The sudden appearance of the figure not only surprised Li Wujiang, but even Ji Lei didn't expect that he was alone in Beihan. Now, only Ye Qingqing and Hu lie only knew each other. Even if they add up, they would not be Li Wujiang's opponents, let alone resist Li Wujiang's attack! "Who are you?" Li Wujiang narrowed his eyes and looked at the figure standing in front of Jilei. The dust and snow covered the sky and danced against the wind. The roaring voice echoed in Jilei's ears! However, Li Wujiang found that the man's clothes were not affected by the wind! Always

is always hanging straight!

He did not show his appearance, a pure white cloak, to cover his face, but it did not affect his fight. "You Li's family has been dominating in Beihan city for too long... I've never seen such an arrogant family..." that figure is always in front of Jilei, but its not wide back gives people a very heavy sense of security! And his voice, Jilei was surprised to find that

, once upon a time, he actually heard it! As like as two peas, all rivers run into sea.

, "you are... The one in heaven and earth..." Ji Lei finally heard some clues. His voice and the time he was in heaven and earth hall, and Li no Tao bid for the last one, the same person!

The man didn't answer Jilei's question, and Jilei didn't find out. Such a strong man would even rescue himself? Jilei never remembers knowing such a strong man, let alone offending a Li family for her own sake!

All of a sudden, Jilei felt flattered. But the figure turned slowly and did not show his face to Jilei. Instead, he used his deliberately low voice to say to Jilei: "I'm just ordered by others. You don't need to misunderstand us. We are not familiar with each other."

Hearing this, Jilei is inevitably a little embarrassed, but his words make Ji Lei more curious and ordered by others? By whom? Is there anyone else in the distance who knows about Jilei? Li Wujiang was ignored. He was very angry and glared at the voice. His voice gradually became cold: "this friend, I suggest you don't mind your own business. It's disrespectful to the Tang family to impersonate the Tang family. If he offends the Li family, such crimes can't be eliminated even if they are dead! I can regard the things just now as if I didn't see them. If you leave quickly, I'm afraid I won't know each other

As soon as Li Wujiang's words came out, the man slowly turned his head, and his lips under his cloak lifted slightly. Then, from that mouth, he spat out a sentence full of scorn: "you didn't hear my words, did you?"

Li Wujiang frowned: "what?"

"As I said earlier, I was ordered to protect this boy. Don't talk to me about the Tang family and Li family. In my eyes, it's bullshit. But you, who are you to frighten me

"You Li family, from the top to the bottom, you are really a mischievous face. It's disgusting."

This person's words, let Li Wujiang's face suddenly become white, and then the anger in his eyes can't help but burst out, pointing to the figure and yelling: "wanton maniac! How dare you insult the reputation of Li family! I will enforce the law on the spot today! "

Li Wujiang was furious, but the white cloaked man just murmured in a low voice: "fool."

Li Wujiang couldn't bear it. Holding the golden ring knife in his hand, he stormed at the white cloaked man. The majestic and fierce air of the sword rushed towards him. However, the man did not waver and stood still. When Li Wujiang approached, he raised his palm slightly.

"Yu." After a light word, a nearly substantial shield suddenly formed in front of the white cloaked man's palm. Li Wujiang cut down and cut on the shield to break the shield. However, when the two collided, Li Wu's body was unable to stop it!


Li Wujiang fell straight to the ground, spitting blood. The golden ring knife fell on the ground and made a "jingle" sound. The white cloaked man did not stop like this. He walked slowly to Li Wujiang, looked at the golden ring knife that had fallen on the ground, raised his feet and printed his shoes on the golden ring knife.


Li Wujiang suddenly felt a fierce and unbearable pain in his abdomen! The bottom of the pupil suddenly gushed out like a tide of blood red, and then quickly faded away! The feeling of emptiness from the soul suddenly spread all over Li Wujiang's body!

Li Wujiang curled up on the ground like a worm. His whole body trembled. Ji Lei opened his eyes and looked at the scene. This... Crushed Li Wujiang's soul with one foot. What strength is this!

The white cloaked man looked at Li Wujiang, who was suffering a lot on the ground. He raised a slight arc of contempt and said to him: "in the northern cold capital, human life is not worth mentioning in your eyes, but in front of me, your life is also as humble."

This is called a return for a reward, heaven good reincarnation.After the pain, Li Wujiang's eyes suddenly froze down, because he could feel that, in a flash, the aura in his body was leaving him at a flying speed! Li Wujiang couldn't accept the result. In a flash, the mysterious man who suddenly appeared changed the whole deadlock so easily! It's just a flash! Li Wujiang, like an ant, was pressed on the ground by him, never turning over! He is no longer the king of Wu who is higher than the king of Wu. Now he has fallen from the clouds! Become a no martial spirit, no cultivation of the disabled!

Li Wuyou climbed out of the pit and saw such a scene. The weakness and weakness in his eyes instantly spread up.

"Who told me to listen to my lady so much? I'll help you for the time being..." the white cloaked man lowered his head and glanced at Jilei's body. Then he turned around and came to Li Wuyou. He waved to Li Wuyou and said, "give me Li Wudao." Br >, but Li's coat was not broken by Li Ji's promise, but Li's coat was not broken.

"Don't you want to kill him, do it."

Ji Lei was caught off guard by the behavior of the man in white cloak, but he also quickly responded to it. He looked at Li Wudao who fell on the ground and held up the Dragon halberd! This is the only way he can kill Li Wudao now!

Li Wudao arrives in Ji Lei's hand, Li Wuyou's eyes, already flooded with despair.

"Stop it!" Just when Ji Lei is ready to let Li Wudao pay for his blood debts, a voice of hearing words suddenly rings out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!