The eyes under the mask were chilly. At this time, a black and purple flame surrounded Kada's body, like a dancing spirit flowing through Kada's fingertips. It's unbelievable that he can still stand up after Lin Tian's powerful blow! Lin Tian's fist, not to mention, can break the mountain, but it's no problem to beat people to pieces! After all, he's a crazy soldier! But after Kada's most violent blow, Kada didn't die! There was no sign of injury, except for his clothes Apart from the chaos, there was no other injury. Let alone the broken limbs and arms, even a little bumping and bumping didn't exist! The black and purple flame wrapped Kada, and his whole body was immersed in the fire

, and slowly rose up.

"You're worth using my whole body of art cells to make you perfect." Kada wrists gently, waist sublimation, quietly removed, with light language, combined to the peak of bliss, "but you are not elegant, I do not like it."


the blissful shot was aimed at Lin Tian's chest, and the fire snake came out of the hole, showing sharp fangs!

in Lin Tian's eyes, the aura was once again diffused. In fact, he had not met an equal opponent for many years. In this battle with Kada, he felt the blood in his body and blood vessels was boiling hot.

In the battle, the blood of crazy soldiers will become more and more boiling!

even though he has not done so for many years, Lin Tian suddenly realizes that his blood has never frosted!

"I will kill you with all my strength!

" ha ha! "The bone of Lin Tian sounds crisp. He twisted his neck, and then he takes the posture of fighting again A bullet of blissful rush towards Lin Tian. Lin tianmeng kicks the ground, and the aura of his fists rushes out, aiming at the bullet coming, and rushes away!

"Zhentian Quan!"


At the moment when Lin Tian's fist collides with Kada's bullet, Jilei suddenly feels that the ground under his feet is shaking violently. For a moment, he almost can't stand his heel. In the sky, the real war has just begun!

aura is like a knife. Lin Tian skillfully condenses the aura into a knife and breaks all the bullets rushing in. "Click!" the sound of bullets But when Lin Tian splits a bullet, the bullets in Kada's barrel are fired one after another! Although the battle between the two looks gorgeous, it is only a balance of power. After Kada's reaction, the attack becomes more close. Lin Tian wants to take Kada away with a series of moves this time Yes.

Ji Lei Xu narrowed her eyes. In the whirling light, aura and fire overflowing, Jilei seemed to find something. "Bang!" the bullet came out of the chamber again! This time, the bullet stuck to Lin Tian's body, and the flame tore open Lin Tian's clothes and skin, like steel nails, directly inserted into Lin Tian's body. Lin Tian's skeleton made a crisp sound, and a piece of broken metal was pierced into the bone. Lin Tian's expression showed a trace of pain, but even if it was forced to suppress, his body was crazy After the blood circulation, this short pain was covered immediately. The blood paralyzed the pain. Lin Tian concentrated and ignored the pain. In the blink of an eye,

had already appeared behind Kada. The murderous air in his eyes, the cold light on the blade, forced Kada's back neck and danced out a flashing edge A long mark appeared on his neck! But to Lin Tian's great shock, when Lin Tian cut the back of Kada's neck, his body suddenly trembled like an electric shock. After a moment, Lin Tian felt the numbness of his hands, and then there was a tingling. The electric current was transmitted to Lin Tian's body

, and Lin Tian had to loosen the knife However, he didn't let Kada go. With a powerful blow of aura, he hit Kada's back solidly, and his body became stiff in an instant. It's like a dead leaf floating to the ground.

However, Kaji's eyes were not bright again, but Kaji's eyes were not covered by the flame Lin Tian thought that it was over just now, but when he saw Kada continue to stand up, his sense in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"What?" Looking at Kada, whose body has become as good as before, Jilei's eyes are widened and shocked. He can see that there is no scar on Kada's back neck!

"self recovery from..." Jilei stares at Kada with his back to himself. At this time, Kada doesn't have Gu Jilei. Blissful is in his hand. The fire snake goes out of the hole to hunt again!

"brush!" the black and purple flame burns on Kada's back, and all of Kada's people become a fireman! Looking at this scene, Jilei narrows his eyes suddenly and looks at Kada's back. There seems to be somethingFrom Kata's shoulder armor to his back, there seems to be a... Slender tube?

This seems to be the channel for Kada to gain strength! The flame passed from the pipe to Kada's body. It must be covered with something under the shoulder armor, which Kada protected! This must be the secret of Kada's eternal movement!

"found!" Jilei's heart couldn't help but stir. Then he looked at Lin Tian and called out to Lin Tian, "leader Lin, attack Hit him on the left shoulder, there's something under his shoulder armor! "

Lin Tian hears the speech, and his eyes are full of surprise! I didn't expect that he was really found by Ji Lei! Although I don't know whether this is Kada's weakness, Lin Tian has the only way to go!

after hearing Jilei's voice, Kada's eyes suddenly dripped a little cold, then turned around and shot, Open fire at will, the bullet will aim at Jilei automatically! Shoot it to Jilei's face!!!

"All the informers will die!" the murderous voice spreads to Ji Lei's ears. Ji Lei frowns, and then uses the body method of startling clouds and wandering clouds to avoid Kada's bullets. He knows that he can't fight hard, so he uses the circling strategy. When Ji Lei dodges Kada's bullet, Lin Tian's attack comes as scheduled!

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