The next morning, under the guidance of Shaoyuan, Ji Lei comes to tianjutai of the Yan nationality. At this time, many Dan masters of the Yan Clan are also ready to wait for Ji Lei's arrival. This competition has been spread among the Yan people for a long time. Many of the Yan people have been waiting around tianjutai for a long time. Some of the strong Yan people even flew directly into the sky to watch this unique medicine refining competition. Ji Lei steps on the tianjutai and comes to the head of the Yan Clan. The head of the Yan Clan examines Ji Lei from head to foot. Then he turns his head and nods to the elder ChiYan behind him. Seeing this, the elder stands up and announces to the crowd: "the title of this alchemy meeting is the pill called Yanfu Dan." "Yan Fu Dan?" Br > however, some people who have never heard of the three Dan pills in the Dan family have never heard of it, but some of them have never heard of it On hearing this, Ji Lei gets two messages. First, the Yanfu pill is not low in the middle of the Yan Clan. It can even be said that it is relatively high. Therefore, it is difficult to refine the pill. The second is that the pills are stored very well, and no one has ever refined them, so there is no need to worry about the unfair risk of competition caused by competitors trying to refine the pills in advance. "You have half an hour to study the pills. After half an hour, the pills will be taken back and you will begin to refine them." Chi Yan said without expression. Then he threw the pills in his hand, and a huge illusion of Dan prescription was immediately unfolded. Ji Lei and the Dan masters of the Yan nationality immediately focused their eyes on the huge Dan prescription and began to read through it. Half an hour later, the time began. "Clan leader, do you think this Ji Lei can refine Yan Fu Dan?" Elder ChiYan anxiously approached the head of the Yan Clan with a nervous expression. However, the head of the Yan Clan said carelessly, "what's the matter? If Ji Lei can't refine it, isn't it just right? If it's refined, I'll be convinced that we'll lose." "If Ji Lei wins, the clan leader really plans to give Ji Lei the magic formula of fire fighting?" The elder of ChiYan was surprised when he heard this. The head of the Yan Clan took a look at the elder in surprise and said, "what you say is true. Naturally, you should give it to him, but you can't give it to him so easily. Through this competition, I also want to see who are more qualified alchemists in the Yan Clan... This Ji Lei is my Yan Clan's choice It's a test stone for the wizard of Dan The head of the Yan Clan still has this kind of mind in it, which the elder ChiYan didn't think of. However, it would be a good thing to find some talented Dan masters through such a competition. If it is true, it would be worthwhile to find out talents who can make great contributions to the Yan clan by reading the fire work formula to Ji Lei Yes. "Sure enough, it's thoughtful of the clan leader..." after hearing the speech, the elder's heart knot seemed to be untied, and then he focused his attention on the competition. Half an hour passed quickly. Seeing that the time had come, the elder ChiYan took back the Dan prescription without saying a word. Then he announced in a loud voice: "the alchemy begins!"

At the order of the elder ChiYan, many people of the Yan Clan immediately summoned their medicine cauldrons out. Flames of different colors followed, and the temperature between heaven and earth rose because of these flames. Ji Lei is not in a hurry. He gives the Dan prescription once in his mind, and then he slowly calls out the dark cold tripod. He puts all kinds of medicinal materials into it in order. He is not in a hurry to refine the pills. The alchemists who have just ordered to start refining pills must

but can't refine the perfect Yan Fu Dan.

All the staff began to make alchemy! This scene ignited the atmosphere between heaven and earth in an instant. In many eyes, all of them were flaming, facing the sky giant platform.

Shaoyuan also looks at tianjutai. Somehow, Shaoyuan still hopes that Ji Lei can win the game.

"Hey Behind Shaoyuan's back, he suddenly put out a hand and patted him on the shoulder. Shaoyuan turned around and saw a playful face in front of him.

"Yu'er? Why are you here? "

"Hey, hey," yu'er spat out her tongue playfully, and then said to Shaoyuan with some bitterness: "the little master is not in Yanzhuang. What's the meaning of staying with those men? Fortunately, I came back secretly

After that, yu'er looks at tianjutai and sees Ji Lei's figure. Yu'er asks Shaoyuan in surprise: "ah? Jiley's here, too? They didn't tell me! Did you bring jiley back? "

"Well... I was thinking that Ji Lei would be more sincere and more likely to borrow soldiers and horses, but I didn't expect..." Shaoyuan gave a helpless smile, and then said, "Ji Lei went straight with the Yan Clan and made such a big deal... I'm also very big...

" is that right? " Yu'er's smart eyes whirled back and forth on Shaoyuan's body. Seeing Shaoyuan's hair, she patted her and said, "what are you looking at?""Are you... Bringing Jilei back just to borrow troops?" Yu'er's tone is full of doubts.

"What else is there?" Shaoyuan can't help but look at yu'er, and doubts her.

However, yu'er was staring at Shaoyuan with a kind of extremely cunning eyes. After a long time, the thief said: "please, Ji Lei is a good-looking man even though his strength is poor. Do you really want to think about it?" "Consider... What?" Shaoyuan really can't understand what yu'er really means. Seeing Shaoyuan's ignorant eyes, yu'er can't help rolling a charming white eye, and then angrily says to Shaoyuan, "no wonder your father raised you as a man. You didn't think about your life at all.

? Don't confuse your gender, my eldest lady

Yu'er's words made Shaoyuan's expression suddenly nervous. She covered her mouth and hissed: "you girl's mouth, give me some wind! Don't talk nonsense! What shall we do if it is heard? "

However, yu'er turned her lips with indifference, "in addition to Ji Lei, who doesn't know you are the first lady of the whole Yan Clan? You don't want me to tell jiley? What are you planning on him? " Hearing yu'er's words, Shaoyuan's cheek suddenly turned crimson...

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