I don't know how long later, Jilei from the day, to dusk, the sky has gradually sunk, and just when Jilei is very bored and almost sleepy, his name is suddenly reported.


Jilei hears someone calling his name and opens his eyes in a hurry. Then he sees that there are several people standing in front of him. His eyes are all focused on his body. Jilei quickly walks forward.

The man named Jilei was an old man in a gray robe. After seeing Jilei come forward, he pointed to a room behind the test door and said to Jilei, "go in here."

Hearing this, Jilei opened her door and went into the room. There was nothing but a simple mat.




There are several door closing sounds coming from outside. Jilei looks up. The old man slowly closes Jilei's door.

"Today's last quota is selected from among you. What you have to do is to refine a pill for me."

"The last quota... Alchemy?" Jilei frowned, but immediately understood that if you want to get the qualification to borrow danfang, you must pass some examinations. After all, this is not a place like the library. The threshold is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"The medicinal materials have been put in front of you. This pill, called Tianwen Dan, is a four grade pill."

Even though the old man's voice fell down, a pile of medicinal materials and a pill of different colors appeared in front of Ji Lei. Ji Lei grasped the Dan prescription, and then read the contents of the Tianwen pill carefully.

After reading it, Ji Lei breathed a sigh of relief. Although tiantianwen Dan is a four grade pill, it should be considered as a simple pill in comparison. At least Ji Lei saw that the steps were not so complicated and the herbs used were not so difficult to refine. Ji Lei grabs a handful of herbs and throws them into the dark cold cauldron in front of her. The flame spreads from the center of the stove. In the flame, the shells of these herbs melt quietly, and the crystal clear juice inside gradually condenses and floats in the furnace. Tianwen pill emphasizes that the grain of the pill is similar to that of clouds. The overall appearance of the pill is sky blue, so it looks like white clouds hanging across the sky. Although the quality of the pill is not exaggerated, Ji Lei will not underestimate it. After all, it is a four grade pill with solid


At the beginning, all the excipients have been refined into medicine juice by Jilei. After seeing this, Jilei plans to add other materials.


All of a sudden, a huge noise with layers of vibration shook the doors of this circle three times. Jilei looked at a direction in surprise, which was the direction of the vibration.

"Disciple of Nangong sect, Zheng Hao, failed in refining." The old man's voice suddenly sounded, and then Jilei heard a voice of opening the door. A figure gradually came out from behind the door, with a look of decadence and disappointment on her face. "Refining failed..." Ji Lei's forehead gradually exuded sweat. It seems that these four kinds of pills are not as easy to refine as he expected in his mind. Moreover, it seems that there is only one chance to refine pills. If it fails, it is not clear when to enter Purdue hall again. "Don't be careless." Ji Lei murmured in his heart, and then compared with his eyes, he gradually settled down his mood. His divine sense wrapped up the whole room. When all the divine senses were unfolded, Jilei suddenly found that he was more flexible in controlling the fire. He also improved the refining speed of

herbs, which was fast and stable. The flame was like Still general, slowly beating, just like peeling onions, the coat of the medicinal materials layer by layer, and then gradually extract the medicinal juice in the medicinal materials.

Time seems to be slowing down at this moment. Jilei sits quietly, wrapping the herbs with divine sense, and refining them with flame.

At the same time, the disciples who competed with Ji Lei at the same time seemed to be as silent as Ji Lei.

The elder of Qing Dynasty leaned on a reclining chair and looked at the test door where Ji Lei was. Then he said to the elder on the side, "these boys are very good in mind, but I don't know whether they can withstand the following changes...

the elder glanced at elder Qing, and his voice seemed random:" but they are all small scenes. Do you want to care about these Is it? "

"I don't care about the game. I'm curious about one person." The elder of Qing Dynasty suddenly straightened up and sat on the reclining chair. He said to the elder, "there is a boy named Jilei in this."

"Gilley?" The elder frowned. The name seems to have been heard somewhere. In a word, he is very familiar. The elder of Qing Dynasty saw this and said to him with a smile: "he was the one who shocked the whole Xingyun Pavilion by fighting with blue oak."

"Oh! I remember! " Hearing the elder say so, the elder clapped his hands, and his tone seemed to be excited: "how can this boy still refine alchemy?" "Who knows, the people who come to the Purdue hall, Bacheng is the Dan master..." the elder of Qing Dynasty finally glanced at Ji Lei's room, then lay down again, shook the folding fan in his hand, and said leisurely, "our Purdue hall is a dragon's gate. There are countless disciples who want to come in. If this Ji Lei is the one who wants to come inI really hope to see him become a member of the Purdue hall....

"you are deceiving and deceiving. People may have come to borrow a book, but you just cheated him to refine pills." The elder turned his lips, and the elder of Qing Dynasty grinned treacherously, and then made a gesture of silence.

Ji Lei in the room doesn't know the conversation outside. At the moment, Ji Lei, like an old monk sitting still, is patiently refining pills in the furnace with his knees folded.

This is the last step of Jilei. As long as you calm down, it is very easy to refine this Tianwen pill. Step by step, Ji Lei's medicine tripod is peaceful, and various steps are carried out in an orderly manner.

"The last step, Ning Dan!" Ji Lei suddenly opens and closes her eyes. Two faint auras are released from the palm of her hand. The medicine juice inside is condensed together, and all kinds of medicinal properties are interwoven together, and the prototype of pills is gradually formed.

Time passed by for a period of time, the shape of the pills in the furnace gradually became complete. "Now, Cheng Dan!" Ji Lei slaps the medicine tripod, and a round elixir bursts out of the medicine tripod. Ji Lei looks at the floating Tianwen Dan in the air, and his mouth shows a little joy. Before long, Ji Lei suddenly feels that the temperature around him suddenly drops down at the moment when Tianwen Dan comes out of the oven!

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