to be proud of others.

"You must have done quite well, haven't you?" Su Zhan looks expectantly at Ji Lei. Ji Lei gets full marks in the martial arts test, but Ji Lei always thinks that the three questions can't be scored in the literary test. How can we answer the subjective questions?

"Really..." Jilei looked down. At this time, a little expectation rose in his heart. Although he didn't know what the score was for and didn't care about it, it was a good thing to get a high score.

Gilley's hand gradually pulled up, took the white paper out of her hand, and looked at the bottom of the achievement bar. Su Zhan clearly saw that Ji Lei's eyes full of expectation and self-confidence froze in an instant, and her body seemed to be stagnant at the moment, standing there motionless. Then, Ji Lei's eyes immediately burst out of bewilderment and indignation, and roared with grief and indignation: "why

?! Why is that?! "

Su Zhan can't help but wonder what's written in Jilei's report card. So he grabs the report card in Jilei's hand and looks at it. When Su Zhan turns his eyes to the report card, he is also stunned.

Only see, Ji Lei's report card, write a big word: zero. "Zero?! What's the situation? " Su Zhan was puzzled at this time. Even if Ji leiwen's score was even worse, there would be a full score in the martial arts test. Even if the score was zero, Ji Lei would get 100 points in the martial arts test. Of course, this does not mean that Su Zhan was not surprised to see Ji leiwen's zero score. He looked up at Ji Lei and immediately asked, "what have you done? What questions did you take in the essay examination

"How can I know?" Jilei can't listen to anything now. For him, the naked zero is a mockery of himself and an insult to his intelligence. Such an ugly stain is absolutely not allowed to appear in Jilei's brilliant life path! "I'm going to find the woman Hongji to make a clear explanation!" Ji Lei is very angry. Ji Lei doesn't explain the results of the Wen exam. The test papers are there. They like how to correct them. Ji leimo doesn't care. However, the new disciples of the whole Xingyun Pavilion can see and hear the test papers clearly! Ji

Lei's score is full! Full marks! This blatant falsification of the facts, Jilei can't forgive in any case!

"Benedict!" In the Xingyun Pavilion, a long howling sound suddenly sounded. In recent days, Jilei understood that this sound meant that the Xingyun pavilion was going to hold a meeting, and the "dutiful" voice showed that the disciples of the whole Xingyun Pavilion had to attend the meeting!

"Let's go. We'll discuss the results later." Su Zhan is also puzzled by this result, but the urgent task is to go to Xingyun pavilion's largest conference hall, Xingyun hall.

When Ji Lei and Su Zhan arrive in a hurry, the main hall of Xingyun hall is full of people. Ji Lei and Su Zhan look for a gap and stand in the past. Then they look at the high platform and the fiery figure that slowly appears on the stage.

"Hongji!" Ji Lei's eyes suddenly gush with resentment. His intuition tells him that his achievements have been tampered with. Hongji can't get rid of it!

Or... It's just that Hongji obstructs her and pulls Jilei down directly!

"Cough." Hongji's voice sounded like a lark in the Xingyun Hall: "you all know the achievements of the new disciples. This time, all the disciples come to Xingyun hall to ask the old ones to choose the new ones and form a mutual help group..." Hongji said a set of words, but Ji Lei didn't listen to a word. Then, Hongji put her hands behind her Suddenly, several figures appeared, including men and women. Hongji looked at them, and then said with a smile to the disciples, "these are your senior brothers and sisters, the most powerful disciples in Xingyun Pavilion, and some of the best achievers. Let these senior brothers and sisters direct them in person!"

Hongji's words immediately bombed the disciples like a bomb. All the people were full of joy and looked at the elder martial brothers, all the elder martial sisters, male and female students on the stage, who were full of love.

"This is senior brother Jiang Wucheng! How handsome

"This is elder martial sister Mo Qingqing... How beautiful..."Jilei gave them a good-bye, and then gave a silent sneer in her heart. In terms of beauty, who can compare with her two fairies? These people, Jilei is a bit disdainful, he now only gas is that damned achievements, entangled knot, dead or alive can not be solved.

"First, long Chen." Hongji suddenly called longchen's name, because longchen's score was the highest in Xingyun Pavilion, 199 points.

Long Chen raised his head and looked at Hongji with some confusion.

"You come up and choose a senior brother or sister to teach you."

"I choose?" Long Chen was a little surprised that Hongji would say such a thing, but immediately, long Chen still shook his head and said carelessly, "I don't need it."

"Wow Long Chen's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of those ordinary disciples. This is a good opportunity to get close to the beautiful elder martial sister! Longchen even gave up on this, which made those young men who are full of spring hearts all indignant, indignant to say that longchen is not.

Red Ji smell speech, also did not force long Chen, "you really don't want?"

"I really don't want it." Long Chen replied that what he needed to learn was not the ability to fight, but the ability to kill people. None of the people on the stage could teach him. Moreover, if he really started, all the people on the stage might not be the opponents of long Chen!

"OK, the next one, Su Zhan." Hongji reports Su Zhan's name, and Su Zhan raises her head. Under the gaze of Ji Lei's eyes, she walks to a woman in green.

"Ah! Elder martial sister Mo Qingqing has been robbed by Su Zhan! " Su Zhan is also full of red light. On Mo Qingqing's pretty face, there is always a smile that makes people feel like spring breeze. It seems that he is a very gentle woman. In Xingyun Pavilion, she is also a goddess. "Is it a teacher or a match?" Jilei couldn't help but murmured, but at this time, there was no one to speak. Therefore, Jilei's voice was clearly ringing in everyone's ears. It was reasonable that all people's eyes were directed at Jilei.

Red Ji's face suddenly flashed a touch of iron green, looked at Ji Lei sternly, and said, "you're a poor student with zero score. If you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, what's your qualification to speak?"



"Jiley's zero? The disciples of Dongfang gate got zero points? " When Hongji's voice rings, the atmosphere in the quiet Xingyun hall explodes in an instant , the fastest update of the webnovel!