
The bullet is loaded, the trigger whispers, and the air wave engulfs Jilei in an instant! Jilei is in the fire, not knowing life and death.

"Mr. Gilley!"

Seeing this, the long bow roared anxiously, but as soon as the voice fell, a small collision sound sounded in the fire, and Ji Lei's figure slowly came out of the fire.

Jiley, after being shot, didn't die!

"Are you all right?" Not only the three brothers of the Yan nationality, but also the masked man himself felt a little inconceivable.

"Of course he will not die. I'll keep him for a reward All of a sudden, a voice suddenly spread into the ears of all the people. A figure came into the door gradually. Jilei saw the face of the man. It was the man with a knife that Jilei had seen before!

"Ming Wuchen's head is still in his hand. Who should I go to when he is dead?" There is a grass root in his mouth. His tone is full of frivolity, but his strength is obvious to all! Just at that moment, he personally resisted the mask man's attack! "The head of Ming Wu Chen? You mean this, it's a work of art. " The mask man took out a sack from the Najie and threw it in his hand. When the man with a knife saw the sack, his eyes immediately glowed with a philistine light. Then he raised his mouth and said to the masked man, "give me that head."

"It's a work of art, a broken piece of art." The mask man's tone suddenly became a little crazy and said to the man with a knife: "if you insult my artwork, I will make you become like it, with incomplete beauty!"

"Insane." The man with the knife spat out the grass in his mouth, and then he put the knife on his shoulder and looked at the mask man's eyes. He became extremely cold: "you don't give it to me, do you? OK, I'll get it myself


The man with the sword dropped his voice, and his feet rushed straight to the masked man. The aura of the Damascus sword came straight out of the edge of the knife, and the sharp edge of the sword was slashed towards the mask man's face.

"Let me see what you look like!" Suddenly, a frivolous smile appeared on the man's face, and the knife in his hand had come to the top of the mask man at the moment!

"It's the best way to do it!"


The aura suddenly gushed out. Facing the top of the man's head, he fell from top to bottom. Suddenly, a surprised light flashed through the eyes under the mask.


The sound of the explosion sounded, which directly overturned the roof of the restaurant! Blue sky and white clouds shine down, the light is light. Thick cigarette smoke, diffuse in the ruins.

"Cough." Ji Lei dispels the smoke around him. However, he finds that the two figures are facing each other in the cigarette. The man with a knife just cuts down on the mask man's long gun. He cuts it off with a heavy knife. The gun is not damaged at all.

"It seems that I misread you..." the masked man took back the gun, slowly pulled out the sublimation, and aimed at the chest of the man with the sword, he pulled the trigger! After the sound of "bang", a flower pattern appeared on the man's chest. "Your strength is even better than that just now. It must be a very good collection." The pallor on the mask suddenly appears a little frightening blood red, and then gradually becomes pale, like a skeleton. However, it seems that his breath has reached the peak after this short change!

"The peak... Is bliss! My third gun, called... Bliss The mask man throws the light words and sublimation in his hands into the air! A scarlet flash of light, a scarlet spear, finally fell into the mask man's hands!

"The moment the bullet comes out of the chamber, it is the peak of bliss!" The masked man suddenly gave out a ferocious laugh. Then, he pointed the gun at the man with a knife. A black purple red light condensed at the muzzle of the gun!

"I'm an artist on stage, and you'll be my perfect curtain call."


A trigger rings, bullets instantly with the destruction of all living creatures, roaring out!

"Come on... Let me see how many skills you have..." in the man's eyes, a little dignified was revealed. His eyes were staring at the bullet whistling towards him. Suddenly, he raised his sword, and the golden aura burst out in an instant, and the crossbar was in front of him!

"Wall of souls!"


Bullets and aura collide and interweave, making a shocking noise! The billowing air waves are pounding around! The four of them, who had to watch on the side, were busy flying out to avoid being affected.


There's a big bang! The earth at this moment, all of a sudden, layers of collapse down! The surrounding buildings at this moment, all collapsed!

The battle between these two strong men can really destroy the whole Ming Dynasty city! The battle of Wuzong level is really a fight between gods and immortals!

After the dust and smoke dissipated, the man with sword and the man with mask were not hurt. At least it seemed that they had a draw."Wuzong... Is really outstanding." The man's face was a little pale. Even though he had the same strength, he still felt that he was not able to fight.

"Wuzong? Do you like that? But well, it doesn't matter. It's one. "


The man with a knife is a little puzzled, but then, the masked man raises his gun again, and then shoots the man with sword again!


"What?" The man with sword didn't expect him to have another hand. He urged his spirit to resist, but the masked man seemed not only satisfied with this, but fired another shot at the man with Sabre!



The bullets came out of the chamber, and the click made the onlookers like Jilei sweat. If this is the real strength of masked men, then if masked men wanted to fight just now, Jilei and they would have died more than ten times... "The wall of souls! Stop it The man with a knife did not dare to neglect. Even Wuzong could not resist the arrival of two black and purple bullets. The spirituality of the fierce surge condensed into a thick wall of spirits to block the mask man's attack in front of him. However, when the two shots came down, Wan Lingbi almost broke down without any resistance. Although most of the strength was washed away, the two bullets were still hit The burning sensation of his bones was too much for him.

"Er..." the man with a knife looked extremely painful. The bullet hit his leg, leaving a deep bullet mark. He had never seen such an attack before. An extremely terrible conjecture took shape in everyone's mind.

Their attacks are all based on aura, but the masked man who claims to be an artist does not need Reiki at all.

In other words, as long as there are bullets, his power will be... Endless!

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