"Make sure you are safe this time. Don't stay there and never come back." After all, burning ember is Shaoyuan's father. When Shaoyuan was about to leave, he still had to give orders and orders one by one.

Shaoyuan nodded and agreed. When the burning ember finished his words, he looked at yu'er beside Shaoyuan and said with a smile, "we should protect the little Lord well."

"Yes, patriarch." Yu'er laughs mischievously, and then pulls Shaoyuan toward a direction. Ji Lei sees this and quickly makes a farewell gesture with burning ember, and then follows them. "Ah... The children were all grown up... Are the younger generation so terrible now? I don't think he's 20 years old. He's the fourth grade Dan master... "Yan Jin looks at the back of Ji Lei's leaving, and he can't help sighing. Meanwhile, ChiYan elder nodded his head and said," but this one is really good. Although he's a little annoying, he's worthy of our young lady. "

"It's not your old man who makes him disliked," Yan Jin said with an angry look at the elder ChiYan. Then he sighed and said in a low voice: "people may be extraordinary talents. Such people, I'd better not climb high..."

"it depends on the meaning of the eldest lady." ChiYan elder said. "Well? What do you mean by that Burning ember felt that there was something in ChiYan's old saying, so he turned his head and looked at him. The elder ChiYan explained: "I see that the eldest lady is not indifferent to Mr. Ji Lei. If it is cultivated and brewed, it may really lead to a beautiful thing. You can see that Ji Lei was born as a genius of Dan Dao, and the eldest lady was a natural blood vessel. His martial arts accomplishments were extraordinary. The combination of Dan and Wu made Yan The power of the clan has also grown unprecedentedly... "" you old man will think about it! " Burning ember can't help but whiten elder ChiYan: "Shaoyuan's blood is very important. Although we don't forbid the love between men and women, we still don't think about the love between the bed. This kind of behavior that affects the purity of blood can't be touched until her blood evolution is complete!" Yan Jin's attitude is so firm that elder ChiYan is embarrassed. It seems that elder ChiYan regards Ji Lei and Shaoyuan as an animal's preference for mating, which makes him unable to argue. He just wants to strengthen the Yan Clan, but his idea is that he has no answer, but he doesn't refute it. He just replies to Yan Jin in a conversational way "Yes... Yes."

In the burning villa, Ji Lei Shaoyuan and yu'er sit at a long table, and the long bow roars word by word reporting the situation of the Ming Dynasty palace in recent days.

"The present situation of the Ming King City is not the rival of the Han nationality at all. Because of the Han nationality's embezzlement, the border line of the Ming Dynasty is 3000 Li inland, which is 1000 Li more than that three days ago."

"Three thousand li? Isn't that a little exaggerated? " When Jilei heard the data, he couldn't help but stare at the big eyes, "who is in charge of the army in the Ming Dynasty? Are they rubbish? In three days' time, it was defeated like this again? " "Now the city of Ming Dynasty is suffering from internal and external troubles, but the battle between the palace walls seems to be the main task of Mingkang now." "However, the situation is not so bad. At present, there are still some people with lofty ideals fighting at the border to resist the invasion of the Han people in the Ming King City. Roughly

it is estimated that there are about 10000 soldiers wrapped up in the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty."

"What about the Han nationality?" Jiley asked in a hurry.

"Well... 80000 to 100000." The long bow roared back truthfully.

"Shit! That's bullshit Ji Lei directly plans to give up the task. "80000 soldiers and horses, even if we add 20000 of the Yan nationality, there is a full 56.70 million gap with the Han nationality."

This gap surprised Ji Lei, but he didn't expect it. At this moment, he couldn't help asking, "Why are there so many soldiers of the Han nationality? It seems that they are higher than the Yan people! " "That's not so exaggerated," Shaoyuan replied calmly. "There are 100000 soldiers and horses of the Yan people. Generally speaking, the Yan people and the Han people should be almost the same. The only difference is that the Han people pour out their nests and compete with the Ming Kingdom and never die. However, the Yan Clan still has the reservation of

after all, it is borrowing troops. If there is no reservation, it will be a disaster if it fails, and there will be no possibility of its rise again. "

Shaoyuan's words are very reasonable, but Ji Lei doesn't listen to them. He only sees that the number of soldiers of the Yan nationality and the Ming kingdom is not as large as that of the Han nationality. The number of soldiers and horses of the Han nationality is really too exaggerated. The defeat of the Ming Dynasty's parliament seems reasonable.

"In short, there is no other way now. The soldiers are all borrowed. If they don't go to war, it will be a big joke." At this time, yu'er, however, made a decision and said, "soon we will march to the north of the Ming kingdom."

"You don't feel back pain when you stand talking," Ji Lei can only smile bitterly when he hears the speech: "there is such a big gap between the troops. Do you want to fight with others with your head?"

"People think of the way, and men can't say no! That's it! Send out the troops tomorrow Yu'er's careless character shows a decisive side at the moment. Looking at yu'er who has gone, Jilei can only sit down and grin bitterly.

I'm afraid I can't come back again...

"by the way, I have to do something before I leave." Jilei seemed to think of something, and then said a few whispers in the ear of the long bow. Hearing this, Longgong Xiao frowned and said, "is this appropriate?""What if Mingkang does something to him when we leave? Anyway, I can't let Mingkai have any damage! This man is very important to me! " Ji Lei emphasizes again, smell speech Mingkang also has no way, can only nod to do: "then I will go to bring him out tonight."

At the same time, a question also rises in the heart of the long bow. Jilei does not emphasize the importance of Mingkai to him, but why does Jilei value Mingkai so much? He vaguely remembered that Jilei had said that without Mingkai, he would not be able to go back. What does this mean...

at night, the lights in the kingdom of Ming suddenly lit up!

"There are assassins! There are assassins! Get him! Get him


A black shadow carrying another figure, easily over the palace wall, blink of an eye, then disappeared.

In the main hall, Mingkang was sitting in the bright light with untidy clothes. Some of them were impatient to wait for the soldiers to meet.

"Tell the prince that the assassins have captured the seventh Prince... And run away."

"Run away?" In Mingkang's eyes, he suddenly wiped the cruel light, which scared the soldier to say in a hurry: "subordinate, I'll go and catch him back!"

"No need," said Mingkang, but he raised his hand and stopped the man. "It's OK to leave. As long as he doesn't come back, it's just that I have a little brotherhood in my heart, and I can't bear to start with him."

"Too... Prince Ren De." The soldier was sweating, shaking and complimenting Mingkang. But as soon as he raised his head, a butcher's knife took care of his white face!

Blood splashing everywhere! Head down! Mingkang threw away the butcher's knife and did not look at the dead soldier who had fallen to the ground. He said in a loud voice, "from now on, what has no eyes will be called your majesty!"

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