"Presumptuous!" Hu lie's angry voice frightened the bodyguard directly. He didn't even care about the burning pain on his face. He stood there in a daze and couldn't get back to God for a long time. "Master Hu?" Ji Lei was also surprised by Hu lie's behavior, and Hu lie was obviously furious. Although Jilei called out, he was still angry. His eyes were angry as if he was about to eat the guard. He was scared to silence, but he still didn't understand where Hu lie was angry. "Young master, are you such a simple doorkeeper to provoke?" Hu lie glares at the guard. Only Hu lie's bodyguard and Jilei can hear this. When he hears this, Ji Lei is puzzled. He becomes a young master in Hu lie's mouth?! Out of the Ji family, Ji Lei is not a young master, not to mention the frost Island thousands of miles away from the Ji family? After hearing Hu lie's words, the bodyguard was trembling with fear. Since he could be called the young master by Hu lie, the young man must have a good head, but he pushed him just now? If the young master blames him, he may not be able to keep his head!

Thinking of this, the bodyguard's feet have softened a little bit. He ran to Jilei and said with a flattering smile, "just now I'm a little bit blind to Taishan, and I'm afraid you're looking down on others. Please don't blame me." Say, unexpectedly return Ji Lei to kneel to kowtow a few ring head. Jilei also wondered, this good end how to kowtow to himself, Hu lie said that he is a young master, but who is the young master? There must be some misunderstanding, but Jilei is keenly aware that this may be a rare opportunity. Why not go wrong and follow Hu lie's path? Jilei may get what he wants!

"Go away!" Ji Lei's face was cold and his voice was full of uncontrollable murderous spirit. He also kicked the bodyguard. The guard was kicked by Ji Lei and fell to the ground, but he still kept saying thanks to Ji Lei: "thank you, young master!"

He did not finish, because what he wanted to say was thank you for not killing.

Hu lie comes to Jilei and points to the door of the cold palace and says, "Lao Hu, I have some connections in this cold palace. If young master Tang wants anything, just take it and I'll pay for it."

Ooh! Did not know for a long time, Hu lie actually began to do the gallant thing of claiming to be Lao Hu and helping Jilei pay the bill. But there is still one thing in Jilei's mind.

"Young master Tang?" For a while, Ji Lei didn't respond. He was clearly surnamed Ji, but why did Hu lie call himself young master Tang? Ji Lei's eyes turn. Although he doesn't understand why Hu lie calls himself like this, he still nods with a straight face. Seeing that Ji Lei seems to be a little unhappy, Hu lie pats Ji Lei on the back and says, "don't be angry, these grassroots people don't have eyes. Don't be so knowledgeable with them. If you're angry, you'll be in bad health!"

Jilei followed Hu lie's words and said, "naturally I will not dispute with them."

"Yes, yes, yes. Young master Tang is a senior member of the Tang family. Naturally, he will not dispute with us, a small country man." Hu lie was more attentive when he heard the speech.

Ji Lei can see clearly that although he is the leader of the medicine hall, Hu lie is a real businessman who is only for profit. It is good for him to have a good relationship with Ji Lei, the "young master of Tang". After all, the reputation of the Tang family is very famous in Shuangzhou!

There is only one Tang family in Shuangzhou, and Jilei will not want to go to another family. Jilei suddenly realizes that he needs a list of materials for forging positions that Hu lie has read. Hongji told herself that the forging positions in Xingyun pavilion are all made by the Tang family.

In other words, Hu lie must have seen something from it. At least he knew that only the Tang family would want to obtain these things, so he mistook Ji Lei for the Tang family.

When jileidon, maosai suddenly opens up. In this case, Jilei will make mistakes. When young master Tang comes to Beihan, he will make a great show of himself! Ji Lei looks at the door of the cold palace without saying a word. As a businessman, Hu lie naturally has a careful mind that is totally inconsistent with his rough appearance. Seeing Ji Lei looking at the door of the cold palace, he rushes forward and yells at the guard there: "open the door! Han Gong's face has been ruined by you, a group of things with no eyes! "

Those guards, all in fear, helped Hu lie open the door. After Hu lie opened the door, he let Ji Lei advance, and then followed up by himself. His sincerity was full of sincerity.

Jilei walked into the cold palace and walked in. It was a wide road. There were many people pointing at the wall. It seemed that all the things were in their hearts.

Jilei is walking, suddenly, a beautiful maid in enchanting dress comes forward and bows to Jilei and Hu lie Yingying. However, the charm of her chest is revealed inadvertently at this time.

"Cold palace still has such means?" Ji Lei's heart can't help but be surprised. Such a hint is enough to keep the hearts of those at the top. It seems that in order to attract guests, Han Gong has not paid less attention.

"This is young master Tang." Hu lie introduced Jilei to the maid and said, "I'll charge you what master Tang wants later!"

When the maid heard the speech, she showed a charming and incomparable smile. Then she said to Hu lie with her voice that was crisp enough to melt the man's bones: "yes.""Young master Tang, I still have something to look for, so I can't accompany you next." Hu lie looked at Ji Lei apologetically. After hearing this, Ji Lei also expressed his understanding. He said, "master Hu has helped me a lot. I can go the next way by myself."

"Where and where you should be. Next, the people in the cold palace will take you to find things. You just need to tell them what you want."

Jilei nodded, and Hu lie left with a smile. Then, the maid in front of her turned around and approached Jilei intentionally or unintentionally. Then she said to Jilei, "I don't know what young master Tang needs?"

Ji Lei hears the speech, but a smile: "I don't know what you have here?"

"We have everything you need." The maid shows a charming smile and says to Ji Lei: "natural material, earth treasure, elixir, martial arts and skills, beautiful and beautiful flowers..."

when the maid said this, Jilei couldn't help interrupting her: "you sell people?"

Hearing Ji Lei's words, the maid couldn't help laughing, covering her mouth and chuckling: "young master Tang, if you want a beautiful woman, it's too simple." At this point, the maid can't help but get closer to Jilei. Then she opens her lips and makes a soft and charming voice. She whispers in Jilei's ear: "young master, do you think I'm beautiful..." www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!