
The fierce sound rings in Jilei's ear. At the moment when Liuyan is about to hit him, he finally becomes extremely solid. After being combined with the other five auras, he is bound together and rushes to the surging Liuyan!

"Hoo... Hoo..." Ji Leigong gasped for breath. After Liuyan and Liuqi were smashed together, they immediately disappeared! There is such a big gap between the power of five Qi and six Qi!

When the burning embers fall, the light of the fireball suddenly dies out. Jilei feels the air around him and gradually cools down. "It's over at last..." Jilei sits on the ground. How long does he stay here, one day, two days, three days, five days or more? Jilei doesn't know. In short, he has received countless Liuyan. After a long time of Reiki consumption, Jilei feels that the aura in his body is about to run out. Fortunately, Jilei will take time to recover aura between the release of Liuyan, so Jilei's aura has not dried up.

"Where's the coach..." Jilei stood up and looked up at the sky. When the fireball went out, the real environment around him opened up to him. Now it was night, and the darkness around him was surrounded by a light mist.

"It's already evening..." Jilei stretched out, then turned to walk towards the house.

Night is a good time to restore aura, and Jilei can't waste it.

The night was long, and in the fog of the night, a figure was walking in the dark. From time to time, he would kick up the stones on the road, and the stones would jump up. He would smash the stones in the air with a short gun.

"The palace has come down to plan, from the card to arrive time, but only two days." In a not so small courtyard, the lights are on. At the door, there are two guards who are full of murderous gas. Inside, several figures are preparing for something. "I don't need to say more about Kada's strength. As an opponent, I still think he is a strong player." A relatively older man, but not more than he stood, looked at a drawing on the desk and said slowly. As soon as the words came out, all the people around him were dignified

up. "Qi zhuotan even said that to the alliance leader, so we can't...

the man heard the speech, slowly shook his head, and said:" we can't say that even though this Kada has said so But we may not be able to defeat it "Does the leader have a clever plan?" Hearing the speech, those strong men who were all full of extraordinary aura all showed a bright light in their eyes. They looked at Qi zhuotan. Qi zhuotan saw what he saw and hooked his mouth. Then he pointed to one of the drawings on the desk and said, "this is the map of the Imperial Palace City given to me by Lin Jiaotou in the imperial palace. You see, this place is called tianwu gate. In tianwu gate, there will be forests The boundary set by the head coach in advance. As long as the boundary is urged, it will release extremely powerful interference to the people inside the boundary. Once Kada steps in there, the strong people in the palace will pour out their nests! We're going all out! A strong man is not afraid that he will not die! "

Qi zhuotan's words made those worried strong men suddenly smile. They raised their glasses and congratulated Qi Zhuo: "then Kada will surely die under the divine power of the alliance leader! As a token of respect and determination, it's better to have a drink



In the courtyard, the sound of toasting and the bright lights were shining on every smiling face. It seems that in their eyes, Kada has become a corpse. The battle two days later will inevitably end in the victory of the killer League!

In the dark, a shadow appeared and walked slowly towards the gate, tall and thin.

"Hey, stop." Before he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, the two killers at the gate had already stepped forward, and the murderous spirit in the scabbard was revealed without reservation at the moment of drawing the sword!


A clear sound sounded, the heads of the two killers exploded without warning at this moment! Blood and brains fell on the ground, and the tall figure, without even looking at them, continued to walk towards the courtyard.

In the courtyard, inside the house, the window paper reflected several fuzzy figures that looked like a toast. The sharp eyes under the mask were still shining even in the dark. He pinned the shotgun back to his waist.

For a long gun.

The atmosphere in the room is very hot. Many powerful people push their cups and change their cups. After a short period of time, the drunken atmosphere is still dense. At this time, there is only one way to break the intoxication...


A gunshot broke the cheerful atmosphere. A bullet easily penetrated through the window, into the room and through a person's chest!


The strong man in the room suddenly wakes up! Enemy attack! This unprepared attack made these killer strong men stand up and rush out to the door like wild animals.

When many strong men stood in the courtyard, we could see who the figure standing alone on the opposite side of them was."Kada?" Qi zhuotan saw the figure standing in the courtyard. Who could it be? Only he can rely on his whole body to send out the terror aura, called a group of killers strong shudder!

Kada stood there quietly, his eyes piercing under his mask, and then slowly raised his spear. "I want to thank you clowns." Kada suddenly uttered such a confusing sentence. As soon as the words came out, the fire on the muzzle of the gun was immediately released and hit Qi zhuotan standing in the front! Seeing this, Qi zhuotan did not dare to slack off and was busy releasing all the auras in his body! The strength of Wuzong strongman made people feel more pressure. Qi zhuotan's aura turned into a sharp spear, aiming at Kada's bullet and hurling it out! "Boom The two forces Bang together, Qi zhuotan is worthy of becoming the leader of the killer alliance. Even in Wuzong, Qi zhuotan's strength can be regarded as the best. After hitting Kada's bullet, Qi zhuotan's spear broke out with the same strength at first! This makes a lot of killers who have been living under the pressure of Kada more and more encouraged. Qi zhuotan's strength can compete with Kada!

"Bang!" The bullet and the spear, at last, offset each other! Even Qi zhuotan had a proud smile on his face! He told others that even Kada, who is known as the top killer, is just an equal opponent in front of him. If he wants to surpass himself, there is no possibility of him!

"The leader is mighty All of the killers burst out loud cheers. Qi zhuotan, with a smile on his face, looked at Kada with more and more disdain.


The face under the mask, I don't know what the expression is. After this murmur, it raises the spear again. The black and purple flame of evil charm is particularly dazzling. Whisper softly, curtain up.

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