Almost all the people in the Ming Kingdom saw the scene that Kada beat the strong of the Ming kingdom in the sky. Although Kada had left, more people saw that the Ming kingdom was weak and powerless in front of the real strong. Therefore, there were some discordant voices in the Ming kingdom Sound.

The imperial family of the Ming Dynasty was cowardly. Lin Tian left and Gao Zhenning no longer worked for the Imperial Palace, which made the situation of the already weakened royal family even worse.

The power of the royal family gradually fell into the hands of the ministers in the imperial court, but Mingkang and Mingkai, as the prince's sons, were gradually elevated. What struck the Ming Kingdom even more was that the Han people in the north were fighting from the south when their national strength was so weak and everything was waiting for prosperity! Originally, they were the three largest forces in the western regions. Driven by the heavy wheel of history, their status changed a little. The yuan was printed on the long

mud, and drew a deep mark...

"it is said that the Han nationality has already knocked down all the territory in the northern part of the Ming kingdom With some cakes in his mouth, Ji Lei vaguely asks Shaoyuan Dao in front of him. Shaoyuan hears his words and nods. His eyebrows are slightly rough. Then he asks Ji Lei, "do you think the Yan people want to intervene?" "Step in? Why should the Yan people intervene? If they want to fight, let them fight. Why are the Yan people involved in this battle? " Ji Lei didn't understand Shaoyuan's words, but Shaoyuan had his own reasons. He explained to Ji Lei: "the Yan and the Han are long-standing enemies. This time, the Han people occupied the border areas of the Ming Kingdom, encroached on the land, and expanded their power. For the Yan people, it might be a hidden danger."

"I know what you mean. You are afraid that once the strength of the Han nationality expands, the Yan Clan will not be able to compete with it again, right?" Jilei swallows the things in her mouth, and then says, "this is easy to do, as long as the Ming family wants all the territory back?"

"It's not so easy..." on hearing this, Shaoyuan said with a bitter smile: "what you said is so light. You can't see how weak the Ming Kingdom's national strength is. It's ridiculous to rely on them to win the Han nationality." "But what else can you do?" Ji Lei asked, Shaoyuan is speechless. Indeed, under the current situation, it is the only way for the Ming kingdom to recover its lost land. However, the situation now is that the Ming kingdom does not have the power and the mind. The Emperor himself is in a state of internal worry, and his brothers are too busy fighting with each other. Where can he care about the northern border? Royal people are always selfish. As long as they can be emperor, they can pay any price, which has been the case since ancient times. Therefore, it is impossible to let the Ming Kingdom take the initiative to fight against the enemy... And the Han nationality's ambition should be more than that. After swallowing the north, the Han people will surely go south again, step by step, and finally attack the Ming King City. Once the Ming kingdom is destroyed, then the Yan people will be in danger of

overnight, Ji Lei does not expect an Yan nationality to resist the annexation Han nationality in Ming Dynasty.

"Damn it, I just want to live a few days, these grandsons have made such a mess... They can't let people live..." Ji Lei murmured, his brain whirled rapidly, as if thinking about what method could be used to defeat the master of the Han nationality tiger and wolf.

The answer is, there is no way. If you want the Yan people to send troops to help the Ming Kingdom, those powerful people of the Yan people should not agree. After all, this is not a trivial matter. Once most of the troops are destroyed, don't wait for the Han nationality to annex the Ming Kingdom, and the strength of the Yan people itself will be weakened. However, this is also the only way that Jilei can think of. If you don't try it, it is very likely that the Ming Kingdom and the Yan people are all spared.

"Shall we send troops?" Ji Lei does not know when he has replaced the word "Yan Zu" with "we". Shaoyuan seems to have found this change. He doesn't know what expression he has on his face, but he feels a little pleased. Ji Lei asks, Shaoyuan is not used to it.

"We should let the people of the clan know that I am the only one who is in power in Yan village. We have to go back to the Yan Clan and persuade the elders before we can send troops." "There's still so much trouble..." Ji Lei frowned. However, considering that every ethnic group should have such a rule, even the clan leader must pay attention to the elders in the clan. If these elders are a bit farsighted, it will be easier. If these guys are a group of old and stubborn people,

then it should be a fool's dream to let the Yan people send troops.

"OK, but you will keep the longbow howling and several of them in Yanzhuang. Always pay attention to the wind in the Ming King City, especially Mingkai. Don't let him have an accident!" Ji Lei admonishes Shaoyuan. Shaoyuan hears his words and doubts: "Mingkai? What do you care so much about him? "

"Nothing. He's a very important person to me. If he dies, I won't be able to go back." Ji Lei is in a hurry, but some of them miss their words. Shaoyuan hears this, which is even more strange: "can't you go back? Where are you going back? "

"Er... I'll have a chance to explain this to you later. Now let's go back to the Yan Clan." Ji Lei wants to prevaricate directly. Shaoyuan hears his words. Although he has some doubts, he still chooses to listen to Jilei. He nods and walks outside the door."Hoo, there's a leak..." Ji Leichang breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Shaoyuan leave, he finally put down his heart and then walked out of the door. "Shall we stay here in Shouyan village? All right, just follow the instructions of the little Lord. " After Shaoyuan explained to longgongxiao, changgongxiao also agreed without hesitation. After all, changgongxiao had no hesitation to go back to Yanzu to have a look, but changgongxiao obeyed Shaoyuan's orders and stayed in Yanzhuang to guard the Ming King City.

Seeing that Longgong Xiao agrees to come down, Shaoyuan turns around and nods to Ji Lei. Ji Lei also nods. Then Shaoyuan takes Ji Lei and walks to the deep of Yan Zhuang.

"Ah." When Jilei is about to leave, Longgong Xiao suddenly pats Jilei. Jilei turns her head in doubt and looks at longbow.

"What's the matter?" "When you come to the Yan Clan, don't quarrel with the elders. They are not good at talking. If you have conflicts with them, I can't guarantee that you can walk out of the Yan Clan alive." Before Ji Lei left, hearing the warning of the long bow, Jilei nodded, and then said, "I've been taught, I know what to do with the Tao."

"What's more, the elders of the clan have some opinions on the little Lord. You should pay attention to protect the little Lord."

"What?" Hearing this, Ji Lei frowned: "he is the little master. How dare anyone have any opinion on him? Cut him off

"The situation in the Yan Clan is more complicated than you think. You just have to do what I say."

"All right, all right. I see. Let's go." Ji Lei shakes her hand and then goes to the direction of Shaoyuan. "I probably know what you're going to do. Good luck." Looking at the back of Ji Lei's leaving, Longgong Xiao slowly turns his head and looks at the Ming King City. , the fastest update of the webnovel!