Jilei can even feel the angry flames all around him... "That... Brother, please take your fire away, it's really hot..." even if Ji Lei is strong, he can't offend the public! Besides, this is a trivial thing. It would be a little childish to fight against each other. It's only a child's job to be jealous. But now it seems that there are many children in Xingyun Pavilion... But the reason why they are angry is that Jilei offended their goddess... The charm of Hongji makes Ji Lei successful For all the criticism.

Ji Lei is speechless, but Hongji seems to be watching a good play. She smiles to see how Jilei responds. She is so indignant that she even has to go forward and eat Jilei's ordinary face alive. Jilei's head is big.

"Go." Just when Ji Lei is a little anxious, Hongji unambiguously takes Jilei's hand and trots away from the martial hall with Jilei.

The large group of people left behind all looked at each other with a confused look in their eyes, and then they all looked at the two leaving figures dully.

"What's the situation... Teacher Hongji took the initiative?"

"Is jiley to blame?"

The atmosphere eased down a little, but suddenly some good people jumped out and announced with righteous words: "Ji Lei even took the hand of Hongji teacher. This can't be tolerated! Jiley, you can't let go of him

As soon as they were mentioned, all of them showed a feeling of envy and resentment. Their eyes toward the two figures gradually stagnated, and even their tone of speech became sour as if they had drunk vinegar.

"Yes... Ji Lei takes teacher Hongji's hand..."

Su Zhan looks at the direction of Ji Lei's leaving. What he doesn't understand is that Ji Lei has Xiao Ling Xue? Is he really planning to open the harem, even the elders of Xingyun pavilion? This is also... Too enviable...

"Hoo... Hoo..." Ji Lei gasped and turned red. When they came to a hidden corner, Jilei sat down on the ground and gasped for breath. Seeing Ji Lei's appearance, Hongji couldn't help laughing: "are you a man, can't you run so many steps?"

When Ji Lei heard the ambiguous sarcasm of Hongji, she could not help but raise her eyes, and then said, "you are too popular, aren't you?"? Does touching you make so many flower protectors angry? "

Hearing this, Hongji shrugged her shoulders, but there was still a slight complacency between the words. She said to Jilei, "what can I do? It's not my fault to be beautiful."

However, Ji Lei shook his head seriously when he heard Hongji's words, and then corrected: "it's not only beautiful, but also charming." Hearing Ji Lei's words, Hongji was naturally happy. She touched Jilei's head with joy, and then said with a smile, "you can still speak and know what your sister likes to listen to. Those guys are teachers and elders. They are so disgusted that they can't even speak. They deserve to be single for a lifetime.


Ji Lei thinks that although Hongji is really old, at least it can't be seen on the surface. The mature charm is a little bit, but it is not so familiar. As for the age, Jilei chooses not to ask, otherwise Hongji will have to give herself white eyes.

The age of a woman is always a secret. Unless she tells it on her own initiative, she should never ask. Ji Lei knew this well, so he was very popular with female friends before he awakened Huang Jie's martial spirit. "But then, are you really going to fight with those people in the heart hall? They are not good people. Don't come to me when they are beaten black and blue. " Hongji regained her serious look and said to Jilei. After hearing the speech, Jilei thought for a moment, and then she nodded her head firmly and said, "since you say that the strong don't disdain to be on the nebula list, I won't care about the people on the nebula list."

"So... If you want to improve your strength, you should go to the real strong?" Jilei's eyes gradually filled with enthusiasm and desire for battle.

What about the people with the Tang family? He Jilei, sooner or later, will stand on the opposite side of the Tang family. His torn face will not affect the future results.

The heart hall, in fact, is under the Wu hall.

The dark surroundings make Jilei feel a little depressed. It's a bit like an underground black boxing ring. It doesn't look like a formal occasion.

Jilei stands in front of an iron door, which has become rusty. Jilei wants to open the door, but a hand suddenly reaches out and grabs Jilei's wrist.

"Sister Hongji?" Ji Lei looks at the red Ji who has stopped him. When she appears beside him, she sighs and says to Jilei, "you boy, you only know how to practice. You don't know any rules."

"Ah?" Jilei was a little stunned by Hongji's question. Hongji pulled Jilei away from the front of the heart hall and said, "before entering the heart hall, you still need to challenge the strong ones on the nebula list from nine to two one by one, so that you can enter the heart hall.""What? And the rules? " Jiley almost didn't vomit blood. From nine to two? How long does Jilei have to fight?!

"Is there a way to speed it up?" Ji Lei frowned and asked. After hearing this, Hongji nodded and said to Ji Lei, "yes, you can get the qualification to enter the heart hall by directly challenging the first disciple."

"Who is the first one?" Jiley asked quickly.

"First of all... It seems that he is a person named lanquer..." Hongji thought for a moment, and then said to Jilei, "he has a good relationship with Gu Xuan. If you go to fight with him, he should not be able to get it."

Jilei has some doubts about whether Hongji is deliberately setting a trap for herself, but the words have already been abandoned. It seems that Jilei can't go without going!

In a more luxurious mansion in Xingyun Pavilion, several figures are discussing something in the luxurious courtyard. Several faces appear to be angry. "I said big brother blue oak! We can't get back to Xuanji One person said this, which immediately attracted everyone's agreement. One of them was wearing a blue robe, closed his eyes and meditated. His eyes were slightly opened and closed. "I didn't expect a new

person. He started to act boldly before he got familiar with it here..."

"teacher, what do you think we should do? Should we go to the court? " Blue oak suddenly turned around and looked at a tall figure in the room. When the man heard the words, he said faintly: "even if you don't come to him, he will come to you." The man's voice just fell, the courtyard gate, suddenly issued a huge noise, "bang" a sound, was kicked open!

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