
Thunder fall! The dreary atmosphere in the sky and earth, under the bombardment of this thunder, finally exploded! Raindrops from the beginning of the trial fall, instantly become all over the sky flying down! Hit the ground!

Seven days. Jiley's been waiting for seven days! This sultry feeling lasted for seven days!

How do you say something? If you don't sing, you'll have to...

make a big splash!

The rainstorm, which has been holding up for seven days, is finally coming on this night! Jiley looked forward to the stars and the moon for so long, and finally came the time he needed!

The time, the place and the people are all here! Now, it's Gilley's turn to perform!

He's going to kill everyone! The soldiers of the Han nationality were caught off guard by the sudden rainstorm, but the generals of the Han nationality didn't pay much attention to it. Some soldiers came to report the situation, and they just frowned slightly, and then ordered: "don't worry, keep going, speed up your pace, don't waste time

, all the troops of the Ming kingdom must be killed tonight!"

With this belief, the army of the Han nationality continued to move forward, but at this moment, things were not as good as the general of the Han nationality imagined. He thought that if he quickened the pace, he would be able to ignore the rain and make the Kingdom unprepared in the night, but he was wrong.

"Newspaper!!! Report to the general, there is a troop of soldiers behind! We are slaughtering our soldiers A soldier suddenly came forward to report to the general. The general was surprised at his speech and asked, "what's the matter? Are they from the Ming Dynasty? "

"No... I don't know. It's urgent. No one can see them clearly, but their strength is quite strong! All the 156 teams have been destroyed, and the 134 team is in a mess! "

Hearing this cruel reply, the general's face turned pale in an instant. He grabbed the man and asked, "how many of them are there?"

"About... There are 10000 people..." the soldier was arrested by the general, his face turned red, and he replied with difficulty. "Ten thousand people in the rear of our army to stir up trouble? It's a bit too big for me When the general heard the speech, his face relaxed a little and sneered. Then he gave a command: "don't panic. Listen to my command. Seven or eight teams will continue to move forward, ninety two teams will also move forward, and two teams, eleven and twelve, will follow me to prevent and kill the enemy!"

"You don't have the chance!"

Just as the general was preparing to attack the enemy, a voice came from the sky. The general suddenly looked up and saw a figure floating in the sky, which he had never seen before!

At the same time, his ear, suddenly heard the noise of the water! The source of the sound... Is actually the upper reaches of the Nihe river!!!

The upstream water was blocked. After a period of storage, it had overflowed to a rather terrible degree. After the cleaning of the unprecedented strong rainstorm, all the stones rolled down. The blocked water ran towards the middle and lower reaches like a wild beast out of a cage!


The sound of the flood shaking the ground gradually became louder, and the general's eyes suddenly shrank. At a corner of the Nihe River, a raging flood came rushing like a beast! "No!" The general's heart murmured, and then he had no time to control many, and flew directly into the air. At the moment when he left the ground, the flood momentum rushed wildly, devouring all the soldiers of the Han nationality at the end of the seven teams and eight teams of the Han nationality, as well as the nine teams and ten teams standing in the middle of the river bank! Countless people and horses are all involved in the torrent! For a moment, the voice of people howling and the sound of horse hissing resounded through the heaven and earth, Han Army, instant chaos! "General! general! What about this? " On the other side of the river, the soldiers who had passed through the mud river yelled to the general in the sky. But the general was in a panic. The long dragon was cut off from the middle, and the integrity of the army was gone! What's more, the Yanzu army behind, holding a breath,

, is venting their anger which has been oppressed for seven days! Before the Ming Kingdom army's tenacious resistance, after the burning army's big kill everywhere, pestle in the middle of the Han nationality army, is constantly being engulfed by the torrent! Drowning one by one! In fact, their strength can not be afraid of this torrent, but the sudden appearance of this torrent has caught the army by surprise. Once a person dies, panic will spread throughout the whole army. All of them are only concerned about self-protection. Where can there be any discipline? Therefore, the formation of the Han army was split into pieces in an instant!

"Do you still have the heart to care for your soldiers?" At the same time, a cold voice came from behind him. The general turned his head and faced a cold blade, which split the general's body in two!

"The general is dead! The general is dead I don't know which is not too big to watch the excitement of the guy roared such a voice, the news instantly spread in the Han Army! People who are already in panic can no longer bear the pressure. How can we fight this battle without a leader? For a time, the Han Army fled and died. In chaos, more people drowned in the river!

Looking at the rapid reduction of the Han Army, Ji Leichang breathed a sigh of relief, and Shaoyuan beside him looked at the miserable situation at his feet and couldn't help laughing. "So you knew it was going to rain?" Shaoyuan's tone is mixed with a little anger. It seems that he is blaming Ji Lei for not telling himself the truth, but Ji Lei said with indifference: "it's good not to tell you. All the soldiers of the Yan Clan have been holding their breath for seven daysIf I tell you why, where can I find them? "

"But you shouldn't keep it from me!" Shaoyuan turned a pretty charming white eye at the moment. Although she complained, she didn't feel any sense of blame. It was too late for her to be happy when she saw that the general situation of Han nationality was gone!

But Ji Lei looks at Shaoyuan in horror. Shaoyuan immediately remembers that she has shown some women's attitudes just now... And Ji Lei doesn't know that Shaoyuan is actually a daughter, so in Jilei's eyes, Shaoyuan is actually a man.

A man to another man man to make love things... This atmosphere, suddenly embarrassed down.

Ji Lei looks frightened and looks at Shaoyuan for a long time, but in his heart he has repeatedly asked what is the situation of this guy? How did this guy look like a woman? This guy doesn't mean to me, does he?

Is he a pervert???

"Cough," Shaoyuan, after seeing Ji Lei's expression, also reacted to it. He quickly coughed and said positively, "then what are you going to do next?"

Ji Lei lowered her head, looked at the Han army which had been killed and wounded for the most part, sighed, and then said, "the Han and the Yan are at odds. I don't need to teach you how to do it."

"You don't want to..." Ji Lei's eyebrows, suddenly a twist, look awe inspiring, say six words: "kill all, no one left!"

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