A startling explosion sounded in the ears of all! Luo Yantian's figure appeared in front of Luo Wuji, and his palm hit a shield wall. However, this was not the shield wall formed by Luo Wuji in time. It came from a token.

"This is..." Luo Yantian's pupil, tight for a moment, eyes locked in Luo Wuji's hand on the token.

"This is... The green hills order?" Luo Yantian is not unfamiliar with this token. Qinggang order has always been worn by only important people in the family. It is a symbol of identity! So it's precious! Even Luo Yantian is not qualified to wear Qinggang order! But why does Wuji have it?!

"See what this is?" Luo Wuji's voice seemed to be a little low. Suddenly, a dazzling golden light flashed on the deck of Qinggang order's card! Luo Yantian's expression is extremely wonderful. First, he was shocked, then, he turned pale!

Only the owner of the house is entitled to hold the golden order of Qinggang. It's just like seeing the owner himself!

"Why don't you kneel when you see the owner?" Luo Wuji's voice came into Luo Yantian's ears. It was not loud, but it was a great deterrent. Although Luo Yantian was unwilling, he did not dare to be bold in front of the Qinggang order! He bent his knees and knelt on the ground.

"According to the order of the master of the family, the people of the Fanluo family must obey the orders and not violate them!"

Luo Wuji's words hit Luo Yantian's heart like thunder. But even if Luo Yantian didn't want to, he had to obey the Luo family leader's words in the end. Qinggang order is the destiny of heaven, and can't be violated!

"At this time, do you still care?" Luo Wuji's voice came into Luo Yantian's ears, as if he was deliberately embarrassing him. Luo Wuji naturally could not be qualified to have Qinggang order, but Luo qianrou was qualified.

Luo Yantian's last trace of jealousy in his eyes also gradually disappeared with the golden light.

"My father's father is on top of me. I can't do anything about it. I can't do it... So... I'll go back." Luo Yantian's heart even if there is more reluctant, also must stop, in front of the Green Gang order, no matter how much truth is useless, if not, it is the following crime, is a big crime.

When Luo Yantian finished speaking, he slowly stood up, the hatred in his eyes, when he looked at Luo Wuji, instantly overflowed, but after a moment, it all disappeared.

Luo Yantian walks forward slowly and finally takes a look at Ji Lei. In his eyes, he is full of puzzlement and confusion. What is the origin of this boy? Can you even attract Luo Wuji to protect him with Qinggang order?

Luo Yantian didn't say anything. Then, with a step, he flew to the distance under the surprised eyes of Xiao Jue Zhong and Li wuheng.

Luo Wuji saw this and put away the order of Qinggang. Then he looked at the owners of the Li and Xiao families indifferently and asked, "do you still want to kill Jilei now?"

Who knows, Xiao Jue Zhong's attitude is extremely resolute: "Ji Lei killed my son, I am bound to let him blood debt blood payment!"

Luo Wuji's eyes suddenly became cold, and then he curled his mouth and said, "you old thing really has no brain...

" what? " When Xiao Jue Zhong was stunned, Luo Wuji said slowly, "it's Li Wudao, not Ji Lei, who killed your son."

"How could that be possible?" Li wuheng's eyes revealed a little panic and wanted to cover it up, but Luo Wuji naturally would not give Li wuheng this opportunity. With a move of his hand, a figure suddenly appeared. He was as strong as an orangutan, holding two people in his hand and a man on his shoulder.

"Huo Sheng?" Ji Lei naturally knows this man. He met him when he was in the frost mansion. Huo Laoba, Huo Sheng, should be the youngest of the Eight Generals in Luo Yantian's mouth.

"Did the man bring it?" Luo Wuji asked Huo Sheng when he didn't return. Huo Sheng heard the words and threw the three men on the ground. He said to Luo Wuji, "boss, these are the three people. You can ask them." Luo Wuji turned around and walked forward slowly. Two of them had their mouths torn and almost half of their teeth were broken off. They were lying on the ground vaguely. The last one was still awake. However, when he saw Luo Wuji walking slowly towards him, the look on his face became incomparably alarmed and moved back several steps to Luo Wuji "My Lord! Don't kill me, my Lord! I say everything "Everything? Then tell me who killed the son of the Xiao family leader Luo Wuji was slightly cold and not angry. Naturally, the man did not have the courage to deceive Luo Wuji. He quickly told the truth and said, "yes... It was Li sanshao. We were all present at that time, and the corpses were all buried by us... The corpse was in the beishuang forest not far from the Han Palace..." "what?" When Xiao Juezhong heard this, he quickly found a member of the Xiao family nearby and gave him a few orders. The man left in a hurry. Xiao Juezhong's expression became a little nervous. However, Li wuheng's face turned pale and his steps moved slightly. It's very meaningful for him to get up."Where is master Li going?" Just as Li wuheng was about to slip away quietly, the dull voice of Xiao Jue Zhong suddenly rang out beside Li wuheng's ear. Li wuheng's feet stopped in the same place for a moment, then turned to Xiao Jue Zhong and said with a smile: "where can I go? I'm not going anywhere. "

"Master! Master Just as Li wuheng finished speaking, there was a sound of panic in the distance. Xiao Jue Zhong turned his head and looked. The servant of Xiao family was running towards him, carrying a bloody sack in his hand. He came to Xiao Jue Zhong and put it in front of him. Xiao Jue Zhong's hand trembled a little. His eyes were staring at the sack full of things, but he began to tremble unconsciously. His hands untied the tightly tied hemp rope, and his eyes suddenly became fierce! Because of the freezing weather in the northern cold, shauk's body has not decayed, and even the traces of blood have coagulated into ice. All the limbs of Xiao Ke are in the sack! Shack was killed by his body!

Xiao Jue Zhong's head suddenly filled with blood, and he was dizzy. He was about to fall down. His servant, Xiao Jue Zhong, quickly held him up. His eyes were full of resentment.

"My... Son!" Xiao Jue Zhong couldn't cry. At the moment, he had only one idea in his heart! That is to let the people of the Li family pay blood debts!

"Li wuheng... Call your son... Take his life!" Xiao Jue Zhong's aura all burst out in an instant! Li wuheng's face was frozen, but he didn't speak. Xiao Jue Zhong ignored Li wuheng, and the aura of his palm formed a strong hurricane. He sucked Li Wudao in his hand! Li wuheng did not respond, and Li Wudao disappeared! At the moment, Li Wudao still has a trace of consciousness. His eyes gradually open, but he sees Xiao Jue Zhong's face which is like eating people!

"What are you going to do... Ah Li Wudao sent out a heartrending scream! Because Xiao Jue Zhong has already split his chest! The internal organs are still weakly beating! "Father! Help me! Father! Help me Li Wudao still wants to ask for help, but he is instantly torn into pieces by the crazy Xiao Jue Zhong! Although the pain of separation of muscles and muscles tortures people, it is not enough to make Li Wudao die on the spot! In this way, after suffering the pain for nearly a quarter of an hour, Li Wudao died of blood loss. Before his death, his eyes were still open, and his panic in his eyes had stagnated and could not disappear.

"Tough enough!" Ji Lei is also creepy in the back, because the scene is too bloody. However, after Li Wudao has suffered a lot and died miserably, Ji Lei's evil spirit can be regarded as vomited out. Li wuheng stares at the dead Li Wudao, and after that, his eyes suddenly burst with violent killing intention!

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