"Can you tell me what you think?" Looking at Ji Lei's back, Shaoyuan can't help but want to ask, but Jilei's back to Shaoyuan is shaking his head, only to reply: "today's weather is good, not even a cloud."

"What?" Shaoyuan didn't understand what Jilei wanted to express, but Jilei never stayed on the topic any more. He turned to Shaoyuan, patted her on the shoulder, and then said, "go back and have a rest. You'll know in a few days." Although she is very dissatisfied with Ji Lei's attitude of not telling others about everything, Shaoyuan can't take Ji Lei for granted. Although she doesn't know what Jilei wants to do, she still chooses to believe in Jilei's decision. Judging from her usual understanding of Jilei, she doesn't

make decisions for no reason, so she chooses again Listen to jiley.

The night was long and the lights of the Han people were burning all night. Standing in the night wind, Ji Lei looked at the neat tents arranged below, then looked up at the sky, and then looked down at those tents. This cycle lasted for half a long night.

"Why don't you go to rest?" Ji Lei didn't turn his head and knew that Shaoyuan was behind him. Shaoyuan walked out of the camp and put on a fur robe for Jilei. "The wind is strong in the north. Be careful not to catch cold." When he heard this, Jilei wanted to laugh. He had an unparalleled fire to protect himself. Even if it was a package without clothes, Jilei would not get cold when standing here. However, it was a piece of people's heart, and Jilei did not refuse. Shaoyuan stood behind Jilei, and they did not say a word, blowing the cold wind together.

Although the night sky is very dark, but it is also very clean, broad as a curtain in general, looking up, there is a kind of relaxed and happy feeling.

As the wind roars past, it is probably every man's dream to slash and kill the enemy with a knife in this northern desert land. To sprinkle a cavity of blood on the land, fight against the enemy, and pacify the people, his head is not more than a bowl of scar, although he is still proud of his death. General, Ji Lei felt this feeling for the first time. He knew that if he wanted to rely on the 20000 strong Yan army and defeat the 80000 Han Army, he had to work out a very careful tactical plan. Just those reckless generals who said to engage in sneak attack can not really drive out the Han people. Even the threat to the Han people is not very great. If we do that, the Yan people will be able to defeat them What can bring to the Han people is just scabies, but what Jilei wants is to sink the Han nationality's ship completely! "Go back. There's nothing to see." Ji Lei suddenly turns around and goes straight to the camp. However, when he comes to a tent with slightly lit lights, he finds that Shaoyuan's feet have stopped. Ji Lei turns around in doubt. When he finds that other tents have already put out the lights, he understands that he is assigned to a camp with Shaoyuan. "Why don't you go and live with yu'er?" Ji Lei looks at Shaoyuan with some doubts. After all, from now on, yu'er is Shaoyuan's closest person. If they live in the same camp, at least they are not as embarrassed as Ji Lei. Moreover, if two men stay in the same camp at the same time, Jilei's thoughts are strange.

"The girl of yu'er is so angry that she wants to live in a camp by herself. I have no way but to let her go." Shaoyuan laughs bitterly and says to Ji Lei. Ji Lei hears the speech, nods, and doesn't say much. He goes back to the place where he was standing.

"What do you do?"

"You go in, I'll watch the night."

After Ji Lei finished, he stood back to the origin. Originally, Shaoyuan wanted to persuade Ji Lei, but seeing that Ji Lei had already stood there, he had no intention of returning to the camp at all, so he didn't ask for it.

When he thought that if he lived with Jilei, he would not be found anything... Shaoyuan felt some panic, but more, he was still a little shy.

The night passed.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Five days passed. Ji Lei has been watching, never had the idea of going down the mountain, so he settled down in the mountain stream. However, the progress of blocking the mud river by the Han people is almost 80%, and Ji Lei has not moved his nest. All the army of the Yan nationality are beginning to complain. The suspicion of Ji Lei in the army has also reached a peak. If Shaoyuan had not supported it, these Yan generals would have gone to the top Army, I'm afraid it's going to kill Ji Lei directly, and then lead the troops to attack the Han people!

Six days passed.

Ji Lei still didn't mean to send troops. Every day, he looked up at the sky, and then looked down at the army array of the Han people. "I don't know what the instructions of the patriarch meant before I left." In the army tent, a strong figure threw off the cup in his hand, and complained to the sergeants around him angrily: "this Jilei, every day, stands on the mountain stream and looks at something. I don't know what I'm looking at! Is it difficult to drive back the army of the Han nationality with your eyes

As soon as the words came out, a soldier immediately echoed: "yes, yes, this guy belongs to the tortoise, right? I don't think he wants to send troops at all! If we wait for the Han nationality to block the mud river, once we cross the river, how can we attack? "

If you don't, you can't count the family! Stay here and an incompetent IMP to spend some energy, return to the Yan Clan, reorganize the army, directly cross the Ming Kingdom, and smash the old nest of the Han nationality! They're all in one pot"That's very true! It's better than Huiyan! "

"Huiyan! Huiyan

Just as the crowd was excited, a figure suddenly broke into the tent, and a flying knife was thrown over and inserted into the long desk.

"Little Lord?"

"Who dares to disturb the morale of the army again? According to the military order, there is no amnesty for killing!" Shaoyuan cold face, came to the camp, one side of the jade son holding a long sword, ready to hand. "But you didn't see it, young Lord! Every day, Jilei is just a nest! Where does it mean to send troops! Or we'll just leave him and go out on our own! " Seeing Shaoyuan's arrival, the general was full of anger, but he could not shake his face at Shaoyuan. He could only hold back his anger and speak.

"Meng Jin, did you not hear what I said?" Shaoyuan's face was gloomy, and he said: "I said, march outside, everything listen to Jilei!"

Meng Jin was very angry when he heard the name of Ji Lei. However, due to Shaoyuan's orders, he could only harden his head, and was not willing to accept: "yes." "You don't have to wait too long. It's almost time. " Just as the atmosphere in the military tent was getting low, a figure suddenly came into the door again. It was not Ji Lei who could be. When he saw Ji Lei come in, all the people of the Yan nationality turned their faces away and didn't want to look at Ji Lei. Only Shaoyuan came to Jilei and said, "what do you mean? Are you going to send troops? "

"According to my guess, tomorrow the mud river should be completely blocked, this is a good opportunity." Jiley nodded.

However, this has attracted the scorn of a number of Yan Generals: "do you know how to fight? When the Han nationality blocked up the mud river, it would be difficult for us to catch up with the Han nationality! How can we win then? "

Jilei was too lazy to quarrel with these mentally retarded people and left with a sentence: "there is no sun tomorrow."

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