Jilei suddenly felt that there was a strong aura at the top of his head. All of a sudden, the pressure suddenly pressed down on him. The heavy feeling made Jilei heavy.

Ji Lei's face sank and his eyes were cold and bright. On blue oak's face, there was already a look of pride as belonging to the winner. It seemed that victory had been firmly held in his hand, and Jilei had failed in his eyes!

"My Wuling Mountain is not a simple martial art skill!" Blue oak suddenly laughed and said to Ji Lei, "although it's a mountain made of spirit, it weighs tens of thousands of Jin and can smash people into meat paste directly! Jilei, if you admit defeat now, you can avoid the pain of flesh and blood. "

Blue oak is now commanding Ji Lei with a commanding attitude, which makes Ji Lei very uncomfortable. However, he is not afraid of blue oak because of the fog mountain. It is just a mountain with aura. It is still unknown whether he can carry it down or not! "Noisy." Ji Lei said faintly, and a kind word was rejected by Ji Lei. LAN oak's face naturally could not hang. His face turned blue, but he also kept his posture in front of Hongji. He sneered and said to Ji Lei, "the new people now are proud of themselves. They have to press down." "You're welcome, brother Lei!" Blue oak's eyes suddenly burst with cold luster. When his palm pressed down, the Wuling Mountain on Jilei's head suddenly fell down and pressed down on the sky cover of Jilei. Ji Lei could feel the pressure of aura from his week. Ji Lei just looked a little cold and dignified.


Blue oak drank a lot, and Wuling Mountain fell down in an instant. The shadow covered Jilei's face. The whole mountain of aura condensed and killed Jilei in an instant!


The Wuling Mountain falls to the ground and makes a heavy sound. The aura immediately splashes out. Ji Lei's figure has already disappeared in the original place and is pressed down by Wuling Mountain.

Blue oak's eyes, quietly condensed a trace of cold, if Ji Lei was directly crushed to death by his own move... Forget it, this is what he asked for. Who can call him so ungrateful?

"It seems that the results have come out." Blue oak turned around and looked around. His eyes finally fell on Hongji. His face was a little proud.

"The boss is mighty!" Those blue oak's younger brothers all burst into bursts of cheering at the moment. Gu Xuan and Wang Ze, who had been taught a lesson by Jilei, had a trace of relief on their faces.

"The results come out?" Huiyao Xu squinted and looked at the Wuling mountain where Jilei was pressed down. His face was filled with a smile.

But Hongji also pursed her lips and laughed. Her long eyelashes moved slowly. Then she looked at the Wuling Mountain and said, "it seems that there is no such thing...

" boom! "

When blue oak and others were happy, the Wuling Mountain suddenly burst out a burst of thundering sound! Blue oak did not know what happened before he heard a lazy voice: "I thought there was something wrong with this mountain, so it is...

" Jilei?! " The appearance of Jilei made blue oak never think of it. He thought that Jilei should... "How could you..."! You can't even live under Wuling Mountain! " Blue oak's eyes were full of horror. Although he didn't try his best, Jilei couldn't do it so easily! This Wuling Mountain is one of his most proud martial arts skills. There is no reason for Ji Lei to be so relaxed when grounding! "Who told you I got hit?" Ji Lei is not satisfied with LAN oak's words. At the moment of landing in Wuling Mountain, the startled cloud step starts, which is like the misty body method. Naturally, there will be no thunder like sound. Therefore, LAN oak thinks that Ji Lei intends to make a hard connection. In fact, Ji Lei is no longer there. At the last moment, Ji Lei's figure may be the shadow left by Ji Lei's too fast speed "You have one last move." Jilei took it without any effort. No, it should be said that he avoided the two moves of blue oak. At the moment, he even had the leisure to yawn lazily. The light wind and cloud of Jilei made the blue oak's face completely gloomy. A cold light flashed, and a string of black metal appeared in blue oak's hands.

"What is this?" Jiley squints. It looks like a dart, but it looks much more capable. "No pain? You still use this thing? " Ji Lei recognizes what is in LAN oak's hand, and then he is surprised. He can feel the existence of aura from it. Therefore, kuwu should be the martial spirit of LAN oak. There are very few martial gods who regard kuwu as their martial spirit. At least Jilei has never seen it before.

"I thought you could be defeated without the spirit of martial arts, but now it seems that I despise you..." blue oak's face did not show any expression. Then he approached Jilei step by step, and his voice slightly overflowed with a little killing intention: "but the last move, I won't keep my hand." "Who needs your hand?" Jilei gave a sneer. The last words made LAN oak's eyes open angrily. Kuwu in his hand was shining with a strong luster. He threw him away from blue oak's palm, but he didn't fly directly to Jilei, but flew to himIn the sky, in Jilei's eyes, it turns into a bitter nothingness one after another!

"There's no killing in spite of suffering!"

The roar of blue oak almost broke Jilei's eardrum. He was full of aura. At the moment, the triple king of Wu finally broke out his real strength!

In the bitterness and nothingness, there is not only aura, but also... Killing intention!

Kuwuwu is in the sky, like a rainstorm. It falls towards Jilei. Every kuwu wants to take Jilei's life!

"This is a direct killer..." Huiyao sighed, looking at Ji Lei's figure, his eyes suddenly flashed with a glimmer of expectation. How would Jilei deal with the ultimate killing move of blue oak?

"Since you use the spirit of martial arts, I, too, should use my soul..." Ji Lei took a deep breath, and then looked flat at blue oak, with golden light in his palm.

"Dragon pattern halberd... War dragon stranding!"

Ji Lei's figure suddenly dances wildly in the same place. A glittering drawing halberd makes Ji Lei's point stand against the ground. Ji Lei turns into a golden light, and walks through the misery. The collision between the dots will bounce away all the bitterness and nothingness of that branch!

"Twist!" I don't know when, Jilei murmurs. The aura of his whole body turns into a whirlwind and protects Jilei. At this moment, Jilei's aura collides with that of blue oak!

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