A full moon hanging in the sky, under the moon, a person in a hurry to walk, some urgent steps, direction is very chaotic.

I don't think of Lei Yuan's words that he didn't regret! Jiley wandered around like a headless fly, and finally... Got lost.

Jilei came to a place that didn't know where it was. She looked up at the sky and was very disheartened in her heart. It is said that the color of the moon touches people's mind. A thousand years ago, Jilei even more missed the people who were thousands of years later. Now Jilei has a bottomless feeling in his heart. He doesn't know whether Mingkai's words are credible or not. If he can't go back to a thousand years later, will he not have to stay here forever?

However, at present, Mingkai's sarira has not been split, and Jilei can't go back. Now, she can only take a step and see one step at a time.

"Why should I agree with Mingkai's request..." Jilei couldn't help but sigh, and her heart was filled with regret. There was silence around, but a stream of water rushing through her ears.

"Well? Is there any water here? " Jilei looked around and found that she was now in a garden like place. During the day, it was a place where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. Now the night was getting dark, and all the people here had disappeared. "It doesn't seem that many people come here..." Jilei touched the stone stool beside him. Beside a round table, half of the round table was covered with a thin layer of dust. The dust was very rare. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it. On the other side of the table, it's very clean. The stools on both sides of the table are all dusted and cleaned. It seems that one side of the table is timely People often come here to sit, but on the other side, no one is interested.

This is very strange. It doesn't feel like a big garden at all, but like a private place. Many places here give Jilei a feeling that no one has ever been here before.

The sound of water rushes into Jilei's ears again. Jilei can't resist the curiosity in his heart. He follows the sound of the water and walks towards the direction of the current.

The sound of the water is getting closer and closer. It's not the sound of rough scouring, but the gentle gurgling sound of... Like a gentle woman.

In front of Jilei, there is a grass, and the sound of water flow comes from behind the grass. After seeing this, Jilei lurks in the grass, reaches out and stealthily pulls out the flowers and plants in front of him and looks forward.

The bright moonlight shines on the graceful and slender body, on the smooth and clean jade like beauty back, and illuminates every drop of crystal clear water on the top with a tiny light.

Jilei's eyes suddenly became hot. The gurgling sound of water was actually the sound of a beautiful woman in the bath! The white skin of Shuangshuang Shengxue can be seen clearly in the moonlight. Although she has her back to Jilei, she can still see the round and invisible sides, which is undoubtedly the biggest stimulation to a man's senses. She still holds the half covered mystery of pipa, which adds incomparable charm to her!

Jiley's eyes are straight! The woman in the moonlight did not find Jilei peeping.

The beautiful girl under the moon, like a God, gives people a sense of sacredness and inviolability. That woman, occasionally side face, that side face, is Tian Yan. It makes the moon pale.

But when Jilei saw the side face, her eyes were frozen for a moment! That side face, how familiar! Jilei's body is stiff at the moment. He sees... A face that makes Jilei dream!

Jilei's lips trembled a little, and tears even rolled out of her eyes. Her brain was so hot that she cried out the name: "thousand... Thousand soft?"

This cry, can not be, directly is that the woman was startled, she did not expect, at the moment there is still someone peeping! Turning his head, he found Jilei's dull face. After seeing her face, Jilei's ears made a sound like thunder!

that face... As like as two peas!

At that moment, Ji Lei has a feeling of being in a dream, and his head is heavy and his feet are light. Here, Ji Lei sees the people who are missing all the time. For a moment, Ji Lei can't tell whether it is the western regions a thousand years ago or the cangyunzong a thousand years later!


However, Jilei has such a dreamlike feeling. The beauty is already blushing, and her eyes are full of shame. Jilei is about to call Luo qianrou's name, but the woman has already screamed, and the aura is flooding towards Jilei in an instant!

Ji Lei quickly resists with aura, and the two collide, and bursts of water mist. After the fog disappears, the woman has already disappeared.

Looking at the empty pool, only the ripples can prove that someone has come here. Ji Lei smacks his lips bitterly. Does he Miss Luo qianrou so much that he mistakenly identifies those who are similar to her?

but as like as two peas, no one else could be able to answer Jilie. But Ji Lei is more willing to believe that he is not mistaken. This is exactly the same as Luo Qian rou. Ji Lei walks behind him dejectedly. I don't know how long he has gone. When he comes to a fork in the road, he suddenly bumps into a figure in a hurry. He bumps into Ji Lei. Ji Lei lowers his head and finds that Shaoyuan is panting. He raises his head and sees Ji Lei. They both ask the same without an appointmentThe same sentence: "Why are you here?"

"I..." Ji Lei suddenly showed a bitter smile, and then explained to Shaoyuan, "I'm lost...

" well, come back with me. " Shaoyuan didn't say anything, then he took Jilei to his room.

But Jilei noticed that Shaoyuan's body seemed to be wet, as if the water had not been wiped clean.

"You... Were taking a bath?" Ji Lei asked this question inexplicably, but Shaoyuan shook his head and said, "these are sweat from practice. They are dirty. Don't talk about this. Let's go back."

Looking at the figure of Shaoyuan walking forward, Ji Lei suddenly curled her lips and said, "it's sweet to sweat. Who believes you?"

However, Ji Lei didn't directly point out Shaoyuan. He chose to keep silent and keep up with Shaoyuan. However, when he thought of the graceful shadow under the moon, Jilei's mood could not help but fluctuate. He didn't know whether what he saw was Luo qianrou.

He promised that he was right! But as like as two peas, who can guarantee that there will be no two people in the world? Even though it's been a thousand years away.

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