Kada's mask was slowly removed. Jilei saw the face that was always hidden under the mask. His real face surprised Jilei and even began to doubt life.

as like as two peas in a mirror, he looked at the face that was exactly like himself. "I look as like as two peas"? Kada is indifferent. As a man wearing a mask, he certainly knows that his face is exactly the same as that of Jilei, but he has the same face. The temperament between them is quite different. There is still a trace of fireworks on Jilei's face, but Kada's face has no expression at all. It seems that he is an extremely indifferent version of Ji Ray, this face seems to always be an expression, that kind of inhuman, always hanging cold mechanical expression.

, as like as two peas, you can see that after seeing the appearance of Ji Lei and Katar, Lin Tian looked at Ji Lei, and looked at Katar. He seemed to have forgotten the pain. This situation is rare. For Ji Lei, he saw the person who was the same as himself for the first time in his life.

"You and I look... A little alike?" As like as two peas, he said two words, "in fact, two people are carved out of a mold. They are exactly the same. "But you and I are two people." Ji Lei finished as like as two peas, and Katar responded directly to Ji Lei road. There seemed to be no surprise or doubt in his tone. In the eyes of Katar, two people who looked completely different, even though they had the same skins, wanted to distinguish

from the other. It was very easy for them to be identified, like Ji Lei and Katar standing at the same time in front of one person, as long as they were familiar with two. As like as two peas, two characters are alike. This is the difference in character that comes out on the face and makes people feel different.

"It's ridiculous..." Jilei suddenly closed her eyes and lay on the ground directly. She didn't seem to want to tangle with this matter any more. She yelled at Kada: "come on! Kill me! Stop the ink

"Of course I won't keep my hands." Kada turned the corner of his mouth slightly and then pulled the trigger!


The moment the bullet comes out of the chamber, Jilei is ready to die. The bullet is about to collide with Jilei's body surface. He is ready to endure the pain in an instant.

But jiley waited for a long time before the bullet landed on her.

"Well?" Jilei opened her eyes tentatively, but saw that Kada was standing in front of her. Her whole body was stiff and motionless.

Even the bullet, which was about to pierce Jilei's body surface, suddenly stopped and suspended in front of him. Under the bright sunlight, it was shining with metallic luster. Jilei was so flustered that he could not help holding the bullet in his hand and throwing it on the ground!

"What is the situation?" Jiley looked around, as if only Kada was stopped, and everything around seemed to be working as it was.

"This is..." Lin Tian looked at the surrounding scene, looked around and then looked at Kada. Suddenly he understood something, and the surprised light in his eyes said: "is it a big array of broken sky? The sky breaking array has started

"Breaking the sky array?" Jilei naturally doesn't know about this thing, but it seems that the broken air array is really powerful and can stop Kada.


In the distance, several figures ran towards Lin Tian and Ji Lei. After seeing that Kada was dead and dead there, Gao Zhenning was finally relieved, patted his chest and said, "it's OK. I caught up at the last moment."

"What's going on?" Ji Lei can't help but ask Gao Zhenning with some doubts. When Gao Zhenning hears the words, he explains to Ji Lei: "the sky breaking array is the last line of defense in the imperial palace. After it is started, people in the secret eye of the array can be given a certain period of time."

"What? And that kind of thing? " Ji Lei is a little curious. After looking around for a moment, Jilei suddenly finds that a sign has been erected in front of him. On the huge plaque, there are three words "tianwu gate".

"Ah? Why did you come to tianwu gate? " Ji Lei clearly remembers that he was still in another place. How could he come to tianwumen in the blink of an eye? What's going on here? "It's my ability to transform time and space." I don't know when the time and space of Gaoji is changed, so I don't know what time and space is changed? Time and space can be changed, but Jilei is no stranger to this ability.

after all, Jilei came here because of Mingkai's ability... Reincarnation spirit can be so wonderful! However, the most important thing was to urge the breaking air formation and stop Kada at the last moment. But Lin Tian looked at the formation, and then suddenly remembered what happened. He asked Gao Zhenning, "how did you activate the big array of breaking the sky?"

"Yes..." Gao Zhenning thought for a while, and then said to Lin Tian, "it's not me who activated it. It's Yang Qi who comes to activate it.""Yang Qi?" Lin Tianxin suddenly sank, his eyes suddenly burst out with the light of senhan!

"What about others? Take me to meet Yang Qi! Come on Lin Tian said to Gao Zhenning in a commanding tone. When Gao Zhenning heard the speech, he was surprised: "coach, your injury is very serious. Don't bandage it...

" no time, don't talk nonsense, take me to meet Yang Qi! "

Lin Tian appears very impatient. Hearing this, Gao Zhenning can only listen to Lin Tian's words and prepare to take a few people to find Yang Qi. But before Gao Zhenning takes action, Longgong Xiao holds a man and runs towards here from afar!

"What's the matter?" Ji Lei stretches his neck curiously to have a look, and finds that the man holding the long bow is not others, but Yang Qi! Yang Qi's face was pale at the moment. The pupil on his forehead was closed and opened again. His face was pale and seemed to be very weak.

After seeing this scene, Lin Tian's face suddenly disappeared. Looking at Yang Qi in his arms with a long bow, his eyes showed a look of despair.

"What's the matter?" After seeing Yang Qi's appearance, Gao Zhenning is also very anxious. He can't help but go forward to ask. Lin Tian stops Gao Zhenning, who is about to ask, and then asks, "when Yang Qi activates the sky breaking array, does he let you all leave?"

"Yes." Gao Zhenning nodded and then said, "he asked us to come here directly to see the situation. After we came, we found that the battle really stopped and the air breaking array came into effect."

"Nature is effective..." Lin Tian said with a bitter smile, and then he said slowly, "but do you know what the cost of the effectiveness of the sky breaking array is...

at this time, the sky is slightly dimmed, and dark clouds cover the bright sky. Lin Tian looks up at the sky, and there are no gaps, which makes people feel a little pressure.

"The blood of heaven and man... The bearer is extremely proud... This may be the doomsday that can't be escaped in my life..."

"boom!" The sky thunder suddenly broke the silence. The raindrops gradually fell, and then became more and more violent.

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