Ji Lei pushes the door mysteriously and enters. Xiao Lingxue is waiting in the room. Jilei smiles at her and says, "look who's here?"

At this time, a small head is sticking out of Ji Lei's back and looks at Xiao Lingxue. Xiao Lingxue's eyes are fixed on her face, and she says, "qianrou?"

"Sister Xiao, long time no see." Luo qianrou jumps out of Ji Lei's back, which makes Xiao Ling Xue surprised. After seeing Luo qianrou safe and sound, Xiao Lingxue naturally puts down her heart.

At the same time, Los Angeles home. "The Tang family has come down with an ultimatum. If you don't find the young lady again, you will certainly go to the door to set up a teacher and make a crime tomorrow." In the main hall of the Luo family, an old man sighed and said. As soon as he said this, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly sank. On the first seat, a middle-aged man with a sense of anger and self-esteem revealed on his face, his expression did not change.

This is Luo Xinghe, the leader of Luo family.

"What does the owner think of it?" The old man raised his head and looked at Luoxing river. Luo Xinghe snorted coldly when he heard the words, and immediately said, "if the Tang family really wants to set up a teacher to make a crime, will the Luo family be afraid of him?" "It's no problem to look at a Tang family alone, but don't forget that the Tang family also has a seven grade Dan master." On the side seat, a familiar face spoke. Luo Yantian stood up from his chair and looked at Luoxing River: "father, don't you really care where your sister has gone

"Presumptuous, how can I not care where my daughter went?" Luo Xinghe heard Luo Yantian's problem, can't help but frown low rebuke way. "Then why hasn't we found her since she disappeared? The father is so concerned about his own daughter, but after her disappearance, it seems that the father is not too anxious? " On Luo Yantian's face, I don't know what look it is. Looking at Luo Xinghe, his tone seems to be a little aggressive

person, "or... Father knows where his sister is, but he doesn't find it on purpose..." "presumptuous! No nonsense Luo Yantian's words immediately attracted Luo Wuji's angry scolding. Luo Yantian glanced at him indifferently, and then went on to say: "my sister has been in trouble for such a long time, whether it is death or living should have a result. I don't ask clearly, the Tang family will also ask,

again, I care about her, is there any problem?"

"Well, I don't think you want her to have an accident?" Luo Wuji looks cold, and there are seven figures behind him. At this time, his eyes are full of hostility. Looking at Luo Yantian, he is ready to start at any time. "What do you mean by that bloody talk?" Luo Yantian Si had no fear of Luo Wuji. She went straight to him, poked her hand at Luo Wuji's chest and said, "don't think I don't know what you're doing. Luo qianrou is not here. If the Tang family destroys the Luo family, you can take the responsibility?

"presumptuous!" Luo Xinghe suddenly roared, pointing to Luo Yantian and saying: "rampant dog son! Dare to talk a lot here! Get out of here Luo Yantian took a cold look at Luo Wuji. He didn't disobey luoxinghe's order and left directly outside the hall. Luoxing River looked at Luo Yantian's back, then he felt a little disappointed, and some helplessly sighed. Then he waved to the people in the hall powerlessly, "all go away.

hearing the speech, all the people in the audience scattered and left. Luo Wuji wanted to go, but he was stopped by luoxinghe.

"What else can I do for you?" Luo Wuji asked for instructions.

Luo Xinghe took a look at Luo Wuji, and then said in a meaningful way: "you eight brothers are loyal to miss. What you have done before, I have passed by with one eye open, but now... To tell you the truth, Luo Wuji has been under Siege...

LUO Wuji did not speak, just quietly waiting for luoxinghe's next words. "You say... Qianrou, would she be happier with him than at Luo's?" Luo Xinghe suddenly asked a question. Luo Wuji was stunned at first. After a moment's hesitation, as well as his serious look, he answered Luoxing River: "master, I'm sorry to be frank. If you stay by Jilei's side, you will be more happy than staying at Luo's house."

"Well?" When Luo Xinghe heard the speech, he was excited: "Jilei? That's the man's name. How old is that? "

"I should be the same age as miss. Miss once told me that the happiest time in her life was in those days of cangyunzong. Although her cold could not be suppressed completely, she said..."

"I would rather die of cold all my life, and I would like to have a moment with him."

Luo Xinghe hears the speech, and he doesn't know what he thinks in his heart. His own daughter actually evades his own family. This should be his biggest failure as a father? What's the charm of jiley?

"How strong is that boy?" Luo Xinghe asked.

"Emperor Wu is very heavy, but he is only 19 years old."

"When I was 19 years old, I had Emperor Wu again... This talent is good..." Ji Lei's achievement, even with the vision of Luo Xinghe, couldn't help admiring. Then he asked Luo Wuji, "do you think I should give qianrou to the Tang family?""That depends on how you say it." Luo Wuji replied, this answer is called Luoxing River, some doubts, "what do you mean?"

Luo Wuji laughed and said to Luo Xinghe calmly: "if you don't give the young lady to the Tang family, Ji Lei can be a friend and help the Luo family to oppose the Tang family together."

Smell speech, Luo Xinghe face a plank, way: "that if I insist to give her to Tang family?"

"Jilei is the enemy, the enemy of the Tang family and the Luo family. Jilei will never allow you to give the young lady to the Tang family, even if you are the master of the family and the daughter's father. Jilei still can't let go, he will fight his own life, do not hesitate to die with two families

"So cruel?" Luo Xinghe seems to be a little scared, "this boy is not as?"

"It depends on how much he attaches importance to miss Ji Lei, not only Jilei, but also those companions around Jilei. They are cruel and cruel people, and they are divided into groups, you know." I don't know why Luo Wuji's tone is so calm, but from his mouth, it is inexplicably full of killing intention and anger. Maybe Ji Lei's character is appreciated by Luo Wuji. Luo Xinghe doesn't even need to ask. If he wants Luo Wuji to stand in line, Luo Wuji will surely stand with Jilei if he wants to stand in line.

"Grandma, what kind of guy is qianrou interested in... I really want to see it..." Luo Xinghe's eyes suddenly surged up a little ferocity and asked Luo Wuji: "will he come tomorrow?" "As long as it's about Miss, he'll come any time."

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