The fire swept through the palace. All the wooden ornaments in the palace made a crackling sound in the fire. The battle in the sky has become quiet. The open sky is full of blood. Only Kada is still standing in the air, while the other strong ones have disappeared for a long time.

"Weak worms." Kada looked at the bodies on the ground that had been smashed into rotten meat. There was no wave in his voice, There was even a trace of fatigue in his voice. Indeed, such a battle was too boring for him... The wind was blowing on Kada's clothes, and his thin clothes were closely attached to Kada's body. There was no strong man in the sky. He wiped a trace of dullness in Kada's eyes, and then he raised his gun and aimed at a part of the palace from the killers alliance He learned that this was the palace of Emperor Ming.

"Hiss..." Kada's mouth let out a low hum of disdain. He held the trigger finger and leaned back slightly.


Bullet out of the chamber! Towards the palace where the Ming emperor was, it suddenly fell down, and the strong wind swept up. A bullet, wherever it went, all the buildings around it were destroyed!


If Kada had not predicted wrong, when the bullet reached the final target point, it would immediately be bombed to the ground, and of course, the people inside would immediately be dead. Those still on the ground, after seeing this bullet, their eyes all showed a look of panic. Previously, Kada killed his companion easily. They all saw that this time, Kada aimed his gun at himself, and they could not have any ability to stop this bullet!


Bullets across the sky, sounded a harsh whistling sound, this sound, so that the strong on the ground, all to the end of fear! Feet trembling, where is the desire to fight? Run out of the palace one after another! "No running!" The crowd immediately riot, in the crowd, a voice suddenly sounded, people turned to look, but found that it was a child like person there to command, naturally do not care about him, their life is the most important! So they all chose to ignore the child and run away from the palace without paying attention to it!

Yang Qi was very angry, and his face showed a very gloomy look. Looking at the figures, the aura in his hands filled with vitality. He condensed the growth arrow, and mercilessly stabbed those who ran away!


Blood blossoms burst out one after another, and then one after another fell to the ground and lost their lives. Those who fled were afraid to move for a moment. They turned to look at the young boy. Their faces were full of anger and fear, but they dare not speak.

"Before you come in, you have signed the life and death certificate. Even if the palace is destroyed, you can't leave! It must be buried here with it! "

Yang Qi's voice is particularly harsh. Some of the strong people can't speak. At the same time, Kada's bullet has come!

Yang Qi suddenly raised his head and suddenly burst into a dazzling light in his eyes! The aura converges on the top of the forehead and slowly unfolds the third eye...

"Tiantong, open!" Yang Qi's third eye, suddenly opened, the aura of the moment from the sky pupil direct out! The bullet towards Kada is not cowardly. They collide with each other. Kada's bullet is as good as Yang Qi's! The dark purple flame meets the aura of pale gold

and collides with each other, and finally it is annihilated!


Kada, who is far away in the sky, after seeing such a scene, can't help but be interested in Yang Qi. Such a young boy's strength is much stronger than those of Wu Emperor and Wu Zong! Among these people, the strongest is probably Yang Qi!


Kada's eyes are no longer so lazy. He can feel that Yang Qi is much better than other people in terms of momentum and aura! Such an opponent, perhaps, is what he has been looking for... Great beauty art!

"It seems that the curtain will be opened again." Kada chuckled and lifted his gun. The muzzle of the gun aimed at Yang Qi's head and fired a gun! The bullet came out of the chamber again and aimed at Yang Qi's Tiantong, and the flame burned fiercely in an instant!

"Tiantong shield!" In Yang Qi's Tiantong, the aura suddenly became heavy and condensed into a pale gold barrier, which wrapped the whole palace in! In a short moment, Kada's bullet hit Yang Qi's Tiantong shield! The bullet did not break through the barrier, but bounced back by its incomparable solid protection ability!


Yang Qi's two moves all blocked Kada's attack. Both Kada and those powerful in the palace were surprised. "It seems that Yang Qi's closure over the years has been fruitful." On a high platform, Lin Tian backs his hands and looks at Kada in the sky. He doesn't expect that Yang Qi can really draw with Kada! However, this is naturally a piece of good news that we can't get. For Kada, I'm afraid he will comeFrom the beginning of the western regions, they have never met an opponent like Yang Qi. Yang Qi and Lin Tian also know that since he left the pass, they have never met a decent opponent. This time, the two met each other, and I'm afraid they will never die! fully and delightfully!

"Is the coach not going to help Yang Qi?" Gao Zhenning stands behind Lin Tian and looks at Lin Tian in surprise. However, Lin Tian slowly shakes his head and says to him, "the killer alliance hasn't come yet. I have to wait." "But isn't Yang Qi able to draw with Kada? Why wait for the killers to help? " Gao Zhenning was very puzzled. Hearing the speech, Lin Tian frowned slightly and said, "although Yang Qi's performance surprised me, I think what he can do is only


Gao Zhenning smell speech, a Leng, "what meaning?" "You see," Lin Tian pointed to Kada and said, "although Yang Qi can block Kada's attack, Kada doesn't need to use aura, which is a natural restraint for us martial arts. If Kada is smart and learns to delay, the final result will be that Yang Qi will be defeated

in the next battle, although Yang Qi can resist Kada's attack, he does not It's only when the alliance leader has the strength to kill the assassins. So he must be able to kill some of the assassins in the alliance. " "So..." Gao Zhenning looked at Kada in the sky, but his eyes showed a worried look. , the fastest update of the webnovel!