Hot blood splashed on Hu lie's face, but Hu lie's back neck did not send even a little pain! "Can't it be that I've separated my body and head and died on the spot?" Hu lie thought, tentatively opened his eyes, but found that his body, clothes, in addition to a little bit of blood, is actually intact! Don't say that the corpse is separated, that is, the executioner's knife has never touched a hair of Hu lie!

At this time, a slightly thin figure stood in front of Hu lie. A long and powerful dragon pattern halberd stood in front of Hu lie like a mountain that cut across the heaven and earth, and resisted the executioner's knife. Then the halberd, and then a domineering halberd, pierced the executioner's chest!

When the blood gradually cooled down, Hu liecai saw clearly the figure of Lingfeng standing in the cold sun.

It's jiley!

Jiley, come on!

In the week of the Dharma hall, there was a dead silence. After the cold wind blew over the face and was beaten by the piercing cold, people found that the knife that was about to fall did not fall, and that the person who should have died in a short time is still alive.

"Gilley!" Li Wudao was stunned for a long time. When the rough man fell to the ground and died, he would react. Then Li Wudao showed his ferocious eyes and pointed to Jilei and said, "I thought you would be a shrinking turtle for a lifetime." "It's your fault to live for a long time, Ann." Ji Lei is indifferent and mercilessly pulls the Dragon grain halberd from the man's body. Then, with his hand as a knife, he instantly cuts the rope that binds Hu lie and ye Qingqing!

"Protect Qingqing, master Hu." Ji Lei looks directly at Li Wudao and says to Hu lie without looking back.

Hu lie is a little uneasy and asks Ji Lei quietly, "so many people, can you cope with it?"

"I've had enough of this moment in my heart." Ji Lei's meaning, already quite obvious, he wants to kill Li Wudao, today, must kill!

Although thousands of people, I go!

"Well, don't think you've been hiding for so long. I'll be afraid of you if you've been hiding for so long." Li Wudao sees Ji Lei finally appears. His ferocity is revealed on his face. In the palm of his hand, aura surges wildly! "Twenty days! It's been a long time! Jiley! I've prepared too much to kill you! You can't be my opponent at all Li Wudao roars. At this moment, the aura rises suddenly and turns into a giant python. He spits out the unreal letter of the snake to Ji Lei. Ji Lei can feel that Li Wudao's strength is much stronger than before. In terms of realm, Li Wudao has eight or even nine levels of martial spirit realm, but his aura has no reason From this, Ji Lei can conclude that Li Wudao just used some foreign objects that can boost his strength. The fight between life and death, these surface threats, have no effect at all!

"The bite of a wild Python!" Li Wudao grabs Ji Lei from a distance with his palm. The python, which is ready to go, opens his mouth and pours on Jilei. The aura hurricane carried by Li Wudao makes people unable to stand on his feet.

"Battle dragon strangle!" The Dragon grain halberd sends out a thousand feet of light. The breath of Ji Lei at this moment is much stronger than that of 26 days ago! When Li Wudao's aura is suddenly exerted, Ji Lei does not show any weakness. When the dragon pattern halberd is raised, it will fight against it with its own aura. With the rage of Ji

Lei, he turns into a holy dragon and rushes towards Li Wudao's Python!


However, Jilei is like an old pine standing in the storm of aura, and his anger in his eyes has never dissipated because of the strong wind!

Qi is like a sharp knife. It can strangle people to death. Li Wudao's body is strangled by the fierce spirit! Blood gushed out of his tender flesh in an instant, which was far from the strength of Ji Lei. Li Wudao's Python was not a combination of the holy dragon at all!

Almost at the moment of collision, the victory or defeat has already been known! The holy dragon's holy power is that it makes the python unable to move for a moment. The aura turns into a sharp blade and stabs the Python's abdomen with a knife. The sharp turn of the knife makes the Python's body twist into sections!

The Python's mouth grew up, as if it was groaning in pain, and then it disappeared completely under the pressure of the dragon. The holy dragon broke through the Python's defense line and went straight to Li Wudao! Li Wudao didn't even respond. Why did Jilei's strength change so much in just 20 days? That strength is close to King Wu! If Ji Lei defeated Li Wudao with pure fighting skills, this time, he really crushed Li Wudao in terms of cultivation and hard power. Li Wudao thought that he could easily subdue Ji Lei by using all means to improve his strength, but he was wrong. At the moment, Li Wudao is still like a pawn in front of the general It's not worth mentioning.

Tiny! Li Wudao felt his insignificance for the first time in front of Jilei's incomparable aura! The holy dragon seems to have inexhaustible power. In front of Jilei, Li Wudao is a gravel, humble and weak.The feeling of weakness from the soul made Li Wudao extremely powerless.

He has even given up resistance.

The dragon is angry and roaring, a pair of golden longan, filled with the breath of extinction.

"Give me... Die!"

Shenglong's roar, accompanied by Jilei's roar, goes straight to Li Wudao!

Instant, strangle!


Holy dragon rolled up the rolling dust, the sky, instantly filled with smoke, dust charming eyes, people's eyes turned into a moment of confusion!

For a long time, the dust settled, Li Wudao has no voice. When Li Ji is standing, he thinks that he can't wait to see Li Ji! Ji Lei takes a step back and takes a close look. He finds a stranger standing in front of Li Wudao. Ji Lei's previous blow is absorbed by a mysterious aura shield in front of him!

"Who are you?" Jilei asked in a cold voice when he saw a stranger.

The man looked at Jilei's pupils, and then whispered, "I'm called Li Wuyou. I'm Li Wudao's second brother."

"I can't help killing you, but I don't care about you. It's not a good thing to kill you." After hearing Li Wuyou's words, Ji Lei is not moved at all. The dragon pattern halberd is shining with more fierce luster at this moment! , the fastest update of the webnovel!