The strong wind with aura is still hunting. The frenzied storm has wrapped Hongji's clothes tightly, and her hot body is highlighted vividly. But now Hongji's face is full of worry. Looking at Ji Lei's figure, she nibbles at her lips.

"It seems that some of them can't control it..." Hui Yao's expression was also slightly dignified, but in the end it was attributed to a sigh and said: "forget it, let them go."

"What? Let them go? " Hongji thought that she had heard something wrong. She looked at Huiyao in disbelief. She shrugged and said, "what can I do? Is it difficult to pull them apart by force

In the current situation, draw a circle with two people as the center. No creature in the circle can survive! If you enter it carelessly, you will be torn to pieces by the violent wind!

"Whoosh!" The aura of the hurricane makes the surrounding people some stand unsteadily, the double dragon sunset halberd, at this moment and the meteor crazy dance battle has become equal! Blue oak didn't want to see this scene. The tip of his teeth suddenly touched the tip of his tongue. The tiger tooth bit his tongue, and a mouthful of blood essence circulated in his throat, shooting at the debris all over the sky. When the essence blood was integrated into the spirit of the meteor dancing wildly, the aura and bitterness became extremely crazy, and the aura was instantly higher than the Shuanglong sunset halberd!

Jilei's pupils are gradually filling with blood. Somehow, the feeling of weak soul just now begins to enlarge infinitely! Jilei's heels are a little sour and soft, and her body starts to shake, and some of them can't stand.

"Why, I'm exhausted now? I'm not fully committed yet Blue oak began to laugh coldly when he saw Jilei's body was unstable. Jilei was obviously a little unable to hold on. As long as time went on, Jilei would surely lose! Jilei doesn't know why he suddenly becomes so weak, but at the moment the battle is still going on. Jilei has to resist all these feelings, so Jilei has been gritting his teeth and insisting on it. However, as time goes on, this weak feeling becomes more and more serious, which leads to the "double Dragons" in the sky who are struggling with nothing but suffering to become illusory! There is a great potential for disillusionment!

"Hold on..." Hongji seems to have found something wrong with Jilei, but now she can only pray secretly that Jilei can carry it over. Blue oak's eyebrows showed a strong evil spirit. He squinted his eyes and looked at the Double Dragons above the sky. Then he sneered. Suddenly, he opened his fingers and pinched the bitterness. All the bitterness in the sky suddenly merged together, forming a huge and incomparable aura Throwing Knife, and stabbed the two dragons fiercely! "Poof!" On this side, Jilei also felt some sympathy. When he flew into the body of Shuanglong, he felt that his aura began to dissipate. The weak feeling in his body suddenly spread all over Jilei's body, and then it seemed that it was going to dissipate, and gradually began to drain from Jilei's


"What's going on?" Ji Lei suddenly realizes that something is wrong, but at the moment, blue oak has already aimed his killing moves at Ji Lei's eyes. Suddenly, a certain determination emerges from Ji Lei's eyes.

Step back is the wanzhang cliff, so at this moment, Jilei absolutely can't retreat!


Jilei wants to put forward his aura, but a mouthful of blood comes from Jilei's mouth. However, the aura is not mentioned at all. The feeling of suffocation from his chest makes Jilei's mind blank and his ears are buzzing!

"What's the matter? I'm afraid I'm too ugly to lose, and I'm going to be decadent now Blue oak saw Jilei some staggering steps, frowned, but still did not stop the attack on Jilei.

Jilei's mind is extremely chaotic, and he can hardly think about anything. But now Jilei only has to support his body. Facing the upcoming killing move, Jilei's eyes suddenly become extremely determined.

"If you don't have aura... You have to draw it out!"

The blood in Jilei's body suddenly began to boil. He began to notice those tiny corners in his body. Even if it was bit by bit, he was not willing to let go! Ray's pain in the body, and even the pain in her body, can be described as the pain in her body, and even the pain in her body! Because there was not too much time, the way Jilei plundered Reiki was extremely violent. By means of opening and closing, the Reiki quickly gathered together. This little bit by bit of aura that has not yet left is finally

condensed by Jilei.

"Thunderbolt classic"

Finally enough aura, Jilei's body suddenly began to ring the sound of a magnetic storm, blue arc wrapped all over Jilei's body, and then straight into the sky!

"Boom When the blue light column goes straight into the sky and enters the Double Dragons' bodies, the power of the two dragons becomes extremely powerful in an instant. A thrilling aura of power surges in Shuanglong's body, and then overflows. The thunder is already raging, and the power brought to the two dragons is incomparable.

"Thunder Sutra, double dragon sunset halberd!"With the blessing of the thunderbolt Sutra, Shuanglong suddenly changed from dying to vigorous. He was not afraid of the flying dart and roared. His aura was released without reservation!

Blue oak suddenly felt a strong pressure. When he was frightened, he also hastened to upgrade his aura to another level. He tried not to split up again and wanted to kill the two dragons from many aspects. However, the two dragons at the moment are far from the previous ones!


The explosion of aura resounds through the world! The fierce air wave swept across the whole courtyard in an instant, and the clouds were torn apart like a valley in the sky, turning into horizontal stripes and scattered on the curtain of the sky.

The air waves forced everyone to bend down to stabilize themselves, even to resist with aura. After the air waves gradually disappeared, the whole courtyard had become a pile of ruins.

After Hongji opens her eyes to see the scene around her, Ji Lei's figure is standing upright there. The halberd with dragon pattern is directly inserted on the ground, and it seems that it will never fall down.

"Gilley!" Hongji rushes to Jilei. When she comes to Jilei, she finds that Jilei's eyes are tightly closed.

"What's wrong with you? Don't scare me Hongji holds Jilei's scarred cheeks in her hands. Her anxiety has already been expressed. Looking at Ji Lei's expression, Hongji is a little confused for a time and doesn't know what to do.

"Poof!" Jilei suddenly spits out a mouthful of blood. There are some pieces of internal organs in the blood! To extract aura by force must cost, but Jilei obviously has a heavy price.

God knows what kind of dilapidated Jilei's body is now. It's not too much to say that it's organ displacement.

However, Jilei was miserable, and the blue oak was not much better. The whole person was lying on the ground, and the blood foam in his mouth was slowly overflowing. Although he was not dead, he was still hanging that breath and was seriously injured. He was in a state of dying. This is blue oak's third move, but also Jilei's first move, two-phase collision, the result is obvious, both lose. , the fastest update of the webnovel!