"What?" Liu Jianning's eyes, when he heard Ji Lei say this, suddenly flashed a little surprise. He never thought that Jilei would take the initiative to ask for help to find his son back?! When Ji Lei said this, Liu Qingshuang was also a little surprised, but before Liu Qingshuang spoke, Liu Jianning clapped his hands and said, "OK! Since you have said it on your own initiative, if you don't agree, I don't understand! But you have to be prepared, they are very strong! After hearing this, Ji Lei looked at Liu Jianning with disdain, "will you give your wife to someone else at this time? If not, shut up. I don't care about the life and death of your son. Now I just want to help you because Qingshuang is your Liu family. If you are not interested, I will take Qingshuang to see if you dare to stop me! "

Ji Lei's words, scared Liu Jianning quickly changed a pair of flattering colors, "Emperor Wu! I'm just talking about it! Don't take it to heart! I will tell you now that the force that robbed my son is called the crazy sword gang. It is a local ruffian gang that comes in and is very rampant in Liucheng. "

"Crazy Dao Gang? The Liu family was actually reduced to being bullied by a group of thugs? " Ji Lei frowned and said with some doubts. After hearing this, Liu Jianning's face was a little embarrassed. He faltered and said, "this... The leader of the crazy sword sect is also in the realm of Emperor Wu. I can't beat him."

"All right, I see." Ji Lei didn't let Liu Jianning go on. She waved her hand impatiently: "where should I go to find this crazy Dao Gang?"

"In the downtown of Liucheng, there must be some crazy Dao Gang people!" Liu Jianning said excitedly: "the rampancy of the mad knife gang has made the Liu family's status in Liucheng a little bit lower! You must be careful...

"OK, I know." Ji Lei turned her mouth impatiently. Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly turned around, went to Liu Qingshuang, grabbed Liu Qingshuang's hand, and said to Liu Jianning, "Qingshuang is not safe with you, so she must follow me." "Ah..." Liu Jianning was embarrassed. He had expected to keep Liu Qingshuang in the Liu family as a base card to blackmail Ji Lei. However, Ji Lei was very smart. It was not Liu Jianning who would not respond to Ji Lei's request. The key is that Liu Jianning has no right to oppose Ji Lei's request. If the family is not happy and takes Liu Qingshuang to leave, who is the Liu family Can you stop it? In fact, it's just one point to worry about. Another reason is that after Liu Qingshuang takes the Fuyuan pill, Ji Lei can be with Liu Qingshuang at any time and anywhere to help Liu Qingshuang gather the foundation of martial arts. Now Liu Qingshuang doesn't even have the soul of martial arts. The top priority is to awaken the soul of martial arts!

Without waiting for Liu Jianning to answer, Ji Lei takes Liu Qingshuang's hand directly, and then goes out to Liu's house.

Before leaving, Liu Zongming saw the color of joy in Liu Qingshuang's eyes. Now she couldn't help laughing bitterly. How much did Liu Qingshuang hate the Liu family... "Now take the pills..." Ji Lei guided Liu Qingshuang to take Fuyuan pills. After taking the pills, Liu Qingshuang did not feel any difference in her body. Ji Lei was not disappointed He knew that the effect of the pill had not yet broken out, so he slowly enlightened Liu Qingshuang, "try to

gather Qi in the elixir field?" Liu Qingshuang nodded and then tried to gather a trace of aura in the body's elixir field. However, after a long time of efforts, Liu Qingshuang still had no feeling of gathering Qi. Ji Lei's eyes showed a little disappointment. "The grade of Fuyuan pill is too low, for you, the efficacy is


Liu Qingshuang hears the speech, and her eyes show a little disappointment. However, even if she comes back to her senses, she smiles and comforts Ji Lei and says, "it's OK. I can't practice in my whole life."

"No! Your biggest wish is to be a warrior! I have to help you realize this wish! My girl is not allowed to have any regrets! " Ji Lei's tone is particularly firm and overbearing. He has a plan in mind. Then he says to Liu Qingshuang, "you take off your clothes."

"Ah?" Liu Qingshuang's cheek flushed instantly. Does Jilei think of...

"what do you think? I use my aura to warm up your elixir field. In my opinion, you haven't felt the aura for a long time. The function of absorbing aura in the elixir field has degenerated. My aura is special and should be able to wake up your elixir field. "

"So... Must you take off your clothes..." Liu Qingshuang is red, and seems to be unable to let go of Ji Lei. Ji Lei can't help but feel anxious: "you are all mine. Are you still tangled with these things?"

"All right, all right." Liu Qingshuang can only do what he says. After all, it is not long before the two talents meet again. Ji Lei suddenly puts forward this request, which makes Liu Qingshuang not respond to it. However, after some ideological struggle, Liu Qingshuang still agrees to Ji Lei's request.

Liu Qingshuang's hands blocked the key places and turned his back to Ji Lei. However, Ji Lei Guang saw the beautiful body and skin, and the nosebleed was smeared out and couldn't be stopped!"You... What's wrong with you?"

"Don't turn around!" Ji Lei is afraid that after Liu Qingshuang turns around and is seen by Jilei, he can't resist the impulse of instinct directly, but now is not the time to do this! At this time, Jilei is still rational. Although he is eager, he is not as hungry as he is!

Liu Qingshuang can only do it. Ji Lei takes a few deep breaths, and the aura gradually spreads to suppress Ji Lei's restless mood. When he calms down, he begins to transmit aura for Liu Qingshuang.

Ji Lei reaches out her hand and walks on Liu Qingshuang's smooth back. The aura gradually spreads from her fingers to Liu Qingshuang's body. The delicate touch almost killed Ji Lei. After repeated restraint, Ji Lei resisted the impulse to become a wolf and continued to transmit aura to Liu Qingshuang. However, it may be due to instinct. When the warm aura was transferred into Liu Qingshuang's body, Liu Qingshuang felt extremely comfortable, so

couldn't help but whisper.


the sound almost didn't make Ji Lei's nose bleed. Now Ji Lei really wants to cry to death. It's not good for Liu Qingshuang. If it goes on, I'm afraid he'll die, and the bottom of his pants is about to explode. How can Ji Lei concentrate on opening up the elixir field for Liu Qingshuang?

Ji Lei coughs gently. Liu Qingshuang seems to realize something. Her cheek is slightly red. Her teeth nibble at her lips and says, "I'm sorry...

" just pay attention next time. " Ji Lei didn't say much, just wanted to finish the work that required people's lives quickly...

after a long time, Liu Qingshuang suddenly exclaimed, "I seem to feel it!"

"Really?" Ji Lei is overjoyed. In Liu Qingshuang's body, two forces gradually begin to blend. One is Ji Lei's matchless aura, and the other is Liu Qingshuang's Fuyuan pill. Under the catalysis of warm aura, the effect of Fuyuan pill begins to attack!

The aura is constantly flowing towards Liu Qingshuang's body! Huge strength, in Liu Qingshuang's body cohesion! At the same time, it brought her great pain! "Jiley, i... I'm in pain!" Liu Qingshuang closed her pretty eyes, her cold sweat fell, and her cheek was pale! Ji Lei sees this and holds Liu Qingshuang's hand. At this time, his mind is all in Liu Qingshuang's safety. He comforts Liu Qingshuang: "be afraid, I'm here. Your martial spirit awakes too late, so you have to use

rough means to succeed... Bear with it... Don't be afraid...

Ji Lei holds Liu Qingshuang's petite body in her arms and gently pats Liu Qingshuang's back To comfort her, Ji Lei knows that in this case, the only one who can help Liu Qingshuang is herself. If she carries on, then everything will be finished!

Liu Qingshuang curls up in Jilei's arms, shivering like a kitten. The pain makes her mind blank. The only thing left in her mind is a belief that she can't let Jilei down!


I don't know how long, Liu Qingshuang's abdomen, suddenly sent out a ray of light! In the light, a new martial spirit, like a baby, appears in Liu Qingshuang's body.

this martial spirit as like as two peas, and brings a familiar touch to Ji Lei. It feels like a warrior God.

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