Double Dragons fall! Ji Lei is familiar with the use of the double dragon sunset halberd. However, the consumption of aura by this move is still terrible. In a moment, Jilei's aura is at the bottom. Fortunately, Ji Lei feels that the aura is enough to release the double dragon sunset halberd. At the moment, Ji Lei doesn't make any abnormal actions.

At this moment, Shuanglong fell into the world. The aura of stormy rain swept the whole world. All creatures should crawl and tremble under the unparalleled power of Shuanglong! Standing in the wind, Ji Lei can see that there are many King Wu's strong men who are caught off guard by Shuanglong. Even before their martial arts skills are released, they are directly driven out of the high platform by the fierce momentum. However, more and more King Wu's strong men are able to stabilize their positions and keep calm in the face of danger. They have released their martial arts skills to resist Ji Lei After the assassin's mace, one after another powerful aura soared into the sky, filling the whole world, forming a confrontation with the two dragons. However, these ordinary auras are actually a little too ordinary in front of Shuanglong, which is born with heaven and earth and uses the power of heaven and earth. Although those strong men all try their best to resist Ji Lei's double dragon sunset halberd, those who are slightly less powerful are still defeated The dragon power of Shuanglong couldn't hold up his head. As soon as the two dragons roared, their aura disappeared in a flash. However, they were all washed out of the stage and lost the qualification to continue the competition. "What?" The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw that Ji Lei had to rely on his own strength to fight against all the powerful King Wu alone and could eliminate most of them! Ji Lei Ming has only two levels of King Wu, but this move, that is,

is that none of the six strong forces of King Wu can resist! There are even a lot of King Wu's seven strong, by Ji Lei out of the stage! "Why is this boy so powerful..." the shock in the eyes of the middle-aged man is getting stronger and stronger, and his pupils are trembling slightly. In the Ming Dynasty, he has never felt such a feeling, not to say how powerful Jilei's strength is, but this will! This kind of single person against the strong will of the people! He was particularly shocked!

It's been a long time since he saw such a boy...

"this boy..." in the eyes of the middle-aged man, he was shocked. Even though Ji Lei's figure was transformed into appreciation, he still had to fight to the last moment, even though he was weak and knew that he might eventually be defeated by many powerful men!

"Die for me Suddenly, a figure appeared in the crowd. King Wu's powerful strength turned into aura. In an instant, he smashed his head and face toward Ji Lei. Ji Lei's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of red blood spilled from his mouth.

He has no aura to use.

But he will continue to fight! Don't shrink back!

"Stab!" A sharp edge pierces Jilei's chest. At the moment of manipulating the two dragons, Jilei has no strength to fight back. The two dragons are rampant in the sky, stirring up the aura of the whole heaven and earth into a mass of hemp, driving many strong people off the stage, and seeing less and less strong people on the stage. But the rest of the people, but all are strong in the strong! They are not ordinary strong men of King Wu! Those King Wu who only one step to reach the realm of Emperor Wu reacted very quickly. When they realized that there was no aura in Ji Lei's body after releasing this skill, they all went forward to show their weapons and martial arts skills and smashed Ji Lei's body like a storm! Jilei soon became a bloody man with wounds all over his body, and he was in a daze before his eyes. However, Jilei did not leave the stage. He still stood firmly on the high platform. He fell down on the high platform with a step back. Jilei could never fall down. Therefore, he stood in the same place and let anyone attack him.

he could never step back, but came with Jilei's tenacity There were more violent stormy attacks.

Jilei's body, shoulders, legs, and even his face were scratched, hammered out and photographed. Blood stains, wounds, and the corners of Jilei's eyes had become black. His skin was blue and blood red, and there was no good meat in his whole body.

"You're not going down yet!" Standing in the front of a king of martial arts, see Jilei tardy, eyes have been full of blood, eyes of crazy, flashing jump!

"I'll let you die!"

All of a sudden, he took out a long knife, aimed at Jilei's head, and then he had to chop it off!

"Bang!" A heavy voice sounded, and Jilei opened her eyes slightly. He could not feel the pain, or in other words, he was numb. Ji Lei couldn't see what was happening in front of her. She could only see a figure standing in front of her. Her palm caught the long knife that was about to be cut off. "Take it back." The cold face of the middle-aged man made those strong men of King Wu calm down instantly. They could feel the majestic aura released from the middle-aged man. On the middle-aged man's face, there was a cold expression, and then they looked at the king of Wu,Seeing that he didn't take back the knife for a long time, the long knife broke into two parts with a slight twist of his finger.

"Coach?" The strong man of King Wu looked at the middle-aged man incomprehensibly. However, the middle-aged man did not explain to him. After a cold look at him, he gently brushed his hand. All of a sudden, the strong men of King Wu were hit by a soft force.

At the same time, some of the middle-aged men's hands healed like thunder's, and then some of the thunder's hands healed!

"Now your injury should be almost good, but the consumption is too large, and you need to rest."

The eyes of the middle-aged man looking at Jilei are extremely soft. For a while, Jilei doesn't understand why he is so good to himself, and even feels flattered. The middle-aged man smiles at Ji Lei and says, "this last quota belongs to you. What's your name?"

"I..." Jilei opened her mouth and said after a moment's silence, "my name is Ji Lei."

"Well, my name is Lin Tian. I'm the head of the Imperial Guard. You can call me Pope Lin. if your strength is still weak, I'll train you to resist the invasion of villains." "Yes, coach Lin." When Ji Lei hears the speech, he nods in a hurry. Lin Tian has already given him the quota. Naturally, Ji Lei can't refuse. However, those who have been driven out of the court by Lin Tian show a look of resentment, and Lin Tian doesn't explain it. In his eyes, although Ji Lei's strength is not so dazzling, the upper limit is extremely high. If you give him pressure, he will be able to endlessly Get stronger! This is the secret that Lin Tian discovered when watching Jilei fight. This secret may not be known by Jilei himself. Therefore, there is only one reason for Lin Tian to choose Ji Lei. Ji Lei has an unlimited future. He is a real and creative talent! , the fastest update of the webnovel!