"Well... After the palace master's choice... This third treasure, pearl grass, is from..." when Yan Kongshan's words came here, Ji Lei's heart was almost lifted to his throat, and his eyes were fixed on Yankong mountain. However, except Li Wudao, none of his other people had any hope, so they didn't care about the Pearl grass Ownership.


In an instant, Yan Kongshan's hands burst out a lot of streamers, all chose the Lord and returned. But in the end, Yan Kongshan still took a look at the red brown scroll in his hand, and then returned it to its owner.

Li Wudao some did not expect, his big blood swallow Jue unexpectedly will be returned by the original! That is to say, the master of the cold palace chose Ji Lei's awakening jade!

Ji Lei is waiting. She does not see the arrival of the jade. She also knows that her jade has been chosen. She is overjoyed. Then, a twinkling beam of light comes to Jilei's hand. Jilei pinches it and looks at it. It is the Pearl grass!

"It turns out that the last scene is one hand payment and one hand delivery..." Jilei puts the Pearl grass into the Najie, but he has not relaxed his vigilance. With the withered grass and the Pearl grass, there is the last thing left, the sea blue stone. Li Wudao is not happy to see his things returned, but because of the cold palace here, even Li Wudao doesn't dare to be presumptuous here, so even if he has a stomachache, he has to keep it in his stomach. At most, he murmurs that he doesn't know the goods in two games, and he can't say anything more.

Yan Kongshan did not pay attention to Li Wudao's apparent dissatisfaction, but went on to say: "the fourth thing to be auctioned next is a stone. I don't care about it. I think we have heard of it."

With that, Yan Kongshan took a box from Meng Mo's hand. After opening it, a simple stone lying inside appeared in front of the public.

Although this thing does not look as gorgeous as pearl grass, but its appearance, but with bursts of light waves of sound, momentum is very strong, such things, certainly will not be ordinary things, and its name, there is only one: sea blue stone! "The fourth kind of treasure is the bluestone." Yan Kongshan's tone rose abruptly, and he sounded very excited: "this sea blue stone is said to be a gem on the powerful sea god's Scepter in the martial god heaven. There are 32 of them in the whole Wushen heaven, and one of them,

is in my Han Palace's hands, there are only 32 quanwushentian. I don't need to say more about its value, Everyone knows that... "Ji Lei can't help but hiss in his heart when he hears this. There are only thirty-two Quan Wu Shen Tian. If there are only 32, how do the ten forging positions provided by Tang family to Xingyun pavilion every year come from? Every forging position needs a sea blue stone. It is estimated that several pieces of the sea god Scepter in Yan Kongshan's hands have to be worn out after years! Ji Lei is immune to this kind of gold payment. He is very clear in his heart. Yan Kongshan just wants to let these rich people know that the blue sea stone is rare and can't be found in a lifetime. If you miss this village, there will be no shop. If you want to, don't be stingy. The price can be as high as it can be! However, for someone who is already in a tight pocket like Jilei, this sea blue stone really needs his own life. Now Jilei can't take out any valuable things in his inventory. He has replaced one Xingshen jade, and it is absolutely impossible for Jilei to exchange the rest of the Xingshen jade for the sea blue

stone, because it is the only thing Ji Xing has left for himself 。

Jilei's eyes began to become a little nervous, feeling the gradually warming atmosphere, that fierce competition, finally broke out!

"This is the top-grade martial arts skill of xuanjie, and it's angry thunder flash!"

"It's a four grade pill, Feixue pill!"

"This is the five grade miraculous medicine yangyuanhua!"

"This is..." Ji Lei looks at the voices of the heaven and earth hall, and each piece of rare treasure in the outside world flies into the hands of Yankong mountain. Ji Lei can only look at the rare treasures, but can only pity himself. Without the awakening jade, Ji Lei has no qualification to compete with them.

Jilei's eyes twinkle with a cold radiance. Although it's a joke to say that he's making a move now, it's probably a good thing if he can do something after the auction...

Jilei's lip corners draw a cold arc. Since he can't pass the open fight, Jilei chooses to steal...

when Jilei puts his eyes on the sea When he was on the bluestone, he could not help but mention a trace of salivation, but Jilei still forced his eyes away. Listening to the roar of bidding, Jilei's eyes dropped slightly.

Ye Qingqing looks at Ji Lei with some incomprehension, and then attaches it to Ji Lei's ear and asks softly: "brother Jilei, don't you rob the blue stone?"

Jilei opened her eyes, then squeezed Ye Qingqing's pink cheek with a smile and said, "we don't need to pay for the glauconite. Then, someone will send it to us." Ye Qingqing blinks his big eyes and looks at Ji Lei vaguely. Ji Lei smiles and gives up half a seat. He pulls Ye Qingqing to his seat. At first, ye Qingqing is still a bit hasty and restrained, but soon, ye Qingqing falls into the comfortable seat, surrounded by softness and separated from Ji Lei,Two people's clothes, slightly rub.

"Grass! Laozi has two volumes of ground level martial arts! Who is afraid of whom Li Wudao glares at Xiao Ke and takes out the formula of the big blood swallow that he just took back. He also adds a volume of emerald green martial arts skills!

"The middle grade of the ground level, the big blood swallow formula, and the lower grade of the ground level, the wind leaf palm!" "Two volumes of ground level skills!" Seeing this, many people can't help but take a breath. Li Wudao really doesn't regard the ground level martial arts as something. No matter which volume they are, they are super powerful killers with the power of breaking mountains and mountains! However, Li Wudao even used it to

in exchange for the sea blue stone. He was a loser, a loser, a villain...

Ji Lei looked at the martial arts skills of the two volumes of ground steps. After calming down, he looked at Li Wudao's eyes and raised a smile, "is this the top loser in the legend? "Brother Jilei likes these two volumes of martial arts?" Ye Qingji asked.

Ji Lei nodded. "Naturally, I like it, but it's not over..."

hearing the speech, ye Qingqing lowered his head, but found that Xiao Ke's face turned red, his eyes full of hatred, and his teeth clenched, as if he were making some major decision. Then, under Li Wudao's ironic eyes, Xiao Ke touched Najie, and suddenly two scrolls appeared inside!

"Li Wudao, do you think you are the only one who has the skill of ground level? I have it too Ji Lei raised her lips, and now the scene is very beautiful...

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