Bang! The gate is broken! Crash! That door was kicked open! Ji Lei's figure, in the eyes of many consternation, slowly walks out of the ice room surrounded by cold air. There was a thin frost on Jilei's hair. At the moment of Jilei's appearance, the chill in the Purdue hall disappeared. The elder of the Qing Dynasty rubbed his eyes and seemed to be unable to believe that Jilei could be here. According to his guess, some people might come out of here, but it can't be so early.

"Tian Wen Dan." In the palm of Ji Lei's hand is a pill with four textures. The cloud patterns of this pill are blocked by Jilei's incomparable fire. Therefore, the texture of this Tianwen pill seems to be some dazzling gold.

Ji Lei throws Tian Wen Dan to the elder of Qing Dynasty. The elder of Qing Dynasty takes it and pinches it in his hand, and looks at Ji Lei with astonishment.

"Is this Tian Wen Dan OK?" Ji Lei was seen by the elder of Qing Dynasty, and his back was hairy. Then he asked in a hurry.

Hearing the speech, the elder nodded happily and said, "OK! that 's ok! Of course "Then I can borrow the Dan Fang here?" Ji Lei's eyes are a little tired. It's a big challenge even for Ji Lei to seal the cloud patterns with matchless fire. Especially after Ji Lei's physical strength gradually declined, he still insisted on holding on to his weak feeling, and even had to freeze to death in it. After four cloud patterns were sealed, Jilei was exhausted, thanks to Jilei only refining Four cloud patterns, if in more than one point, it is estimated that his end is to become a frozen corpse in the ice room. The elder of Qing Dynasty expected that Ji Lei would be the first one to go out. He had heard of all kinds of "glorious deeds" of Ji Lei for a long time. Therefore, elder Qing looked forward to such a disciple. However, Ji Lei's exit time was still earlier than the elder's expectation.

The elder of Qing Dynasty looked at Ji Lei with appreciative eyes, then patted Ji Lei on the shoulder and said happily, "Congratulations, now you have become a glorious servant disciple of the Purdue hall."

"Servant disciple? What do you mean Ji Lei frowned. It seems that this situation is different from what he expected...

"you don't know what you mean, servant disciple? It's a handyman The elder next to the elder turned his mouth and explained to Jilei that the mood and tone were a bit of schadenfreude.

"Miscellaneous?" Jilei didn't control the volume for a while, and drew the anger of those disciples who were studying Pharmacopoeia quietly. However, Jilei gave a blank look and ignored those people. "What's wrong with the porter? Don't look down upon this handyman. How many people want to stay here and have no chance! If you have such a good chance, you can enjoy it The elder of the Qing Dynasty seemed to be dissatisfied. Ji Lei had such a big reaction. He curled his mouth and said, "when can I sign up to become a servant disciple?" Ji Lei thought about it for a moment, but he felt wrong when he was

"Well, isn't that your name?" Elder Qing takes out the book that Ji Lei signed just now. The name of Ji Lei is written on it in black and white. But Ji Lei looks at it, and he is almost angry. Isn't he trying to borrow Dan to register? Why is it that I have become a person who plays

miscellaneous things for no reason?! Ji Lei was so angry that he didn't see it clearly. The elder of Qing Dynasty was wise and resourceful. He successfully cheated Jilei to Purdue Hall... And became a handyman.

"What should I do then?" Ji Lei helplessly supports his forehead. It seems that he has to admit it...

"well..." after hearing the speech, the elder of Qing Dynasty said to Ji Lei: "it's mostly some miscellaneous work, such as sweeping the floor, cleaning up the dust and so on..."

"OK, don't say goodbye." The elder of the Qing Dynasty said these, let Ji Lei hear all big head, don't wait for elder Qing to finish saying, pull down the face to Qing elder a fist, prepare to leave.

Seeing that Ji Lei was ready to leave, the elder of Qing Dynasty seized Ji Lei, changed his impatient expression, and said to him, "every disciple in the Purdue hall starts from doing chores, and what's wrong with doing chores? Exercise can also read the Dan prescription here... "Wait a minute, you just said, the odd man can still read the Dan prescription here?" Ji Lei stopped the elder of Qing Dynasty, then asked. Seeing that Ji Lei wanted to change his mind, he nodded and then said, "it is true, but not all the Dan's prescriptions can be read. There are some official disciples in the Purdue hall, such as earth and heaven. The attendants who have just entered the hall are not even human level, they can only read the four grade Dan Fang If you go up, you will be able to read the higher level Dan Fang, and the heaven level disciple will be able to read the seven level Dan Fang! The excellent students can even get the reward of Purdue hall! "

At this point, the elder of the Qing Dynasty approached Ji Lei mysteriously, and then whispered to Ji Lei: "there are so many good things in the Purdue hall. Although I have not seen them, I have heard that... There are even eight grade pills here..." "eight grade pills?" Ji Lei hears the words, and her eyes are shining bright! The Purdue hall is too powerful, isn't it? Eight grade Dan Fang! This is a peerless pill that even the top Dan masters in Shuangzhou can't refine! This remote existence, can make all the strong, even ifIs usually again arrogant strong person to put down the body, reduced to eight grade Dan medicine's supporter!

A pill, can lead to chaos, this is absolutely not just casually said, at least, seven grade eight grade pills, is already with this ability!

"How can I get promoted?" Ji Lei's heart is full of ups and downs, but when he calms down, he still needs to ask carefully. After all, a single bite can't make a fat man. A pill of seven or eight grades is too far away for Jilei. "Well... If you can refine the same level of pills, you will naturally be promoted. Or if you have made outstanding contributions to the Purdue hall, the elders will reward you according to your contribution." -What elder Qing said was very objective. Ji Lei nodded his head and agreed with him. Then he said to the elder, "OK, I will be the servant disciple!" "Yeah... After all these years, someone has cleaned up the accumulated ashes..." seeing Ji Lei's promise, he felt a burst of gloom. At the moment, Ji Lei is also immersed in the dream of seven and eight grade pills. He is also happily looking forward to becoming a high-level disciple and getting a high-level Dan prescription, and becoming a talent of Dan master...

but all these have to be done from "I've been working for a long time. I haven't done my duty for a long time The elder of the Qing Dynasty directly handed a broom to Ji Lei, and then he began to send Ji Lei. Ji Lei took the broom and sighed in his heart. Then he turned and walked toward the three pavilions of the Purdue hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!